Category Archives: Videos

Dave Porter’s video tour of the BBC Woofferton transmitting site

Check out this brilliant video tour of the BBC Woofferton Transmitting Station, presented by Senior Transmitter Engineer Dave Porter (G40YX). The video is divided in seven parts, thus I’ve created a playlist that will automatically load each video in order.

Click here to start the playlist on YouTube, or simply watch the tour through the embedded video player below. Enjoy:

Many thanks to Dave Porter for hosting this video tour and to Mike Barraclough for the tip!

If you would like to read a detailed history of Woofferton, be sure to check out our post:
Shortwave Radio History: 50 years of transmitting at BBC Woofferton

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No-Spoiler Review: “The Numbers Station” with John Cusack and Malin Akerman (no spoilers)

The-Numbers-Station-PosterThe following is a no-spoiler review, as I assume many of you may be waiting for the film to hit the big screen, and I wouldn’t want to reveal any cinematic surprises.

We first mentioned The Numbers Station back in late 2011 –and admittedly, I was eager to see public attention drawn to this public-yet-covert shortwave communications medium that’s still in existence today. Indeed, it’s no wonder that a numbers station became the subject of a film; the subject is truly mysterious. Only a few days ago, while describing numbers stations to a visiting friend who had never heard of them, I played a recording of a numbers station that I made last year–her initial response upon hearing the recording was, in her words, that she experienced “chills” running up her spine.

But what is a numbers station?

Numbers stations, for those of you not familiar with them, are shortwave radio broadcasts that contain only strings of what seem to be random numbers.  In truth, these numbers are encrypted messages for operatives in the field (otherwise known as secret agents). The operatives tune in the station with a simple shortwave radio, then decode the message with a one-time decryption key.  Once the message has been deciphered, the message pads are immediately burnt or destroyed (or, at least, they’re meant to be…).  Oddly, even though this is a very public communication which anyone with a shortwave radio can hear, only one or two individuals will likely ever decode the message.  Such messages have been known to exist in a variety of languages at least since the time of the Cold War, but strangely did not conclude with the Cold War’s supposed end–they are ongoing even today. (Click here to check out our other numbers station posts.)

John Cusack as Emerson (Photo: Image Entertainment)

John Cusack as Emerson (Photo: Image Entertainment)

The Movie

In the movie The Numbers Station, John Cusack’s character, Emerson, is a seasoned field operative–a “black-ops” agent–who faces a life-changing dilemma in the field which places his career in jeopardy.  In an attempt to give Emerson some time to reconcile his emotions, his leader (Liam Cunningham) assigns him to what should be a simple, routine assignment: to protect Catherine (Malin Akerman), a cryptologist who broadcasts at a rural remote numbers station in the UK.

Things go terribly wrong when the station is compromised and Cusack finds himself again facing the same dilemma that sent him to this assignment in the first place: whether to  “retire” his asset (namely, Catherine) in order to fulfill his duty, by cutting off loose ends? Or will his conscience–and tenuous friendship with Catherine–take him in another direction? It’s a difficult ethical dilemma, one Emerson has been attempting to avoid.

Malin Ackerman as Catherine (Photo: Image Entertainment)

Malin Akerman as Catherine (Photo: Image Entertainment)

I’ve seen a number of John Cusack films over the years, and while he’s an extraordinary talent, The Numbers Station unfortunately doesn’t quite allow us to see his full range as an actor simply because his character, Emerson, is stoic and quite introspective. But the chemistry between Emerson and Catherine is complex and tense, and one can’t help but believe he cares deeply for her.

On the action front, The Numbers Station is a much greater success:  pacing is good, with a few moments to collect your breath; still, there’s always looming conflict. The bulk of the film is set in a dimly lit, underground bunker-come-numbers station, and there are actually very few shoot-’em-out scenes, yet the tension and suspense are constant.

I won’t comment on how the plot resolves, but I can say that if you like dark films with tension, moral decisions, action, and intrigue, this is well worth watching.  I enjoyed it.

Moreover, if you love shortwave radio, and are intrigued by numbers stations, you will be pleased to discover that this film treats the concept with due respect and more accuracy than I would have anticipated.

(Photo: Image Entertainment)

(Photo: Image Entertainment)

How accurate is The Numbers Station?

While those who write about numbers stations have presumably never worked for one, there’s an existing body of knowledge out there built on thousands of hours of listening, cataloging stations and even court documents from cases involving spies.  This gives us a fairly accurate idea of the true nature of numbers stations.

Likely inaccuracies

  • Though it is possible, I have never heard of a numbers station which has a live voice behind the microphone, reading numbers; these would most likely be advance-recorded or computer generated.
  • In the film, Malin Akerman’s character, Catherine, only seems to read a string of numbers for a matter of seconds, not minutes; in reality, this would take much more time.
  • I heard no preamble of numbers to ID the correct decipher key.

And yet…likely accuracies

  • In the film, under standard operating conditions, no one at the station knows the nature of the messages being broadcast–this reflects a probable fact about such stations.
  • The numbers station is located in a rural and remote part of the UK, a convincing setting for a numbers station (though some may broadcast from major broadcasting sites).
  • Once the station has been compromised, Cusack’s character explains in some detail how numbers stations work on the operative’s end; this description is very true to what is known or believed of actual numbers stations.

So, should you see it?

I anticipate that most any shortwave radio enthusiast will enjoy The Numbers Station. As a non-movie-reviewer–in other words, as a regular joe public movie-goer–I give it 8 stars out of 10.  Go ahead!

Click here for show times and on-demand viewing.

If you’ve seen The Numbers Station, please comment below.

Videos: The Numbers Station Trailer and Featurettes

The official trailer:

Video Clip 1: The Assignment

Video Clip 2: We need that cypher


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Al Jazeera: Radio Free Sarawak offers alternative voice ahead of elections

Clandestine station, Radio Free Sarawak, offers an alternative voice in Malaysia ahead of elections next week. For those living in remote jungle communities–places where the Internet is not readily available–Radio Free Sarawak can be heard on shortwave radio.

Al Jazeera’s Florence Looi reports from a village in Sarawak:

Added to other posts tagged: Why Shortwave Radio?

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CommRadio CR-1 training videos

Don Moore, founder of CommRadio, has uploaded training videos for the CommRadio CR-1. These offer a pretty comprehensive overview of the CR-1, especially in terms of functions and menu structure.

Training Video 1 – Overview

Training Video 2 – Tuning

Training Video 3 – Menus and Functions

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Video: Voice of Mongolia antenna farm

In response to Chris’ recording of The Voice of Mongolia from Truk Lagoon, Mark shared his video taken from a train as he passes the Voice of Mongolia’s antenna farm earlier this year. Note the large curtain antennas. The size of the antennas is most apparent near the end of the video when the train turns; you can see the Voice of Mongolia site at a distance:

Thanks for sharing your travels, Mark!

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