Name that theme and more test car classics

FastRadioBurst 23 here letting you know of our shortwave outings this week. On Sunday 12th May 2024 at 0900/1300 hrs UTC on 6160 kHz and then at 2000 UTC on 6160 kHz and 3975 kHz we have Mystery Mix Radio – Name That Theme which is beamed to Europe via Shortwave Gold.

This show as the title implies, is going to have a mystery theme and we ask our listeners to guess what that theme is once the show is aired. There will be a special eQSL for the first correct winner. Tune in to find out more details on how to enter.

Our second show is another WRMI edition of Test Cards on Radio on our new day of  Wednesday 15th May 2024 at 0200 UTC on 9395 kHz. We’re talking more test card musical classics and test tones for screen calibration fans and rooftop antenna adjusters. Tune in and enjoy. More on the theme below.

For more information on all our shows please email [email protected] and check out our Mixcloud page here.

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W9IMS: 2024 Checkered Flag Award!

2024 Checkered Flag Award: Time to Get Racy!

By Brian D. Smith, W9IND

You can’t go 3 for 3 if you haven’t gone 1 for 1. And if you want to add the 2024 Checkered Flag Award to your collection, you’ll have to bag the first W9IMS special event of the year sometime between now and 11:59 p.m. Saturday (Eastern Time)/0359 Sunday UTC.

Besides the currently running IndyCar Grand Prix event, hams and SWLs will need to work or tune in W9IMS two more times this year to take the Checkered Flag. After this week, W9IMS will return to the airwaves for the Indianapolis 500 (May 20-26) and the NASCAR 200 at the Brickyard (July 15-21).

The prime time to find W9IMS is from 6 to 10 p.m. Eastern (2200-0200 UTC) on weekdays, sometimes extending to midnight (0400 GMT), and the prime bands are 40 and 20 meters (generally around 7.245 and 14.245 MHz). However, frequencies can change as a result of QRM and other factors.

You can save time by checking W9IMS spots, which are posted frequently on DX Summit (

Also, while W9IMS can appear at any time of day before the final signoff on Saturday night, you’ll have a better chance of finding the station by going to the W9IMS QRZ page ( and clicking the Grand Prix link under the heading “2024 Operating Schedule” – which displays the shifts that operators have already signed up for. The same page contains answers to a great many questions pertaining to the W9IMS QSL cards and certificate.

If you still haven’t worked W9IMS by Saturday, remember that at the end of the week, operators often start requesting calls only from stations that haven’t yet worked the current special event.

Another tip is to hang around for happy hour – the last blast on Race Day (May 11 for the 2024 Grand Prix) – which usually starts around 11 p.m. Indy time (0300 UTC). That’s when W9IMS ops traditionally switch to contest-style QSOs and exchange only signal reports so they can put as many stations in the logs as possible. But keep in mind that W9IMS special events can also end early if the station encounters sparse QSOs or adverse solar or weather conditions.

If you just can’t complete a QSO, you can always create an SWL report by copying down details of other W9IMS contacts – including frequency, UTC, and a few of the stations you heard W9IMS working. This can count as a credit for a Grand Prix QSL card and/or one of three credits toward a certificate. SWL certificates feature names instead of callsigns, but are otherwise indistinguishable from awards issued to amateur radio operators.

Whether or not you catch all three W9IMS events in 2024, you’ll qualify for a new and unique QSL card for each race that you log. But why not try for the trifecta? Stay on your toes, though – the Indy 500 special event begins only 9 days after the end of the Grand Prix!

Spread the radio love Sunspot “visually rivals Carrington’s famous sunspot”

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Troy Riedel, who shares the following news via

Above: Carrington’s sunspot (to scale) compared to today’s giant sunspot AR3664.

HUGE SUNSPOT HURLS CME TOWARD EARTH: A sunspot so large it visually rivals Carrington’s famous sunspot of 1859 hurled a CME toward Earth today. Don’t worry! A new Carrington Event is not in the offing. The incoming CME isn’t potent enough. However, this huge sunspot merits watching while Earth is in its strike zone. Full story @

CME impact alerts: Sign up for Space Weather Alerts to receive an instant text message when the CME arrives.

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Texas Radio Shortwave returns to Channel 292 monthly

(Source: Texas Radio Shortwave)

TRSW returns to Channel 292 monthly

TRSW returns to Channel 292, Rohrbach, Germany, on each month’s first consecutive Saturday and Sunday. (In September, that’s the 7th and 8th.)

Programs air the first Saturday on 3955 kHz at 1900 UTC and the first Sunday on 9670 kHz at 1200 UTC.

Tentative programs for the next few months:

June – Lead Belly & Lemon Jefferson (Black blues musicians)
July – Texas Music A to Z #1 (Cities)
August – Texas Music A to Z #2 (Artists).

TRSW continues to verify correct, detailed reception reports with a newly designed electronic QSL every month. Reports from listeners — especially from outside Europe — using remote SDRs are welcome. Reports should be sent to [email protected].



Texas Radio Shortwave
Returning to our roots on Channel 292

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2024 Editions of NDB Handbooks and CDs are now available

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Michael, who shares the following announcement:

The 2024 editions of my NDB handbooks and CDs are available now.

As always I’ve incorporated the latest changes and monitoring results.

The new GNDBH contains the details of more than 17400 NDBs worldwide.
It is the perfect listening companion for radio listeners who use the
extensive and ever-growing network of WebSDRs.

The updated ENDBH features the data of more than 8400 NDBs, and the new
NANDBH more than 5900 NDBs.

Please find all relevant details at the following URL:

Once again, I’d like to thank all fellow DXers for your continued
support! Please keep up the good work, I do appreciate your direct
input to keep the handbooks up to date!

vy 73 + gd DX,



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Raddy RF-919: First New Portable to Feature Recording?

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Dan Robinson, who writes:

SWLing Post readers have no doubt seen the appearance of the Raddy RF-919, which is manufactured by Hanrongda in China. I have generally not been impressed by some receivers from this company, notably the HRD-747/757 and the reviews seem to support this.

However, from first appearances the RF-919 may be an exception. I am expecting a RF-919 soon, but one of the more recent reviews was by the very popular YouTuber NotaRubicon, and I was surprised to see that according to this review, the RF-919 actually is capable of recording to microSD.

Indeed, when checking the manual available online (Section 8.3) this feature is confirmed. This is an extraordinary development in the portable receiver market and it makes one wonder again why other manufacturers chose not to add this feature. Though we are lacking information about production decisions, it does seem like Tecsun in particular, with its otherwise excellent 990/501 portables, could have implemented recording to microSD.

As of the time I am writing this, there seems to have been surprisingly little discussion by those who have obtained a RF-919 about the recording feature, but I expect there to be more about this when users discover it. As for performance, I hope to have my 919 in hand in coming days and will review it for SWLing. From observing initial user videos, this radio is packed with some impressive features and coverage.

Thank you, Dan! I look forward to checking out the recording function. It would, indeed, be wonderful to finally have a capable portable with proper built-in recording.

Radioddity Discount: In the spirit of full transparency, Radioddity is a sponsor of the SWLing Post and they also offer us an affiliate code and link that will save you $15 off the purchase of an RF-919. Click here to save $15 off your purchase at Radioditty.

In addition, the RF-919 is also available on (affiliate link).

If you’ve purchased an RF-919 and would like to share your review, please let us know in the comments!

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Dan’s digital archive of QSL Cards

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Dan Greenall, who writes:

Hi Thomas

In addition to digitizing many of my old SW and BCB audio files, I have begun setting up some of my QSL galleries on the internet archive in order to help preserve radio history. I am sending along a few links that perhaps old timers and newcomers alike might find of interest.

SWBC stations (sorry, only scanned one side so far)

Utility stations

Time signal stations

BCB stations (mostly my own except for a few very old historic ones that I bought from eBay)

Small Sample from Dan’s QSL Collection:

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