Yearly Archives: 2022

Don’t look into the oil-wheel projector lamp for too long

Hi SWLing post community and bargain hunters everywhere, Fastradioburst23 here letting you know of The second episode of Shortwave Garage Sale from the Imaginary Stations crew.

On Sunday 27th November 2022 from 2300 utc on 9395 kHz we will be opening the up and over door yet again to reveal the second part of our Garage and Psyche special. Tune in and enjoy some wild sounds and visuals.

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SDRplay Special RSPdx holiday promotion


(Source: SDRplay)

SDRplay Special RSPdx holiday promotion

At SDRplay, we recognise that times are very tough for a lot of people. In view of the economic pressures that people are facing, we want to lend a helping hand by offering the very popular RSPdx at a special low price for this holiday buying season. After discussions with our dealer network, from Black Friday until the 31st December, we (along with participating dealers) plan to offer the RSPdx at a holiday discounted suggested retail price of £130/€156/$169.95 plus shipping and any applicable taxes. This represents a substantial discount of more than one fifth when compared to the normal retail price.

Starting midnight EST, Thursday November 24th visit  to purchase an RSPdx at the special price or contact your local SDRplay dealer for more details.  Please also note that stocks are limited and this offer will certainly end on the 31st December and prices will revert to normal commercial levels thereafter.

This is a great opportunity to get the RSPdx as a gift for a newcomer or a returning radio enthusiast at a price which won’t be repeated, as our suppliers are already increasing their prices for the new year.

  • Prices shown are prices offered when buying direct from SDRplay. Shipping and taxes are extra.  SDRplay ships from the UK to most countries in the world.  However some countries will require import duty to be paid on top.
  • SDRplay dealers who usually include free shipping will adjust the prices accordingly
  • Check with your local dealer to see if they are participating.
  • Links to both the SDRplay direct purchasing page and our list of authorised resellers can be found here
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Thanksgiving: A great time for family, friends, food, and pirate radio!

Here in the States, we’re celebrating Thanksgiving today. It’s my favorite holiday because it’s all about giving thanks and spending time with friends. family, and eating some amazing food.

Another great thing about Thanksgiving is it also equates to a long extended weekend for many who have full-time careers. That includes, of course, shortwave radio pirates! Anytime there’s a holiday, pirates are more likely to hit the air.

Hang around the pirate radio watering holes (including 6,800 – 6,990 kHz) and you just might log a few new stations! Do you live outside North America? Try using a KiwiSDR in the US or Canada to hunt pirates. It’s believed that the majority of pirate radio stations are located in the Northeast, so you should choose a KiwiSDR location with that in mind. If you’re new to pirate radio listening, check out our tutorial. Also, look for spots on the amazing HF Underground board.

Thank you…

Speaking of giving thanks, thank you dear readers for making the SWLing Post such a welcoming community to radio enthusiasts of all stripes. The SWLing Post is a true labor of love, and it’s an honor to serve it up to you!

I’d especially like to thank our Patrons, Producers, Executive Producers and Coffee Fund contributors. Your financial support helps keep this a dynamic radio space over the long haul!

You all make this a terrific place for everything radio!

Happy Thanksgiving!

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AWA Presentation: A History of British Broadcasting

BBC World Service – Bush House

The Antique Wireless Association/Museum recently posted another excellent presentation on YouTube; this time taking a look at the history of British Broadcasting. Here’s the description followed by the video:

Radio broadcasting in the UK followed a much different path than it did in the US, and there’s more to the story than the BBC. Tim Barrett tells the whole story in this history of British Broadcasting.

Click here to watch on YouTube.

If you enjoyed this presentation, consider becoming a member of the Antique Wireless Association at:

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Carlos’ Shortwave Art and recording of NHK World (November 22, 2022)

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor and noted political cartoonist, Carlos Latuff, who shares his radio log art of a recent NHK World broadcast.

Carols notes:

News about the strong earthquake that hit Cianjur, West Java, Indonesia, more than 200 people dead.

Broadcasted by NHK World Japan radio in Indonesian via shortwave frequency of 13705 kHz, and listened in Porto Alegre, Brazil.

Click here to view on YouTube.

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Video: Giuseppe tests four classic receivers on three different antennas

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Giuseppe Morlè (IZ0GZW), who shares the following:

Dear Thomas and Friends of SWLing Post,

This is Giuseppe Morlè from Formia, central Italy on the Tyrrhenian Sea.

I want to share with you this test with 4 old receivers with 3 different antennas:

    • Yaesu FRG-7
    • AOR 3030 – MINI WHIP antenna on the roof
    • Kenwood R-1000INTERNAL CROSSED LOOP antenna
    • Yaesu FRG-8800 – VERTICAL NAVAL

I tuned the 7,390 kHz frequency of Radio New Zealand at 14:10 UTC on November 16 on the 4 receivers. I used the narrow and wide filter on each receiver.

I state that a storm was in progress in the area, the afternoon signal was very discontinuous with a difference on the 3 different antennas.

Surprising the result of the internal cross loops which I use a lot when there are thunderstorms in the area to listen to anyway; their behavior is definitely very good despite being inside my shack.

The Mini Whip is excellent on long and medium waves but gets worse above 7 MHz. In fact I only use this antenna for medium and long waves.

A good signal also from the external naval vertical of 8 meters with a “soft” listening on the Yaesu FRG-8800.

Judge dear friends your comments are welcome!

I wanted to compare these 4 “glories” that have accompanied most of my life and that I still consider excellent.

Attached the link tot he video on my Youtube channel:

Click here to view on YouTube.

I wish everyone a good listening …
73. Giuseppe Morlè iz0gzw.

Thank you so much for sharing this, Giuseppe! We love your videos and demonstrations especially since they so often involve antennas that you have home brewed. Your cross loop antenna is truly amazing!

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Plug in the Lavalamp

Radio Lavalamp “Your ethereal shortwave music station” returns to your radio receivers via the transmitters of Channel 292 this Saturday 26th November 2022 at 2300 UTC on 3955 kHz. The show will feature a mix of chilled out tunes and an eclectic selection for a Saturday night on shortwave. Tune in and enjoy! Fastradioburst23

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