Tag Archives: NASB

NASB meeting postponed

(Source: National Association of Shortwave Broadcasters)

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: The CEO of EWTN, owner of WEWN shortwave, announced on March 13 that they will not be able to host any meetings in the near future due to the COVID-19 coronavirus situation. As of now, there is no way to know how long the virus is going to be around or how transmittable it may become, so we are trying to take appropriate measures. NASB Board member Glen Tapley of WEWN said: “As much as we are looking forward to hosting the meeting and getting together with everyone, we are going to have to hold off on hosting NASB. Travel plans of attendees should not be finalized at this point. We will stay in contact and keep an eye on the coming weeks and months and hopefully be able to host NASB later this year.” So please do not make airline or other travel reservations, at least until we are able to announce new plans later this year. For those who have already made reservations, we hope that you will be able to cancel or change them due to the coronavirus circumstances. We are sorry for this change of plans, but we hope that the situation will soon improve.

Click here for more info at the NASB website.

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NASB: “Digital Radio Mondiale Delivers at IBC 2017”

Photo credit: NASB


(Source: National Association of Shortwave Broadcasters Facebook Page)

Digital Radio Mondiale Delivers at IBC 2017

Participants in the four DRM events organised at IBC by Gospell, Thomson Broadcast, Nautel and Ampegon between 15th-17th of September have had an insight into a wide range of DRM activities, from big projects in Morocco (Thomson Broadcast), India and Hungary (Nautel), to the progress of DRM in South Africa. And DRM used not just for broadcasting but for other vital activities was demonstrated by Rfmondial involved in a wide-ranging application for the US Coast Guard.

One constant for all events, each unique and so different from the other, was the positive messages about DRM in both AM and VHF and the increasing availability of new receiver and receiver solutions, many always on display. The first event on Friday the 15th (Gospell) saw the launch of GR-227 the multi-standard (DRM/DAB/DAB+) car adaptor that is compatible with any car stereo with USB port and able to work with Android Smart Tune App. As the manufacturer explained, this after-market solution can be a significant development allowing digital reception in cars initially fitted with analogue receivers.

Of equal major interest was also the Titus II multi-standard digital radio receiver produced by Titus SDR, a division of PantronX. The consumer software-defined radio digital receiver platform, which is the result of collaboration between Titus SDR/Patron X, Jasmin-Infotech, TWR, and Fraunhofer IIS, supports multi-standard radio reception, including DRM, DAB and DAB+ and core data applications. The representatives of PantronX and TWR received lots of questions about this receiver system based on a custom Android tablet platform, featuring multipoint touch, WiFi/Bluetooth and stereo sound.

Other receiver possibilities: the tablet solution presented by Fraunhofer IIS, the Indian receiver Avion, and a new concept DRM receiver produced in South Africa all enforced the idea that the excellent work done by transmitter companies like Thomson Broadcast, Nautel and Ampegon in providing a digital transmitter infrastructure in many parts of the world can link now with the innovative receiver solutions.

The Thomson event came alive with the presentation about the huge project in Morocco and the Nautel event attracted lots of guests already familiar with the big projects of this established transmitter manufacturer recently in India and now in Hungary.

The last of the DRM events, hosted on the 17th by Ampegon was a moment of celebration. First of this company (now 75 years old) displaying solid-state transmitters of all capacities successfully used globally, as well. As Ampegon has been also involved in Africa and supported the first DRM trial in South Africa two years ago, they were the natural hosts of a special DRM award moment. The DRM Enterprise Award 2017 (Africa) has been awarded to 3 pioneering experts in promoting DRM digital radio in South Africa. The winners are Dr Roelf Petersen on behalf of Radio Pulpit (member of the Pulpit Media Group) and Broadcom International involved in the trial of DRM in mediumwave. The other two winners Thembeka Khaka (Thembeka Khaka and Associates) and Johannes von Weyssenhoff have been very active in getting the legal framework and conducting the current trial (DRM for local coverage) that is taking place in conjunction with a community station in Johannesburg. (This event was streamed on Twitter click here to view.)

As Ruxandra Obreja, Consortium Chairman, remarked: ”All those who have hosted successful DRM events, the new and old supporters and specialists interested in digital radio and DRM, all the other companies supporting DRM and present at IBC (BBC, Babcock, Becil, RFI, Riz, NXP, Rfmondial, Sentech, to mention just a few) all the guests from countries as far apart as India, Argentina, the Netherlands, Belgium, Pakistan, the Philippines have seen how much effort goes so that DRM can deliver for all, globally.”

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2015 Annual Meeting of the NASB in Washington DC


If you can make the trek to Washington DC on May 21st and 22nd, you might consider attending the 2015 NASB (National Association of Shortwave Broadcasters) Annual Meeting. Attendance is free of charge, but you must register in advance (click here for the registration form).

The meeting is being held at the Radio Free Asia headquarters at 2025 M Street NW, Washington, DC 20036.

I attended and even presented at an NASB meeting some years ago and really enjoyed the experience. Indeed, if this meeting wasn’t on the heels of the Dayton Hamvention, I would most likely attend this year as well. Perhaps if the stars align, I might just make it anyway.

I’ve pasted the full itinerary below, but if you’re interested in attending, you should read all of the meeting details at the NASB website.

Thursday, May 21
12:00-12:30 pm – Tour of Radio Free Asia (group one)
12:30-1:00 pm – Tour of Radio Free Asia (group two)
1:00 pm – Official Opening of 25th annual meeting of the NASB by Libby Liu, President, Radio Free Asia
1:05 pm – Opening remarks by Brady Murray, President, NASB; and A.J. Janitschek, RFA
1:15 pm – “The Peoples’ Radio: Media Expansion in Hitler’s Germany” – presentation by Dr. Jerry Plummer, WWCR
1:45 pm – FCC Update – Tom Lucey, FCC International Bureau
2:00 pm – 25 Years of the NASB – Doug Garlinger, former NASB President
2:30 pm – Coffee Break
3:00 pm – TWR Presentation, including KTWR DRM Trials – Lauren Libby, President, TWR
3:30 pm – HFCC Oman Conference – slide show by Jeff & Thais White, WRMI
4:00 pm – HFCC Brisbane Conference – slide show from Ken Lingwood, Reach Beyond Australia
4:15 pm – Finally, Some Good News from Madagascar! – Charles Caudill, President, World Christian Broadcasting
4:30 pm – Coffee Break
5:00 pm – End of Thursday afternoon presentations – break before dinner
7:00 pm – Meet at St. Gregory Hotel lobby – walk together to Irish restaurant for dinner
7:30 pm – Dinner at Irish Whiskey Public House, 1207 19th Street, NW
Friday, May 22
9:00 am – DRM Update from Calvin Carter, Continental Electronics (DRM Consortium Steering Board member)
9:30 am – IBB Engineering Update – Gerhard Straub, US International Broadcasting Bureau
10:00 am – “Ubuntu – Radio Ready” by A.J. Janitschek, Radio Free Asia
10:30 am – Coffee Break
11:00 am – Shortwave Audience Research and VOA Radiogram – Update from Dr. Kim Andrew EIllott, IBB
11:30 am – Update on KVOH, Voice of Hope – Africa and Voice of Hope – Israel – presentation by John Tayloe and Ray Robinson
12:00 pm – Lunch at Meiwah Chinese restaurant, 1200 New Hampshire Ave. NW (a short walk from Radio Free Asia)
2:00 pm – NASB Business Meeting – topics to be discussed include plans for the 2016 annual meeting, updating the NASB website, a 25th anniversary NASB QSL/contest for shortwave listeners, a possible NASB shortwave listeners meeting in Brisbane, Australia in conjunction with the HFCC Conference in August, financial reports, election of officers
4:00 pm – Brief board meeting for NASB Board members
4:30 pm – Adjournment. Dinner on your own.

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Radio Slovakia International wishes to resume shortwave service

USA NASB logoMany thanks to SWLing Post reader, Dominik, who points us to the National Association of Shortwave Broadcasters’ latest newsletter, which mentions Radio Slovakia International’s intentions to, once again, broadcast on shortwave from Slovakia.

“The NASB organized the B13 Conference in cooperation with Radio and Television Slovakia (RTVS) and its international service, Radio Slovakia International (RSI). RSI stopped broadcasting on shortwave from Slovakia at the end of 2010, but NASB member WRMI in Miami has continued to relay the station’s English and Spanish broadcasts to the Americas since January of 2011. And RSI would like to resume shortwave broadcasts from Slovakia in the near future if funding can be restored.”

The NASB newsletter summarizes the full B13 HFCC Conference.  The following is an excerpt from the NASB Newsletter newsletter, featuring Maria Mikusova, Chief of Radio Slovakia International:

[…]Tuesday morning, August 27, the HFCC Conference began with some words of welcome from Maria Mikusova, Chief of Radio Slovakia International. “As the General Director of Radio and Television Slovakia pointed out yesterday,” she said, “the fact that this conference is taking place in Bratislava is a great inspiration and impulse for us. It broadens the horizons of us — journalists and professionals from the foreign broadcast of Radio Slovakia International, on behalf of whom I’d like to welcome you to Bratislava as well.”

Mrs. Mikusova noted that RSI has received feedback from listeners in 130 countries. “The core of this feedback,” she said, “comes from broadcasting our programs via short waves. We left shortwave broadcasting only recently, at the beginning of the year 2011, and not fully.” She noted that RSI remains on shortwave via WRMI in the Americas.

Mrs. Mikusova said that RSI is busy developing a new website. “In regards to the variety of languages we broadcast in, you can listen to RSI in six languages, which is the same number as Radio Prague, our Czech colleagues and closest partners, broadcast in. This says a lot about the power of tradition and our efforts and ability to preserve this kind of a broadcast at a time of such a vast choice of communication channels opening on the internet and social networks.”

Mikusova said that RSI still receives good listener feedback from areas such as Russia, and the station still sends QSL cards to listeners. “We consider this to be a very important form of communicating with our listeners, although we know that QSLs are traditionally a shortwave communication.”

“Let me wish all the best to this coordination meeting,” she continued. “Your conference allows us to get to know better your work, and makes us feel that we are still part of the world network of shortwavers. For us, this conference is a firsthand, live encounter with the shortwave network and its significance for broadcasting. But at the same time it unveils what strategies of radio broadcasting and shortwave transmission are out there in the modern world. After all, the outlook and future strategy of Radio and Television of Slovakia is to bring RSI back to shortwave broadcasting. Although this issue has not been resolved yet, it shows just how important the HFCC Conference in Bratislava is, and why we, RSI, are so very interested in it.”

Dominik also pointed to the HFCC schedule where RSI already has a slate of broadcasts listed from the RSI Rimavska Sobota transmitter site:


Again, thanks to Dominik for sharing this hopeful news!

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Want to buy a 100 kilowatt shortwave transmitter?

logo_RIZ-HR_resize(Source: National Association of Shortwave Broadcasters via Alokesh Gupta)

To Whom It May Concern:

We are contacting you as we are selling our 100 kW SHORTWAVE TRANSMITTER and accompanying equipment and thought that you may be interested. The equipment is fully functional and was in use until recently.

Below is a list of the items that we are selling:

  • 100 kW SW Transmitter RIZ OR 100-K-02/A (built acc. to german ARD Standards)
  • Compressor-Limiter w/ DCC transmitter control
  • Balun transformer 50 Ohm asym. to 300 Ohm symetric
  • Artificial antenna for testing 100 kW transmitter
  • Coax pipe, 4 1/8″, 20 meters
  • Elbow EIA, 4 1/8″, 5 pcs.
  • Connector, 4 1/8″ for HF 5″, 2 pcs.
  • Coaxial switch, 1 pc.
  • Remote control panel

If you are interested or know someone who may be interested please let us know and we will send more details. The equipment is currently located in Deanovec, Croatia.

For further information feel free to contact me, I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards,

Ante Beljo, Director
Croatian Information Center
Meduliceva 13
10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Tel.: +385 1 4826 040
Fax: +385 1 4846 944
Mobile: +385 98 318 842
[email protected]

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NASB & DRM USA Annual meetings, Birmingham, Alabama

USA NASB logoI attended and presented at the NASB meeting last year at Radio Free Asia’s headquarters in Washington DC. It was an amazing meeting and great opportunity to talk radio with industry leaders. You should consider attending an NASB meeting if your schedule allows. Here are the details:

(Source: NASB Newsletter)

The 2013 Meeting will take place May 15-17, 2013 at EWTN Television in Birmingham, Alabama.

Registration for the meeting is free of charge, and it is open to anyone with an interest in shortwave broadcasting or listening. To register, fill out our online registration form at www.shortwave.org/meeting/meeting.htm or send your name and e-mail address to Jeff White at radiomiami9 [ a t ] cs.com.

As usual, the NASB Annual Meeting will be held in conjunction with the DRM-USA platform on May 15-17, 2013, at the headquarters of NASB member EWTN (Eternal Word Television Network) in Birmingham, Alabama. NASB President Glen Tapley, Terry Borders and other EWTN staff members will welcome shortwave broadcasters, listeners and anyone with an interest in shortwave radio to the Birmingham venue.

Arrangements have been made for hotel accommodation at the nearby Holiday Inn Express for a price of $75.00 plus tax, including breakfast daily. The Holiday Inn Express Irondale (a suburb of Birmingham) is about a half-mile from the TV network, the location for Thursday’s meeting and tour of the TV studios. The hotel will provide a free shuttle service to and from EWTN and a continental breakfast. EWTN will provide lunch Thursday. On Friday, participants will take a 40-minute trip to the WEWN shortwave transmitter site high in the picturesque mountains surrounding Birmingham, and the radio staff will have a cookout on the hill for attendees. EWTN is looking forward to your visit!


Reception at hotel with cocktails (including non-alcoholic) and hors d’oeuvres for all participants, sponsored by the Holiday Inn Express

Meeting takes place at EWTN TV station 9:00 am-5:00 pm
The meeting will be opened by the EWTN President/CEO
Tour of TV plant
Lunch at TV plant
Afternoon presentations: DRM talks, AJ Janitschek of Radio Free Asia (on “Green Engineering”); Dr. Dowell Chow, President of Adventist World Radio; Mike Rosso, Vice President, and Dave Hultsman of Continental Electronics; Mark Allen of Rohn Tower Company; and Jerome Hirigoyen of Télédiffusion de France about TDF’s Issoudun transmitter site

Tour of shortwave transmitter site – vans will pick up at the hotel. Remarks by Terry Borders.
Cookout on the mountain for lunch
Back to TV plant for business and board meetings (or on the mountain if agreeable)


Room reservations need to be made at the Holiday Inn Express by April 16 to ensure the group rate. After that, reservations can still be made, but only based on availability. There is no cancellation fee if the reservation is canceled by 6 PM the date of arrival. Otherwise there is a one-day charge.

Attendees simply need to e-mail: [email protected] with the Subject: NASB Reservations

The hotel will send confirmation within 24 hours. The price is $75.00 per night plus tax.

Those who do not wish to use e-mail can phone the hotel at (205) 957-0555 and request to speak with Adrian or Margarita.

Information you need to provide in your e-mail or by phone:

  • Name of Guest(s):
  • Email/Phone Number:
  • Check in/out dates:
  • Estimated time of arrival:
  • Preference of room type (King or Two Queen Beds):
  • Number of People in Room:
  • Method of Payment: (Do not provide credit card number with e-mail. The Holiday Inn Express will contact you later for that information.)

If you have any questions about the 2013 NASB Annual Meeting, or would like to sponsor an event at the meeting, contact Jeff White at [email protected]

NASB Members:

  • Adventist World Radio
  • Assemblies of Yahweh
  • EWTN Shortwave Radio (WEWN)
  • Family Stations Inc.
  • Fundamental Broadcasting Network
  • Radio Miami International
  • Trans World Radio
  • World Christian Broadcasting
  • World Wide Christian Radio

NASB Associate Members:

  • Antenna Products Company
  • Babcock International Group
  • Continental Electronics Corporation
  • Far East Broadcasting Co.
  • Galcom International
  • George Jacobs & Associates
  • Hatfield and Dawson Consulting Engineers
  • International Broadcasting Bureau
  • Rohn Products, LLC
  • TCI International, Inc.
  • Telediffusion de France (TDF)
  • TDP (Belgium)
  • Thomson Broadcast & Multimedia
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NASB: Special DRM broadcasts for Wavescan

(Source: NASB via Alokesh Gupta)

The “Wavescan” DX program which is a joint production of NASB members Adventist World Radio and Radio Miami International, will be included in a new series of four DRM (digital) shortwave transmissions called “DRM Mix” sponsored by Spaceline in Bulgaria which will take place on 22, 23, 25 and 26 December, 2012. Wavescan will air from 17.00 – 17.30 UTC on those days. The frequency will be 9755 kHz from Bulgaria, covering Europe with 100 kW. Wavescan QSL cards are available for reception reports on these broadcasts. The program content will include information on the history of broadcasting in Bulgaria.

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