Tag Archives: WRMI

Jazz from the Left on two more frequencies

Many thanks to Raoul van Hall, producer of Jazz from the Left, who shares the following news:

WRMI is adding two more weekly frequencies for Jazz from the Left starting this week on 9395 kHz at 0000 UTC Saturday. For the moment, they are simulcasting the 0000 UTC hour on 9455 kHz, so the program would be on both frequencies.

So that’s a total of four weekly broadcasts on four different frequencies. Thought you and your readers would find that interesting.

Comments can be sent to: [email protected]

Great news, Raoul!

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VORW Radio International expands with shortwave broadcasts to South America

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, John from VORW Radio International, who writes:

Thanks to the support of our VORW Radio listeners, I am proud to announce that VORW Radio International now has a transmission to South America on 9955 kHz!

Each broadcast features a mixture of my commentary and listener requested music. You’ll hear a great variety of music in this program, from Classical to Classic Country, from Rock to Smooth Jazz, you’ll hear it all!

If you’re interested in listening, the updated broadcast schedule is as follows:

Thursday 1200 UTC – 9875 kHz – Tashkent 100 kW – East Asia
Thursday 2000 UTC – 11580 kHz – WRMI 100 kW – Western Europe
Thursday 2200 UTC – 9955 kHz – WRMI 100 kW – South America
Friday 0000 UTC – 9395 kHz – WRMI 100 kW – North America
Friday 0000 UTC – 9455 kHz – WRMI 100 kW – Central America
Friday 0000 UTC – 7490 kHz – WBCQ 50 kW – North America

Questions, comments, reception reports and music requests may be sent to [email protected]

Reception reports will receive a QSL!

John, I’m so impressed with the number of relays you now have on shortwave–you’re truly a global broadcaster! Keep up the good work!

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WRMI now relaying Radio Tirana on shortwave

(Source: WRMI)

Recently Radio Tirana in Albania ended its broadcasts on shortwave. Radio Tirana’s programs were legendary during the years of the Cold War, when it was one of the strongest signals on the shortwave bands. Its programming is entirely different now in a free Albania, but the signal was quite poor in recent years, at least in the Americas.

Now, WRMI will be relaying Radio Tirana’s daily English program Monday-Saturday at 2300 UTC on 5850 kHz to North America, beginning today, April 27, 2017.

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RAE Argentina to the World to begin shortwave relay via WRMI

Many thanks to Adrian Korol, at RAE Argentina to the World, for sharing the following update:

During the time that requires the repair of our shortwave transmitter, we are going to maintain our HF presence both in English and Spanish, via WRMI relay station

It is fundamental for those who love the short wave sharing of this information, as well as the active participation of listeners and DXers through emails and post letters.

Your sound files in mp3 with audio captures or videos on YouTube listening RAE will be welcome at [email protected]

During the time of these experimental transmissions we will answer every reception report we receive from anywhere in the world through a special and numbered QSL card.

From the 2nd of May RAE Argentina to the World returns to the dial.

Remember: Every Friday the DX program, “Actualidad DX .com . AR” is issued

Our programs are available on the web www.rae.com.ar 24 hours a day in all 8 languages, and many of them also in podcast (see iTunes)

We also work with the AudioNow platform in the United States, Canada, Mexico and Brazil.


RAE Argentina to the World
Broadcasts on the short waves

SPANISH Monday through Friday 22:00 to 23:00 hs UTC on 5950 Khz , on the 49 m band * Latin American Area
ENGLISH Tuesday through Saturday 01:00 a 02:00 UTC on 9395 Khz, on the 31 m band * USA & CANADA Area


The reception reports of your hearings sent to us by ordinary mail will be confirmed by a SPECIAL and NUMBERED QSL.

RAE Argentina to the World
P.O Box 555
1000 CABA
Buenos Aires

Facebook : conexionrae
Twitter: @conexionrae

Post readers: Let’s show RAE we’re listening–! Please send a listener report and/or a recording to the contacts above. I would certainly like one of their special numbered QSL cards!

I’m very happy to hear RAE will have a presence on shortwave via WRMI while they repair their transmitter in Argentina. Kudos to WRMI for partnering with RAE to make this happen!

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WRMI shifts from 6855 kHz to 9455 kHz

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Marty Meyers, who shares the following notice from WRMI (via Facebook):

6855 kHz off air

Due to interference with a U.S. Army frequency, WRMIhas been asked to vacate 6855 kHz. We are now off of this frequency. However, a replacement frequency of 9455 kHz has been assigned, and we expect to be on the air on 9455 kHz sometime next week. This frequency will be directed primarily to the Southwestern United States and Mexico, although it will probably be audible in other areas as well, depending on propagation conditions.

Thanks for the tip, Marty!

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Shortwave Shindig rebroadcast via WRMI tonight!

Jess Puglisi of WGXC (Wave Farm) and David Goren at the 2017 Shortwave Shindig live broadcast.

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Richard Cuff, for sharing the following details:

Repeat shortwave airing of the Shortwave Shindig on WRMI — Saturday 3/11 0300 UTC, same time as last week; same frequencies (9395 aimed north, 6855 aimed west).

Thanks to David Goren and Jeff White for arranging this!! Will update as on-demand / streaming availability is determined.

David Goren (left) and Richard Cuff (right) during the Shindig live broadcast.

Note that for those of us in North America, the Shindig rebroadcast will take place at 22:00 EST tonight (0300 UTC Saturday) on 9,395 kHz aimed north and 6,855 kHz aimed west from WRMI.

I plan to record the broadcast tonight as propagation was so poor last week, very few listeners could enjoy it.

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Update: WRMI adds additional frequency to Shortwave Shindig Broadcast tonight

Broadcasting a live performance of the Shortwave Shindig at the 2015 Winter SWL Fest.

Good news! Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Richard Cuff, who notes that WRMI is adding 9,395 kHz (aimed north) to the Shortwave Shindig broadcast tonight. Please see updated press release below:

The Shortwave Shindig
30th Annual Winter SWL FEST
Plymouth Meeting, PA
Friday 3/3/17 10pm-1am EST (0300-0600 UTC 3/4)
Live via WRMI 6855 kHz and 9,395 kHz

Join David Goren and friends for the annual Shortwave Shindig, a late night listening hang featuring live music, interviews and audio pieces exploring the history and aesthetics of the shortwave listening experience. Festivities begin at 9:15pm EST. Then at 10 pm EST we’ll go live on 6855 khz via WRMI, Radio Miami International, for a three hour broadcast including the best of Short Waves/Long Distance, an open call for shortwave based audio work co-sponsored by NASWA The North American Shortwave Association and Wave Farm, a media arts organization. Short Waves/Long Distance celebrates the 30th anniversary of the Fest, and the 20th Anniversary of Wave Farm.

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