Monthly Archives: April 2024

Rich’s propagation observations during the total solar eclipse

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Rich Stahl, who writes:

In Ocean View NJ, our eclipse started at 2:08, 3:23 totality, and ended 4:35. We have a daytimer here on 1020, WWAC, at 1900 watts, and I was curious if KDKA, at 50kw, also on 1020, would have any presence during the event. I used my Tecsun PL330, on the internal ferrite antenna, and did a band scan 530-1710 every fifteen minutes to see what it would capture. From 2:15 up to the 3:45 scan, the radio captured between eight and ten signals per scan. Up to this point, the sun still had the D layer fully ionized. But after the mid point, the 4:00 scan had 19 captures, the 4:15 scan had 38, and the 4:30 scan had 36. The D layer had obviously de-ionized considerably. The very next scan, at 4:45, captures back down to 9. The sun was back in business. And never did I hear a peep out of KDKA.

Rich Stahl
Ocean View, NJ

Thank you for sharing your findings, Rich! Perhaps others can comment with their observations as well.

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Carlos’ Shortwave Art and recording of Radio Havana Cuba (April 12, 2024)

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor and noted political cartoonist, Carlos Latuff, who shares his radio log art of a recent Radio Havana Cuba broadcast.

Carlos notes:

News bulletin from Rádio Habana, Cuba, on 11760 kHz, heard in Florianópolis, Brazil.

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Here comes the Sun (again)

Hi FastRadioBurst 23 here from the Imaginary Stations crew. This weekend we have another KSOL broadcast to Europe via Shortwave Gold on Sunday 14th April 2024 at 0900/1300 hrs UTC on 6160 kHz and then at 2000 UTC on 6160 kHz and 3975 kHz. This time it’s a show featuring sunshine and soul which is a lovely combination!

On Thursday 18th April via WRMI  we bring you another episode of The Shortwave Music Library at 0200 UTC on 9395 kHz. With an eclectic mix and an across the board policy, you’ll enjoy hearing over those shortwaves what DJ Frederick picks out from his record collection this week.

For more information on the shows please email [email protected] and check out our old shows here.

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It’s a mystery

Hi FastRadioBurst 23 from the Imaginary Stations crew here letting you know about the Imaginary Stations Spring mystery challenge. We are inviting all our listeners to guess the theme of the show below on Mixcloud.

Please send your suggestions to [email protected] and the person who comes closest will be sent an individual QSL and a prize.

For more information on the shows please email [email protected] and check out our old shows here.

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From the Isle of Music and Uncle Bill’s Melting Pot Return to Channel 292

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Bill Tilford, who notes:

Beginning April 13 on Channel 292:

From the Isle of Music:
2nd Saturday of each month:
1100-1200 CEST/0900-1000 UTC on 9670 with beam D (Eastward)
Repeat 2100-2200 CEST/1900-2000 UTC on 6070

Uncle Bill’s Melting Pot:
3rd Saturday of each month:
1100-1200 CEST/0900-1000 UTC on 9670 with beam D (Eastward)
Repeat 2100-2200 CEST/1900-2000 UTC on 6070

The April 20 UBMP will be simulcast on 3955 from 2100-2200 CEST/1900-2000 UTC on 6070

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Kostas improves the contrast on his FRG-7 digital display

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Kostas (SV3ORA), for sharing the following guest post which originally appeared on his radio website:

FRG-7 digital display contrast improvement

by Kostas (SV3ORA)

The FRG-7 digital by Marcel Jacobs PA8MA, is a very well thought modification KIT for the Yaesu FRG-7 receiver. It really adds to it one of the things it misses (and it misses a lot) to become a more “serious” receiver in the modern era, the digital frequency readout and S-meter. If you are like me and enjoy classic radio gear, but you do not want to compromise much the every-day usability, I recommend you this KIT. I have to say here that, the first thing you would want to do if you use the receiver for SSB, is to perform my SSB-related mods as well.

When I installed this KIT on my FRG-7 The first thing I did not like about it, was the very bright display which blasts your eyes with light especially at night on a low-lit shack. Not only that, but your eye will condinuously focus on the bright display and you loose the magic of the rest of the radio controls and displays. I wanted the digital display to be one of the parts of the radio and not the major thing that my eyes will look all the time. Marcel was smart enough to include 2 brightness levels in software. The low brightness setting does not actually change the backlight of the display, it just changes the graphics in more dim colors. As a result in either setting, the backlight color is very bright and this decreases contrast a lot. The background of the numbers in the display has a blue-ish color and not true black. Not only that, but the edges of the display, are visible too. I have solved all of these problems with a simple modification to the KIT.

The picture above, shows the display after my modification. The picture is taken on a dim-lit shack using my phone, with no further image processing. What you see in this picture, is exactly what it looks in reality, after my modification. Notice how the background of the display, remains pure black and the numbers and graphics of the display do not blind you anymore and are of the same brightness as the rest of the original backlit graphics of the radio. This allows your eye to wander around to the rest of the nice radio backlit things, without focusing all the time on a bright display. This is very relaxing to the eye and the brain as you scan for stations. You actually only look at the digital display when you want more accuracy. Compare this nice display contrast with the one presented on Marcel’s manual and you will notice the difference.

The modification is really simple and it does not need a schematic. It is just a 22k potentiometer, connected as a variable resistor like shown in the picture. I just cut the second cable (from the left), of the ribbon and then soldered the variable resistor there. That’s it. Depended on the light conditions in which you operate the receiver and on your personal preference, you can set the brighness from full to very dim. In the software setting, set the brightness to maximum. Then use this variable resistor to decrease it to your desired level.

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Radio Moscow Ephemera Circa 1972

Many thanks to SWLing Post and SRAA contributor, Dan Greenall, who shares the following Radio Moscow ephemera from 1972. This media is also posted on

I first began listening to shortwave radio in December 1969 at the age of 15. My parents were very supportive of this newfound hobby and allowed some space in the basement for a listening post, in addition to permitting external antenna wires to be run across their property. Various pieces of radio equipment, audio cassettes, shelves of reference books and printed matter including albums filled with QSL’s were accumulated over the next several years, and it all followed me when I moved out. Or so I thought! While clearing out my parents estate in 2016, I came across some ephemera received from Radio Moscow in 1972, that was mixed in with a pile of old papers.

These included a leaflet announcing a Quiz to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the USSR, a frequency guide for their North American service from May to October 1972, and a small 12 page program guide for their North American and Pacific Coast Services.

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