Yearly Archives: 2016

eBay find: Zenith Transoceanic in an Unopened Box


Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Robert Gulley, who shares this link to an eBay auction for a Zenith Transoceanic D7000Y in an unopened box!

Let’s be clear here: this is no “Black Friday” deal. The seller has this gem listed at $5,800 plus shipping! I think this is the first time I’ve ever seen a Transoceanic listed at this price level.


Of course, as one friend always reminds me: “eBay is there to show you things you’d rarely stumble upon in daily life–you just need a chunk of change to snag it!”

The seller is listing this as-is since he isn’t going to open the box to test the unit. He does claim that if it arrives DOA, he’ll have is repaired free of charge (buyer pays shipping).

Still: $5,800 is hefty sum–several thousand over my threshold! No doubt, a Transoceanic collector will snag this eventually.

Click here to view this listing on eBay.

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Holiday Deals: Elecraft’s Black Friday event


The Elecraft KX3 tuned to Radio Australia.

If you’ve been thinking about pulling the trigger on an Elecraft transceiver, now may be a good time. Elecraft is throwing in free accessories and free shipping on a few of their products.

Here’s their full Black Friday advertisement:


Even if you aren’t a ham, you might consider an Elecraft KX3 or even the new KX2. Both are excellent HF broadcast receivers.

Click here to read my review of the Elecraft KX3. I’ll be posting a review of the Elecraft KX2 on December 1–if you can’t wait, I’d encourage you to download the latest issue of The Spectrum Monitor magazine (my KX2 review aside, the issue is chock-full of brilliant radio articles!).

Click here to view the full Elecraft advertisement.

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Happy Thanksgiving!

Zenith-Shuttle-DialIt’s Thanksgiving here in the States–without a doubt, my favorite holiday.  What’s not to love about family, feasting, and, of course, friends? To that end:

I’d like to take a moment to offer my thanks to all of you who read, comment, and otherwise contribute to the SWLing Post community.

You make this a terrific place for everything radio!

Thank you!

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The CommRadio CR-1a has been discontinued

The CommRadio CR-1a

The CommRadio CR-1a

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributors R. Lewis (KF5GV/HS1) and Dave Zantow (N9EWO) who’ve both noted that the CommRadio CR-1a receiver has been listed as “discontinued” by Universal Radio, and HRO.

The CommRadio CTX-10

The CommRadio CTX-10

I imagine CommRadio has stopped manufacturing the CR-1a as they gear up for production of the new CTX-10 10 watt QRP general coverage transceiver.

If you’ve been considering the purchase of a CR-1a receiver, note you might find one on the used market (check with Universal Radio) as some owners upgrade to the CTX-10 transceiver next year. I expect the CTX-10’s receiver to be on par with the CR-1a, if not a little better.

On that note, I plan to review the CTX-10 and, of course, give its general coverage receiver a thorough workout on the broadcast bands once the unit has been released in 2017.

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Shortwave Service first English edition November 29


(Source: Shortwave Service via Richard Langley)

On Tuesday, 29th November 2016 from 0230-0300 UTC
on 7250 kHz (to NoAM) we will broadcast our first English edition.

The topics: we speak with Rimantas Pleikys about radio jamming in former
times and today. He wrote a book about it and made a very interesting film

And: 4 years ago, on 28th November 2012, Radio Canada International shut
down the Sackville transmission site. 2 years later the facility was
scrapped. Amanda Dawn Christie made a film called Spectres of Shortwave that
is shown at diverse film festivals at the moment. She tells the story behind
the film.

By the way: Spectres of Shortwave is shown on 28th November in Sackville at
7PM local time. Perhaps you want to join it.

All broadcasts are coming from Gavar Armenia site with a power of 100kW,
at azimuth of 330 degrees.

Reception reports and comments are highly appreciated to

<info -at->

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BBC Director-General’s goal? “A Netflix of the spoken word”

Lord Tony Hall (Source: BBC)

Lord Tony Hall (Source: BBC)

(Source: BBC via Richard Langley)

“With our world-class content, we could use our current output and the richness of our archive to create a Netflix of the spoken word,” said Lord Hall.

“One of the big challenges I have set my teams is just that: to enhance our global audio offer. The BBC makes the best radio in the world. It is one of our crown jewels, and we have an extraordinary wealth of audio riches at our disposal.

“It’s one of the things that will help the BBC carry the full weight of Britain’s culture and values, knowledge and know-how to the world in the years ahead. And say something really important about modern Britain.”

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Radio Mi Amigo special broadcast: Sunday, November 27


(Source: Radio Mi Amigo via Harald Kuhl)

Hello to all Radio Mi Amigo friends,

Special Broadcast Sunday, November 27: 6145 kHz – 20:00 – 22:00 hrs. [cet]

Sunday evening November 27 from 20:00 – 22:00 hrs CET we will do another special event show, this time to promote our new daily transmissions on 6085 kHz.
The show will air on 6145 kHz with 100 Kilowatts (!) from the Armeria transmitter, just like we did in October.

The 2 hour show will be hosted by Cpt. Kord from Alicante and will have have 4 segments presented live by 4 of our DJ’s: Johnny Lewis, Peter van Dam, Ron O’Quin and Keith Lewis from their studio’s in The UK, Holland and Ecuador.

We expect this broadcast to be received not only in Europe but also in other parts of the world and again we look forward to your reception reports. As always, we’ll reward you with our new printed QSL card and Mi Amigo car stickers.

All infos, onlinestream:

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