Help record the 2021 BBC Antarctic Midwinter Broadcast today (June 21, 2021)

Halley VI Research Station on the Brunt Ice Shelf in Antarctica (Source: British Antarctic Survey Team)

Every year, the BBC broadcasts a special program to the scientists and support staff in the British Antarctic Survey Team. The BBC plays music requests and sends special messages to the small team–35 individuals this year–located at various Antarctic research stations. Each year, the thirty minute show is guaranteed to be quirky, nostalgic, and certainly a DX-worthy catch!

After successful listener events from years past, I’m once again calling on all SWLing Post readers and shortwave radio listeners to make a short recording (say, 30-60 seconds) of the BBC Antarctic Midwinter Broadcast today and share it here on the SWLing Post. Details on this below.

Time and frequencies

The 2021 Midwinter Broadcast will take place from 21:30-22:00 UTC on June 21, 2021 and will be broadcast on the following four frequencies:

  • 6035 kHz from Dhabbaya
  • 6170 kHz from Ascension
  • 7305 kHz from Woofferton
  • 9505 kHz from Woofferton

Recording the Midwinter Broadcast has become an SWLing Post community tradition! Read our previous post for more details.

I’m especially fond of this broadcast as it always falls on my birthday and it’s always fun capturing this unique DX!

Share your recording and notes with us!

In years past, I’ve created a post with all of the Midwinter recordings curated in one article. This usually takes me 12+ hours to prepare over a couple of weeks as many of the audio clips and video recordings must be formatted for the site and embedded. There is also a lot of discussions back/forth confirming details with listeners. This year, my schedule is such that if I try to piece one of these articles together I might not have it published for many, many weeks. That and I will not have reliable internet service over the next couple of weeks.

Instead, I’d like to try something new!

Comment with your recording!

During the Midwinter broadcast, I will publish a dedicated post where you can comment and include links to audio and video of your 2021 Midwinter Broadcast recordings. When this post is available, I will link to it here. This will allow you to post your logs and recordings at your convenience without my availability becoming the bottleneck.

So that there’s no confusion, I’ve turned off comments on this post so that comments are left on the appropriate article.

Here’s the format I’d like you to leave in your comment of the dedicated post:


Listening location:

Notes: (Include frequencies and any details about your receiver and antenna.)

Link to audio or video: (YouTube, Vimeo, Internet Archive, SoundCloud, etc.)

Video and Audio Recordings

There is no way to directly upload audio in your comments, however, you can link to the recordings if you upload them to the Internet Archive (which I’d highly recommend) or any of the video streaming services–like YouTube and Vimeo–or audio services like SoundCloud.

If you have a photo you’d like to include in your comment, send me an email from the same address you used in your comment. I’ll manually post the image at the top of your comment when time allows.

As with each year, I’ll make sure the BAS team and the BBC receive a link with all of your recordings!

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Adi notes that some new 18650 cells are longer with added protection circuit

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Adi, who writes:

Hi Thomas,

Recently I received from AliExp two 18650 3000mAh batteries to replace the aging original XHDATA for my D-808.

As you can see they are ~3mm longer than the original.

They still fit, but the spring is crushed to its minimum and the cover will not fit nicely unless I trim its inning a bit, with a knife .

A shorter one was on the page pictures when I order on AliEx, but I did not have the option to select it and I didn’t ask the seller.

The added 3mm is a new protection circuit

I charged them in the D-808 and, so far, they preform very well.

In order not to damage the spring, I decided to use these batteries only on long listening sessions and then put the original 18650s in, when the D-808 is at rest.

So when one is out there shopping for 18650s, it’s important to take note of their size.

Regards, Adi

Many thanks, Adi. I do see where the seller is noting the increased length of each cell to accommodate the protection circuit. It might be difficult to judge in advance, however, if a particular radio or device can cope with these slightly larger cells. Thank you for sharing this, Adi!

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The new HanRongDa HRD-747 portable spotted on Ali Baba

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Michael Schuster, who writes:

The Shenzhen HanRongDa HRD-747 is now spotted in the wholesale supply channel at US$53, minimum order 2 pieces.

The Ali listing has some closeups showing the display and key functions, battery compartment, sockets, and even a brief video demonstrating airband reception.

Thank you for sharing this, Mike! I would welcome a review of this portable!

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Canada D’eh Special Broadcast

Canada D’eh
Date/Time:  July 1, 10-11PM EDT (July 2, 0200-0300 UTC)
Frequency:  WBCQ The Planet, 6160 & 7490 kHz

July 1st is Canada Day, and since RCI is no longer blessing shortwave listeners with its presence on the short waves, Fred Waterer, a genuine Canadian, and “Uncle Bill” Tilford, an American who is frequently mistaken for one, will present Canada D’eh, an affectionate salute to the occasion with music, humor, fun facts and stories on WBCQ The Planet, which is right next door to Canada with time donated by Angela and Allan Weiner.

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International Radio Report reviews the Tecsun H-501x

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Sheldon Harvey, who writes:

Hi, Thomas

Gilles and I have a special edition of the International Radio Report in which we discuss the new Tecsun H-501X portable shortwave receiver.

The special edition is available exclusively on our show’s YouTube channel.

Here is the link to the video:

Thank you for sharing this, Sheldon!

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Four frequencies will be used for the 2021 BBC Midwinter Broadcast

Many thanks to Richard Hollingham with Boffin Media, who writes:

Hi – I’m (proudly) the Executive Producer of the Antarctic Midwinter Broadcast. It’s made by Boffin Media for the BBC….I’m about to deliver this year’s edition.

In terms of the broadcast itself, following the test on Monday, the BBC’s decided to transmit on all four of the frequencies [noted here] this year.

Because it’s a unique broadcast, the SW version is 30 minutes long whereas the global version is 26′ 29″ (to fit the standard World Service half hour, following the news bulletin). The SW version also has a different introduction as it’s aimed just at our audience of 35 in Antarctica.

Fascinating! Thank you for sharing this, Richard. We’ll be listening!

As a reminder, here are the frequencies courtesy of Richard Langley:

  • 6035 kHz from Dhabbaya
  • 6170 kHz from Ascension
  • 7305 kHz from Woofferton
  • 9505 kHz from Woofferton
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