Tag Archives: World Radio Day

World Radio Day 2025: Celebrating Nuxalk Radio’s Mission to Revive Language and Culture

This World Radio Day, we celebrate the power of community radio with World Wide Waves ’25: Whispers in the Air, a moving documentary presented by Maria Margaronis and produced by our friend David Goren.


This BBC World Service feature highlights Nuxalk Radio, a small yet powerful station broadcasting from a trailer in Bella Coola, British Columbia. For the past decade, this station has been a beacon of cultural revival, helping the Nuxalk people reclaim their language and identity after decades of suppression. Through bilingual weather forecasts, recordings of elders, and new music blending ancient and modern sounds, Nuxalk Radio is not just preserving the past—it’s building a bridge to the future. Don’t miss this inspiring story of resilience and the enduring power of radio.

Listen now: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/w3ct7mch

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120 Years of XSG: Special World Radio Day Event and QSL Card

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor Michael (BD4AAQ), who shares the following announcement:

Notice from Shanghai Coast Radio Station (XSG) on Hosting the Global Amateur Radio Communication Event

Dear Amateur Radio Enthusiasts,

To celebrate World Radio Day and foster communication and interaction with amateur radio operators worldwide, Shanghai Coast Radio Station (XSG) is pleased to announce a global amateur radio communication event. The event will take place from 12 to 13 February 2025, using the station’s long-standing callsign, XSG.

Established in 1905, Shanghai Coast Radio Station celebrates its 120th anniversary this year. The station has used the callsign XSG ever since and, apart from the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS), has maintained Morse code telegraph services, preserving its historic significance and operational excellence.

Event Schedule:

The scheduled period will be from 00:00 UTC on 12 February 2025 to 24:00 UTC on 13 February 2025.

XSG Transmission Frequencies and Modes:

  • 4105 KHz CW/A1A
  • 6780 KHz CW/A1A
  • 8502 KHz CW/A1A
  • 12871.5 KHz CW/A1A
  • 17103.2 KHz CW/A1A

Prior to the official event, intermittent schedule announcements will also be broadcast on the above frequencies.

XSG Receive Frequencies and Modes:

  • 3521.3 KHz – 3526.3 KHz CW/A1A
  • 7021.3 KHz – 7026.3 KHz CW/A1A
  • 10121.3 KHz – 10126.3 KHz CW/A1A
  • 14021.3 KHz – 14026.3 KHz CW/A1A
  • 21021.3 KHz – 21026.3 KHz CW/A1A

QSL Confirmation:

Due to differing regulations set by amateur radio licensing authorities across the globe, XSG will only confirm amateur radio QSOs and SWL reports via paper QSL cards delivered by mail. If you wish to receive an XSG QSL card, please send your card to: No. 1 Diantai Road, Zhangjiang Town, Pudong New Area, Shanghai 201206, PR China. Email: hadt@shhadt.com.

Important Reminder:

To be clear, contacts with XSG will be cross-band contacts where XSG will operate on its authorized frequencies outside of the amateur radio bands, and any amateur radio operator making contact will operate within their own allocated amateur frequencies as listed above. Operators should exercise caution when operating split cross-band, ensuring they do not accidentally transmit on top of another station within the amateur bands. It’s a good practice to regularly monitor your transmit frequency.

Please note that amateur radio operators are not permitted to transmit on XSG’s dedicated frequencies. Operators must adhere to the transmission requirements in their respective licenses. It is recommended that amateur radio enthusiasts consult their national licensing authorities regarding applicable regulations before engaging in communications with XSG.

We warmly invite amateur radio operators worldwide to participate in this event and look forward to celebrating this milestone together.

Shanghai Coast Radio Station (XSG)
19 January 2025

Information provided by BD4AAQ (Michael Ye) and BH4BFS (Xusheng Niu)

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World Radio Day 2025: Radio and Climate Change

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor Paul Jamet, who writes:

Hello Thomas,

This short message to draw your attention on the following:

The theme of World Radio Day on February 13, 2025 is “Radio and Climate Change”:



I hope this information is helpful to you.

All the best.


Thank you so much for sharing this, Paul! I always look forward to World Radio Day!

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The Conversation: “100 Years of Radio in Africa: from propaganda to people’s power”

Radio Taboo in Cameroon

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Marty, who shares the following article from The Conversation:

100 years of radio in Africa: from propaganda to people’s power (The Conversation)

Radio is thriving across Africa. Exact figures are difficult to come by because audience research differs across countries. But studies estimate radio listenership to be between 60% and 80% of the continent’s 1.4 billion population.

In contrast to many western countries, where there has been a shift towards streaming and podcasts, traditional radio continues to be widely embraced in Africa. Because of poor literacy levels and uneven access to the internet and technological infrastructure, old-fashioned radio remains a reliable and inclusive medium.

This year’s celebration of the 100-plus years of radio offers us an opportunity, as African media scholars, to reflect on the historical significance, cultural relevance, political power and social impact of the medium on the continent. We home in on examples from the regions we’ve studied to demonstrate this rich history.

Early years

The story of radio in Africa starts with its introduction to serve colonial interests. Cameroonian scholar Francis Nyamnjoh argues that as soon as it had established itself as a mass medium in the 1920s,

European states were quick to realise the part radio could play in realising their desire to swallow up weaker cultures around the globe.

Historians note that it also allowed Europeans in the colonies to connect to home, their culture and their languages.

In the early 1920s amateur radio enthusiasts had already begun tinkering with the technology. The first official broadcast seems to have been on 18 December 1923 in Johannesburg, South Africa. [Continue reading at The Conversation…]

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UNESCO World Radio Day 2024: Club du Perche contribution

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Paul Jamet, who shares the following contribution to World Radio Day 2024 on behalf of the Club du Perche:

Word Radio Day 2024


Member of the Radio Club du Perche

Among the framing elements of the 2024 edition, UNESCO states on its website that the celebration highlights three important values:

UNESCO – The indelible history of Radio and its powerful impact upon news, drama, music, sports …

P.J. – Radio is a grand lady, a hundred years old, still young at heart and full of projects! Its birth and history have given rise to numerous publications and captivating accounts, because for over a century, radio has been the world’s sound memory. Radio stations regularly draw on their rich archives to help us relive key events, because history informs the future. Since the 1920s, radio has demonstrated its usefulness in explaining how the world works, educating listeners and providing entertainment (music, theater, sports, etc.).

UNESCO – The ongoing utilitarian value of Radio as a relatively free and portable public safety net during emergencies and power outages brought on by natural and human-made disasters such as storms, earthquakes, floods, heat, wildfires, accidents and warfare.

P.J. – In recent years, with the increasing number of conflicts and natural disasters resulting from climate change, radio has taken on a new and extremely important role, that of providing a public safety network for both emergency resources and victims. Dozens of models of portable emergency receivers are already available, while others are arriving on the market all the time, using new technologies such as the digitization of radio signals, the use of emergency frequencies for broadcasting warning messages: NOAA frequencies in North America, EWF (Emergency Warning Functionality) technology with DRM broadcasting, and expected also with DAB+ broadcasting.

UNESCOThe continuing democratic value of Radio to serve as a grassroots catalyst for connectedness within underserved groups including immigrant, religious, minority and poverty-stricken populations; and as an instantaneous bellwether of public opinion expressed through the auspices of free speech in the public space.

 P.J. – I was born after the Second World War. My mother often told me about the importance of [clandestine] listening to Radio Londres broadcast by the BBC to occupied France. At the time, the BBC was broadcasting messages to the Resistance operating in France and other European countries. Since then, radio has played a decisive role in many similar situations. Such was the case with Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty until the fall of the Berlin Wall in November 1989. More recently, a few days after the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian war, some stations reactivated their Shortwave transmitters to broadcast special programs to the conflict zone – Zone CIRAF 29. 

Since the start of the third millennium, or even before, several countries have abandoned international broadcasting for a variety of reasons: financial, but also linked to the declining audience, preferring to use the Internet, at least in the best-equipped countries. Many stations have disappeared, and not the least, stations that made a major contribution to the plurality of information and points of view, such as RCI – Canada and RSI – Switzerland, not forgetting DW – Germany and ABC – Australia. Some countries have even demolished their installations and taken down their antennas! 

Yet there are still vast areas of the globe without Internet access or a reliable Internet network. There are still countries where freedom of information is severely controlled. 

In a recent article published on the Radioworld website, Kim Andrew Elliott, who produced “VoA Radiogram”, argues for a revival of Shortwave by proposing Shortwave 2.0, essentially using the following argument: « radio is the ultimate internet circumvention tool ». The author criticizes DRM for dropping out when transmission conditions are poor. He prefers text transmission via the system he has experimented with, which he believes to be more robust. Finally, he adds that « international broadcasters should not close any more shortwave transmitting sites. They are essential facilities to relay information when the internet is blocked, which will happen in more places, more frequently and more thoroughly ».

Through regular listening and exchanges, I fully support international radio stations for the indispensable role they play in providing a plurality of information, but also in providing entertainment (there are many cultural programs) and education, enabling the discovery of other countries and, above all, a better understanding of other cultures.

 As for the Clubs d’écouteurs, they have had to adapt to changes in the radio landscape and advances in information technology.  On the strength of its 40 years of existence and experience, the Radio Club du Perche wishes to take up these challenges and continue its role of promoting international broadcasting – particularly French-speaking – by adapting as best we can to the technological evolutions that are taking place. 

In conclusion, international shortwave broadcasting not only makes sense, but is still very useful for a large number of listeners or in certain situations. Nevertheless, it must adapt to the new realities of modern communication if it is to remain relevant and viable. 

Paul JAMET  –  paul.jamet@free.fr 

Radio Club du Perche

Paul adds that his club members are writing stations to not only submit listener reports but to thank them for their service on the air. We encourage readers to do the same: reach out to any/all radio stations you listen to regularly and let them know you’re listening! 

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2023 World Radio Day Notes: RTVA, message to RRI, and Radios to Ukraine


Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Tracy Wood, who notes:

RTVA celebrated World Radio Day with this news story. The first person interviewed in the clip is Josep Maria Samper who happened to be the great RTVA engineer/ tourguide for antendees of EDXC 2019. (He has since retired.)


(The language is Catalan.)

Not shown in this clip, a live theatre/review was also performed in a previous evening at the former Radio Andorra transmitter plant; RTVA newscast viewers could clearly see the old HF transmitters in the background…

Radio and Peace: Tim’s Essay for RRI

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Tim Brockett, who writes:

Hello Thomas,
Radio Romania recently requested that listeners submit comments on the topic “Radio and Peace”. Radio Romania selected several submissions and read them on their North American broadcast on February 12, 2023 UTC at 04:50. I was honored to hear that they enjoyed my short essay and read it over the air:

Radio and Peace

Shortwave radio presents a unique opportunity to engage listeners and build pathways for understanding other cultures. Like reading a book, listening to the radio involves just one sense. Thus it is possible for the undistracted listener to be completely immersed in the broadcast. If the broadcast is educational, cultural, and fact-based the listener may devote 100% of their attention to that show. If encouraged, the listener may also request a QSL which is a valuable opportunity for the broadcaster to communicate with them again. The listener’s curiosity may be piqued about a particular subject they can later research. Or they may store away their colorful QSLs and/or pleasant memories of tuning into a faraway station until they have a chance to visit the country they spent so many hours listening to.

Just as the author of a good book can form a lifelong bond with the reader, so can shortwave radio. I am amazed at the number of listeners who started with shortwave half a century ago and are often featured on DX program segments. DXers frequently mourn long-gone radio stations as they do close friends who have passed on. Shortwave radio is a powerful medium that can emotionally connect with listeners for many decades.

Shortwave radio can vastly broaden the horizons of individuals around the world. Radios are inexpensive and broadcasts reach every point on the globe. Powerful broadcasts cross international borders with ease. Radio frequently offers a voice different from what the listener hears in their local community. That can lead to a deeper understanding of distant countries and cultures. Better understanding and the freedom to hear new ideas is a building block for the antonym of war; peace.

Radios to Ukraine

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Paul Jamet, who writes:

Hi Thomas,

Following World Radio Day on the theme “Radio & Peace”, I draw your attention to this article online on the Radioworld website: http://www.radioworld.com

Portable radios take overseas trip to Ukraine, local fundraising continues

I am aware that this is a politically very sensitive subject… But I wonder why the receiver that is distributed does not allow listening to short waves? Nowadays, there are affordable receivers that allow shortwave listening

This example is a good illustration of the indispensable role that radio still plays in today’s world.

Kind regards.


Many thanks to Tracy, Tim, and Paul for sharing these World Radio Day items!


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Celebrating World Radio Day 2022!

Today is UNESCO World Radio Day and this year the theme of trust highlights the importance of radio as an accessible form of information.

Below are some of the many projects celebrating World Radio Day:

Cities and Memory: Shortwave Transmissions

As mentioned in a previous post, we at the Shortwave Radio Audio Archive are truly honored to have been a resource for this incredible and diverse sound project organized by Cities and Memory.

We encourage you to explore the creative work from over 120 artists and composers.

A great many of these remarkable dynamic works draw on a wide array of recordings from the SRAA; the resulting compositions and soundscapes are rich with sonic textures, evocative collages of sound and memory, which emerge into further sources of inspiration.

Our profound thanks to Cities and Memory––and all of the participating artists––for this truly brilliant collection which you can check out on the Shortwave Transmissions project page.

BBC World Service Documentary: “World Wide Waves ’22: The sounds of community radio”

As we mention in a previous post, this brilliant radio documentary focusing on community radio is available on the BBC World Service website and BBC Sounds

Here’s the description:

For World Radio Day 2022, we tune in to radio stations around the world that connect communities, spark conversations, keep traditions alive and give a voice to their listeners. From Aboriginal Koori Radio in Australia to a community station in India run by rural women from the lowest Dalit caste, the airwaves carry intimate wisdom, vital knowledge, beats and tunes that keep reminding us who we are.

Note that this piece was produced by our friend David Goren, of Shortwaveology fame. Continue reading

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