Tag Archives: wbcq

Upcoming shows on the Isle of Music

Many thanks to Bill Tilford,who updates us on some of his upcoming Isle of Music broadcasts:FTIOMPROMOFEB29

Greetings. Update for From the Isle of Music on WBCQ, 7490 KHz, 0100-0200 Tuesdays (Monday nights 8-9pm [EST] in the Americas)

The next few weeks of From the Isle of Music will feature, in addition to an eclectic selection of music from Cuba:

Feb 29: Special Guest is Juan Carlos Marín, on of Cuba’s best Jazz saxophonists

March 7: Special Guest is Ethiel Failde, director of Orquesta Miguel Failde, which preserves the Danzon, one of Cuba’s most important popular musical genres (it helped give birth to the Mambo and influenced North American Jazz)

March 14: Special Guest is Leo Garcia, leader of the group Timbalive, which plays Timba, one of Cuba’s best genres of modern dance music. Timbalive is based in Miami but regularly works with musicians on the island in its recordings.
A graphic for our Feb 29 show is attached…..

Thanks for all you do for radio……

And many thanks to you, Bill, for broadcasting the excellent tunes!

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WBCQ moving from 5,110 to 5,130 kHz

wbcq-logoSWLing Post contributor, Paul Walker, who hosts a radio show on WBCQ, received the following message from the station yesterday:

The FCC has just informed Allan Weiner that the military needs our 5110 frequency.

So your show on Friday 3/11 (10pm Eastern – midnight) will be broadcast on 9330 and 5130.

WBCQ has been announcing this change on the air. Many thanks to Mike, who shared this video of Allan Weiner making the announcement last night:

Click here to view on YouTube.

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Saturday: Listen to the Voice of TheReportoftheWeek on WRMI & WBCQ

HalliDialMany thanks to SWLing Post reader, John, who hosts TheReportOfTheWeek channel on YouTube and writes:

To begin, I have a YouTube channel which focuses primarily on reviews of popular fast food items and while this may seem irrelevant at first, this actually is a major part of the broadcast. The channel name is “TheReportOfTheWeek”.

Over years, this channel has built up a following of 43,000 subscribed individuals and come February 20th, my channel will have existed and been in operation for 5 years now.

Aside from reviews though, I also run a “talk” program known as VORW or “Voice of theReportoftheWeek” in which I discuss current events, read listener letters and heavily promote my very favorite hobby, shortwave radio.

[…]It was a dream to get this show onto shortwave radio and that dream was achieved in 2015.The VORW program was broadcast weekly on 7490 kHz and 5110 kHz via WBCQ from January – July of 2015.

Thanks to listener funding, I will again be on the air this Saturday to commemorate the 5 year anniversary of the channel, on my favorite medium of all and it will feature talk about shortwave radio, current events, discussion regarding the YouTube channel and its history, and it will also feature an eclectic variety of western music, past and present.

The schedule for the transmission is as follows:

WBCQ – 7490 kHz – 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM Eastern 2100 – 2200 UTC
WRMI – 7570 kHz – 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM Eastern 0100 – 0200 UTC

Any reception reports will be met with an E-QSL card and can be sent to [email protected]

All the best,

John (TheReportOfTheWeek)

Many thanks, John! I think it’s brilliant that you’ve taken your readers to the shortwaves. I’m currently at the Winter SWL Fest, but hope someone is able to record your broadcast for the shortwave archive.

Good luck with the broadcast!

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Paul schedules new shortwave broadcasts via WRMI, WBCQ and Channel 292


Many thanks to SWLing Post reader, Paul Walker, who writes:

I will be doing another broadcast on Shortwave and it’s going to be even bigger and better right now.

Tentatively, this is how the broadcast schedule times/frequencies work out to be:

  • WBCQ 5110khz and 9330khz Friday March 11th, 2016
    10pm to 12midnight Eastern (which is 0300 to 0500 UTC Saturday March 12th)
  • WRMI 11580khz Thursday March 10th, 2016 Thursday March 10th, 2016
    8pm to 10pm Eastern (which is 0100 to 0300utc on Friday March 11th)
  • Channel 292, 6070khz (Germany transmitter site) Friday March 110th, 2016
    10pm to 12midnight UK time (which is 5pm to 7pm eastern, not that Channel 292 can be heard in the US… just giving you a frame of reference)

I am in the process of booking all this time, so something could change in terms of times/dates between now and the broadcast dates.

I’ll be doing 2 hours of rock n roll and country music .. no commercials, no pleading for money, no asking for donations.. just me, playing the music I like.. because. well I want to and I can.

I’m paying for time on all 4 of these stations out of MY OWN POCKET, again for no reason, other then I want to.

So many complain about what radio lacks, wether am, fm or sw and lament about the old days or suggest what would work today.. but want it done with other people’s money.. they won’t put up and shut up. What I do won’t change radio or make much of a difference in the grand scheme of shortwave radio, but I can have fun and share my love of radio and music with others.

I am trying to secure an hour or two on a United Kingdom area AM station as well if it is affordable and I can find one to sell me time.

Writing to you from an apartment only 500 feet from the frozen Yukon river in Alaska’s interior region.

Excellent news, Paul! Please keep us informed as I’m happy to post any updates you may have. We’ll be listening!

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From the Isle of Music: a new music program on shortwave

Havana, Cuba (Photo: Wikimedia)

Havana, Cuba (Photo: Wikimedia)

Many thanks to Bill Tilford, Owner/Producer at Tilford Productions, who writes:

Beginning Monday, February 1, I will be hosting a weekly, hour-long music program, From the Isle of Music, dedicated to the music of Cuba, on WBCQ, 7.490 MHz, every Monday night from 8-9pm EST (currently 0100-0200 UTC).

I began listening to shortwave in childhood and now want to give something back to the medium.

This will be a cultural panorama of multiple genres from Classical to traditional music to Timba to Jazz to Funk, including a lot of things that people outside of Cuba might not know are played there. There will also be interviews. It will be partly in English, partly in Spanish. I hope to do this in the spirit of some of the best cultural programming of the golden years of shortwave.

There is a Facebook page, also titled From the Isle of Music, with more information.

Many thanks, Bill!  I will certainly tune in and look forward to your music selections and commentary. Please keep us informed if you have any updates!

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The Amateur Astronomer: Tune in to Troy’s Christmas gift

imageSWLing Post reader, Troy Riedel, received a gift like no other from his son this Christmas. No, it wasn’t the fabulous Celestron telescope in the above photo.  On Christmas Eve (December 24) Troy sent the following message:

Merry Christmas, Thomas.

I have to tell you what my son gave me for Christmas a few hours ago.

He purchased 1-hour of radio time for me on WBCQ (5110) for Wednesday, 30 December at 8 P.M. EST.

I will have to pre-record approximately 50-55 minutes over the coming days (not much time to prepare).

After telling my son this is cool – I also added this is the most stressful gift I’ve ever received.

My son suggested I may want to talk about astronomy.

A cool gift, indeed.  Evidently––and even more cool–– Troy is something of a hardcore amateur astronomer. I also encouraged him to do a show on this topic; I can’t think of the last time I heard a show about astronomy on shortwave!

Troy Riedel, host of The Amateur Astronomer

Troy Riedel, host of The Amateur Astronomer

So, despite the challenge of putting a show together in less than a week, Troy confirmed yesterday that he has already completed the show and WBCQ will air it at the following time/frequency:

5,110 kHz on Dec 30, 2015 at 8:00 PM EST (1:00 UTC December 31, 2015)

Troy is looking forward to reception reports and will announce the address during the broadcast.

Oh––and being the good man he is, Troy is also including a PSA for Ears To Our World. Thanks, Troy!

Looking forward to the show!

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Bill recommends WBCQ


Many thanks to SWLing Post reader, Bill (W8LV), who writes:

I hope the SWLing Audience out there is familiar with WBCQ, and owner Allan’s Show: Allan Weiner Worldwide. It is broadcast on WBCQ 7.490 every Friday at 8 PM EST. It’s a Free Form Show with an email and call in number.

Allan talks about anything that crosses his mind, and of course that includes radio with every show. All of the shows are also archived at www.wbcq.com, as are many of the other offerings of WBCQ.

I also want to mention that Former Pirate JP Ferraro has a show there called Shortwave Saturday Night.

There are also many other shows, both live and archived on the WBCQ website! Ham radio, Marion’s Attic with the old cylinder records, etc…

And, the merriment of Former NYC Pirate Johnny P. Lightning is heard on WBCQ every other Sunday from 8PM EST till 11PM, frequently with a pre-show that starts at 7:30PM. John also takes emails and calls. You can also catch John’s Show: Radio New York International, a.k.a. A Little Bit of Radio Everything Radio Extravaganzo live encores, with archived ALBORE
shows at the 11L Network site:

These are real radio people, folks. And WBCQ is such a wonderful station, currently broadcasting on three frequencies from Monticello, Maine.

I hope you tune in!

Bill, you’re right: WBCQ is an amazing independent shortwave broadcaster! WBCQ staff are all true die-hard shortwave listeners as well. A great bunch. I also tune to the shows you mentioned above–another one I love is beHAVior Night on WBCQ every Friday at 5:00 PM EST.

Thanks again, Bill!

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