Calling all magic carpet fitters and friends

Fastradioburst23 here to let you know about WFCR Flying Carpet Radio this Sunday 12th March 2023 on 9395 kHz at 2200 hrs UTC. Brought to you by the Imaginary Stations crew this is an exotic journey through the skies on what looks like a common or garden floor covering made from thick woven fabric. Don’t be fooled, this carpet flies!


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Gentle reminder: The Great Medium Wave Daylight DX Challenge is tomorrow!

Here are the rules:

  1. Frequency range is the medium wave band: 520-1710 kHz
  2. 10 am to 2 pm your local time on Saturday, March 11, 2023 .
  3. Any radio with any antenna, but must be the radio at your location (no using remote internet radios)
  4. The listener must hear the signal in real time
  5. The stations must be ID’ed by listening to the signal.
  6. Your report should include:
    • Your name (or Internet handle)
    • Your receiver and antenna (stay with the same setup from beginning to end; if you use multiple setups, provide a separate report for each).
    • Your location
    • The time, the frequency, and the ID of each station heard
    • The total mileage of your top five most distant stations.

A final point: this is not a contest; it is a challenge. The reward for every participant will be fun and fellowship.

UPDATE: Chuck Rippel did sweeten the pot, though! Check out his generous offer here.

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Paul’s recording of the Voice of Korea with a Tecsun PL-330

Carlos Latuff’s artwork from a Feb 9, 2023 VOK broadcast.

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Paul Jamet, who writes:

Hello Thomas

To complement the article Carlos’ Shortwave Art and recording of the Voice of Korea, I send you a recording of the Voice of Korea made with a TECSUN PL-330 with a 23-foot wire antenna:

February 9, 2023 – 04:12:00 p.m. UTC – Frequency: 12015kHz

The announcer describes in laudatory and emphatic terms the recent solemn military parade which took place on the night of February 9 to 10 in Kim il-Sung square in Pyongyang. I recorded for 5’40” in order to show the stability of the signal (no fading) but the recording is too long, at least I think so. It’s up to you to cut if this recording catches your attention

The receivers may have improved but I believe that North Korea now uses more modern and more powerful transmitters (200 kW according to the site

Best wishes.


Thank you for sharing, Paul!

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RNZ: “Signal to noise – is AM radio really under threat?”

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Connor Walsh, who shares the following piece from Radio New Zealand:

Signal to noise – is AM radio really under threat? (RNZ)

Old-fashioned AM radio was an information lifeline for many during Cyclone Gabrielle when other sources wilted without power. Now a little-known arrangement that puts proceedings of Parliament on the air has been cited as a threat to its future. But is a switch-off really likely? And what’s being done to avoid it?

“Government websites are a waste of time. All they’ve got is a transistor radio – and they need to actually provide a means for these people who need the information to damn well get it,” Today FM’s afternoon host Mark Richardson told listeners angrily on the day Cyclone Gabrielle struck.

He was venting in response to listeners without power complaining online information was inaccessible, and pleading for the radio station to relay emergency updates over the air.

Mobile phone and data services were knocked out in many areas where electricity supplies to towers were cut – or faded away after back-up batteries drained after 4-8 hours. In some places FM radio transmission was knocked out but nationwide AM transmission was still available.

“This will sharpen the minds of people on just how important . . . legacy platforms like AM transmission are in Civil Defence emergencies,” RNZ news chief Richard Sutherland told Mediawatch soon after. [Continue reading at RNZ…]

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Radio Waves: RÚV LW Transmitter Demolished, Dave Rowntree & Longwave, Radio Angela Anniversary, and Como Audio Closes Permanently

Radio Waves:  Stories Making Waves in the World of Radio

Welcome to the SWLing Post’s Radio Waves, a collection of links to interesting stories making waves in the world of radio. Enjoy!

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributors Dennis Dura, ______ for the following tips:

Third largest structure in Iceland demolished (RUV English)

Once ubiquitous, few radios now receive long wave broadcasts. Priority is now given to boosting FM signals. RÚV’s long wave transmitter in East Iceland has been demolished.

Monday saw RÚV’s East Iceland long wave transmitter switched off. The mast at Eiðar, at 218 metres the third tallest structure in the country, transmitted RÚV’s radio services across the east of the country and out into the Norwegian Sea. In a statement, RÚV say that the equipment needed to maintain the service is very expensive, and few radios now receive long wave broadcasts.

The change is being made in association with Iceland’s Civil Defence and other bodies concerned with emergencies, as long wave signals have traditionally formed part of emergency communication planning. However, an upgraded FM system will take over this function.

The long wave signal from Eiður, on 207kHz, has been replaced by a more powerful FM network in East Iceland. RÚV has increased the number of FM transmitters and renewed existing masts. Long wave transmissions will continue for a time on 189 kHz from Hellissandur at Gufuskálar in West Iceland – Iceland’s tallest structure at 412 metres – but it too will ultimately close, and then the FM system will fully take over the role of safety broadcasts. [Click here to continue reading and watch demolition video…]

Click here to watch the RUV report on the end of this longwave service (in Icelandic).

Blur’s Dave Rowntree: Long wave radio changed my life – BBC mustn’t switch it off prematurely (

Long wave radio changed Blur drummer Dave Rowntree’s life. Now he warns the BBC not to switch off the shipping forecast signal until the whole country is digitally connected

From childhood to his chart-topping days with Blur, long wave radio has played a central role in Dave Rowntree’s life.

Now the drummer has warned that the BBC’s plans to switch-off the crackly signal could disenfranchise millions of radio listeners who still struggle to receive digital transmissions.

The BBC will end AM radio transmissions – including long wave, home of the Shipping Forecast and medium wave – currently still accessed by an estimated 6.5 million listeners each week.

BBC Radio 5 Live’s medium wave frequencies will fall silent by the end of 2027 with a date for ending long wave currently under discussion.

Rowntree, who holds an amateur radio licence and took inspiration from the shipping forecast for Blur’s hit “This Is A Low”, said the signal should not be turned off prematurely. Continue reading

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LRA 36 Special Broadcast: “Uniting Voices” this Saturday (March 11, 2023)

In the studio of LRA 36, Antarctica

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Paul Walker, who shares the following announcement:

New broadcast of “Uniting Voices” on LRA 36 “National Radio Archangel San Gabriel”

SATURDAY MARCH 11 – 18:00 ART Argentina Time (21:00 UTC) until 24:00 ART Saturday (03:00 UTC Sunday)

Six hours of uninterrupted short wave radio from Antarctica

The Antarctic station of Base Esperanza will broadcast a new program of the special summer cycle called “Uniting Voices”. The broadcast will include interviews, special notes, cultural information, news of activities developed during the 2023 Antarctic Summer Campaign, National Radio podcast and music.

Production: Commando Conjunto Antarctic, Radio Argentina Exterior (RAE) and project “Uniting Voices” of the National University of Quilmes.

Listen to the program on 15.476 kHz (USB) shortwave, starting at 21:00 UTC on March 10, 2023.

Internet: , Select Stations, Land of Fire, LRA36.
LRA 36 Whatsapp: +54 9 297-624-0137

Reception Reports to: [email protected]

Thank you for the tip, Paul!

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Register and join us at the QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo!

The 2023 QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo will be held on March 25 – 26 and I would encourage you to register now.

I have attended every QSO Today Visual Ham Expo since Eric (4Z1UG) created this brilliant virtual event. The online platform is quite easy to use and there are loads of fascinating topics from a wide variety of presenters.

Click here to check out the presentation list.

I applaud Eric for championing radio topics that are open and accessible to Technician (and equivalent) class operators.

Twice before, I haven’t been able to attend the Expo sessions live (due to my schedule) but I register anyway! Why? Eric archives and provides all of the presentations in video format on-demand for Expo attendees after the event has ended. I simply log in and work my way through presentations over the course of a month, one morning coffee after another! The gift that keeps on giving!

These presentations are a shorter format and (I find) focus less on general topics covered elsewhere; they’re truly unique to the Expo.

This is one of the main reasons I register for the QSO Today Virtual Expo: I want to support a platform that produces brilliant ideas, innovations, and encourages a wide radio of radio activities!

Click here to check out the Expo and register.

I have no idea how Eric puts all of this together, but I’m glad he does and we all benefit from it.

Ham Radio Workbench Podcast at the QSO Today Virtual Expo!

Join us for a live recording of the Ham Radio Workbench podcast as we help kick off the Expo on March 25, 2023 starting at 1:00 UTC (March 24, 2023, 6:00 PM).

Click here for the schedule.

Eric also shared the following preview of the Roundtable Lounge that allow Expo participants to hang out in real time and move from table to table fluidly.

Here is what the Ham Radio Workbench table will look like (20 seats):

I’m really looking forward to this event! I hope you’ll join us.

Click here to register for the Expo!

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