SIHUADON R-108 Bonus Coupon Extended

Hi Folks,

Just a quick update on the additional 20% coupon offered by XHDATA on the SIHUADON R-108 – it has been extended until the 13th of February 2025. I received a note this evening and wanted to share the news immediately. Here are the links to the American Amazon listings for the Black or Gray versions:

“I wanted to share some exciting news regarding our recent collaboration on the SIHUADON R108 promotion. Due to the enthusiastic support from our customers, we have decided to extend the promotion period.

We’d like to provide you with a stackable 20% discount code.
Here are the exclusive discount codes:

  • R108 (Black & Gray):  20R108forSWL

Effective time:

 From 2025-2-6 To 2025-2-13  11:59?Pacific Standard Time?

Product links:

As a reminder, this coupon is in addition to the 10% coupon already on Amazon, making the radio ~$45 (if your state requires tax) or less.
Thanks to XHDATA for extending the extra coupon deadline available only to SWLing Blog readers!
Update by Robert Gulley K4PKM
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What’s in the Box? Bob Colegrove Investigates the Forgotten Extras of Your Radio

What’s in the Box?

Itemized by Bob Colegrove

Not one to throw anything away, I tend to save ‘the box it came in’ for many new purchases.  The other day I decided to organize all my radio boxes.  Besides the radios themselves, they usually contain a selection of “goodies,” which can include, cases, power adapters, USB cables, batteries, earbuds, antennas, manuals, and so forth.

I generally do not use much that is included in the box.  Over time, however, some of the paraphernalia has gotten scattered around, and my recent effort was intended to corral and sort the accessories.  My experience is itemized below.


The cases are invariably the largest accessories in the box.  These are sometimes firm, faux-leather enclosures with a zipper around the edges.  I prefer the soft, pliable pouches which seem to function more easily and take up less space.

The Sony ICF-2010 and -2001D did not include cases.  To give the radio some protection during travel and storage, I fabricated a ‘sock’ out of an old bath towel and some hot glue.  The so-covered radio was then inserted into a travel bag along with earphones and anything else I needed.  This worked very well over the years; so well that I extended the concept for some of my smaller radios, which came with cases.

Homemade socks for a PL-880 and ICF-2010 could even be color-coordinated with the rest of your gear.

Power Adapters and Batteries

The following is not intended as the definitive treatise on power adapters and batteries.  Enough guidance has been provided by others.  The takeaway here is that, if you ever refer to the radio’s manual, this is the occasion to do so.  Ensure you know how your radio was designed and the proper way to power it.

In my collection of portable radios there are several combinations of power adapters and batteries.

  • Some radios came with power adapters and others didn’t.
  • Some radios came with batteries and others didn’t.
  • Some just came with USB charging cords.
  • Some were intended for both chargeable and nonchargeable batteries.  Others were intended only for alkaline, nonchargeable batteries, in which case the power adapter disconnects the battery from the circuit and is only used to power the radio.

An adapter might be used to power the radio, recharge batteries, or both.  It’s hard to believe in these days of switching power adapters that an adapter could ever be used to listen to AM radio, but that was the case with the Sony ICF-2010/2001D and Grundig Satellit 800.  These radios came with a more costly transformer adapter which produced very little discernable noise.  Manufactured in pre-rechargeable alkaline days; however, the adapter did not provide a battery charge function.  Over the years, I have mostly used these radios in-house.  They tend to be D-battery-hungry, and so they are usually powered via the adapters.

When Sony got around to producing the ICF-SW7600GR, they took a different approach.  They simply figured it was a small, portable radio, and would mainly be used with batteries.  So, there is a power port for an optional 6-volt adapter, but no included adapter.

The OEM batteries aren’t always the best, so I have an extra supply of rechargeable NiMH and lithium batteries which I cycle through my radios, and the originals are simply included in the rotation.  The NiMH batteries that came with the Tecsun PL-600, -660, and -680 only had 1000 ma capacity and tended to self-discharge quickly after a year or two of use.  However, they got you started.

I have always wondered about using NiMH batteries in radios intended only for alkaline batteries – mainly older ones.  There is a 20-percent reduction in voltage.  How does this affect the performance of the radio?  I suppose this can only be answered on a case-by-case basis.  As an example, I have used NiMH batteries in the Sony ICF-SW7600GR from the very beginning with no apparent degradation.  However, on the XHDATA D-219 and D-220, the difference is quite noticeable.  For some radios, the battery type is switchable, and one must be careful not to connect a power adapter to recharge alkaline batteries.


If you’re serious about radio, you have a good set of earbuds or headphones.  I would venture to say the supplied earbuds for each of my radios are still in the box in their original wrapping.  I don’t get along well with earbuds.  They are hard to install in what apparently are my constricted ear canals and are always falling out.  Several years ago I purchased a set of quality over-the-ear headphones.  Not the most convenient for travel perhaps, but great for reproducing sound and mitigating outside noise.  Grundig went so far as to include a set of over-the-ear headphones with the Satellit 800.


Most new portables come with 20- to 25-ft long wire external antennas having 3.5-mm plugs for connection to the external antenna jack.  Sometimes a plastic ‘clothespin’ is attached to the remote end of the wire for mounting.  For convenience, some of these wires are contained in a tape-measure-style spool.  These antennas are quite useful for the non-tinker and traveler, as they provide a means to extend the range, particularly on shortwave.

The C. Crane wire terminal antenna adapter, included with the Skywave SSB 2, is a boon to anyone without a soldering iron or otherwise not inclined to use one.  Other manufacturers take note.  A #2 Phillips screwdriver, and knife to strip the wire insulation are all you need for extensive antenna experimentation.

Source:  C. Crane Skywave SSB 2 Instruction Manual, p. 30.

Sony packed not one, but two 3.5-mm external antenna plugs with each ICF-2010/2001D.  The concept was the same as the C. Crane wire terminal antenna adapter.  These had wire pigtails ending in screw terminals for an antenna and ground wire of your choice.

External antenna adapter (1 of 2) packed with the Sony ICF-2010 and -2001D

A caution here.  The RF amplifier for LW, MW, and SW on the 2010 is an unprotected FET (Q303), which is notorious for failing due to electrostatic discharge from an external antenna.  Early on, your author was twice bitten by this snake.  There may be other radios that suffer from this vulnerability.


The strap is arguably the least useful accessory included with any portable radio.  The Sony ICF-2010/2001D came with a very attractive blue over-the-shoulder web strap, which has become something of an “item” among collectors.  Mine have been bound up in their original wrapping and stored away for 40-plus years, and might yield the cost of a new portable radio should I ever decide to auction them on the Internet.  I have never used them on either of my 2010s simply because I can envision the priceless radio dangling pendulously at the end of the strap waiting to meet disaster through contact with an immovable door jam.

The same goes for smaller radios which almost always include an obligatory wrist strap.  Perhaps these should not be classified as accessories, as they are permanently attached to the radio.  I avoid using them for the same reason as sited for the 2010s.  Besides, they just get in the way.  These straps are usually anchored inside the case, but I can’t bear to cut them off; so, I have just lived with them.  In the few cases where I have opened the case, I have omitted reinstalling them.  Instead of having a strap, how about a collapsible “lunchbox” handle?  I can even envision one of these being developed into a dual-purpose handle/antenna.


Don’t forget the manual.  We’ve gotten away from manuals.  People don’t use them, and they are a manufacturing expense.  Besides, you can find your answer on the Internet.

As a retired technical writer, however, I have a strong respect for a well-crafted technical manual.  Besides actually using them, I unconsciously evaluate them.  Unfortunately, most are written as an afterthought – an attempt to forestall customer enquiries.  “Read the manual.”  The problem is compounded by radios intended for a worldwide market, wherein the manuals are authored by writers who labor under the handicap of having English, French, Spanish, German, etc. as a second language.

There are also situations where the printing is too small or the fanfolds too inconvenient.  My standard practice is to download an electronic copy of each manual, print it out in 8 ½” × 11” format, and put it in a comb or 3-ring binder.  This is easier on aging eyes, and more suitable for adding my own notes.

…and so forth

Besides the common accessories described above, some unique items have been included over the years.  For example, Tecsun has packaged very nice 20-inch by 30-inch charts with some models.  One side contains a world map showing amateur call areas.  The other side is an enlargement of the radio with each button or control function described.

Going back a few years, Sony included a slick publication called the Wave Handbook with some of their radios.  These had convenient station vs. time charts for world band radio.  The charts were like those published in frequency vs. time format in Passport to Worldband Radio.  The booklets were published in several editions over the years, but obviously, these were time sensitive and became outdated rather quickly.  Still, they could pique the interest of folks new to SWLing.


Finally, there is the box the radio came in and any accompanying wrapping.  The packrat DNA in me usually demands that I keep all this.  It can speed up the sale or otherwise increase the value of the radio, if you ever decide to sell it.

Which radio accessories do you use?

Would you like an option to buy the radio without any accessories?

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Radio Waves: New SSB SWL Contest, DRM Functionality Recommendations, and Word DAB Summit 2024

Radio Waves:  Stories Making Waves in the World of Radio

Welcome to the SWLing Post’s Radio Waves, a collection of links to interesting stories making waves in the world of radio. Enjoy!

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributors David Iurescia, Alan, and Frank (SWL F14368) for the following tips:


Many thanks to Frank (SWL F14368), who shares the following announcement:

Hi Thomas

I have organized another SWL contest for 2025! The goal will be to listen a maximum number of DXCC entities in eight months but only in SSB mode (USB or LSB).

Check out the details here.

Best 73 de Frank SWL F14368

Digital Radio Mondiale Releases the DRM Consumer Radio Receiver Functionality Recommendation (DRM Consortium)

The DRM Consortium ( releases today its DRM Consumer Radio Receiver Functionality Recommendation ( The document describes and defines the core functional parameters of consumer radio receivers capable of receiving DRM radio broadcasts. As DRM is being increasingly rolled out, adopted and demonstrated globally such a document is necessary to offer a guide to receiver manufacturers, but also broadcasters and regulators, so that consumers get a common and consistent DRM digital radio experience.

[…]The DRM Receiver Functionality Recommendation applies to all types of consumer-targeting DRM radio receivers, with detailed application-specific requirements for automotive receivers, personal mobile devices (such as mobile, feature, and smart phones or tablets incorporating built-in radio receiver functionality for terrestrial broadcast radio), and general-purpose receivers (all types of stand-alone receivers, including home and desktop radios).

The Consumer Receiver Recommendation builds upon the more technical DRM MRR – Minimum Receiver Requirements Specification (, which must be implemented and followed by any DRM receiver.

The new Consumer Receiver Recommendation covers DRM digital radio in all broadcasting bands: in the LW, MW, SW and VHF bands (Band I, II and III) and analogue AM and analogue FM radio. [Continue reading…]

WorldDAB Summit: Ensuring Radio Stays Prominent in the Car (Radio World)

Summary: At the WorldDAB Summit 2024 in Zagreb, industry leaders emphasized the importance of keeping radio front and center in the evolving connected car landscape. Gregor Pötzsch of Volkswagen Group’s CARIAD stressed the need for easy findability and engaging multimedia content, while Tomas Granryd of the EBU Connected Car Playbook highlighted the challenges posed by hidden FM/DAB buttons, voice activation inconsistencies, and increasing competition from global digital platforms. With 70% of in-car audio still coming from radio, broadcasters have the leverage to shape dashboard integration, ensuring seamless hybrid reception and intuitive voice control. Read the full article at Radio World.

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SIHUADON R-108 – A Truly Portable Radio

By Robert Gulley K4PKM

The SIHUADON R-108 is a compact, inexpensive and capable radio with many features radio hobbyists have come to expect. While I no longer have one of my earliest AM transistor radios, it is comparable in size, but not much else!! Being a radio “old-timer”, I never cease to be amazed at what can be fit into a jacket pocket these days!

For those who have seen, or own, a CCrane Skywave, the radios at first blush look very similar. Size and weight are almost identical. While they are indeed quite similar, they also have some significant differences, and so I will simply say even if you already own one or the other, having both in your radio arsenal can be easily justified given the prices involved.

With all of that as preface, the usual disclaimer applies – I was asked by XHDATA to review the SIHUADON R-108 with the complete understanding that I give fair and honest reviews, good or bad. Like all radios, the R-108 has a few nits I will pick at, but the short answer to the question of value and capabilities is: this is an excellent portable/travel radio which works great in the arm chair, as well as on the road or in far off locations.

We will start with the usual specifications according to the manufacturer:

Frequency Range:

  • FM: 64 ~ 108 MHz
    • Russia: 64 ~ 108 MHz
    • Japan: 76 ~ 108MHz
    • EU, USA:87.5 ~ 108MHz
  • SW: 1711 ~ 29999 kHz
  • MW: 522~ 1620 kHz
    • USA: 520-1710kHz
  • LW: 150 ~ 450kHz
  • AIR: 118-137MHz


  • Speaker: 5W / 4Ohm
  • Earphone Jack: 35mm,Stereo type
  • 500 Memories
  • Power supply : USB 5V/250mA external adaptor (not included), BL-5C battery
  • External Antenna Connection

Unit Size:

  • 120(L)×70(W)×30(H)mm
  • Weight: ~190g (Battery not included)

Package includes:

  • 1 x SIHUADON R-108 Radio
  • 1 x USB charge cable
  • 1 x BL-5C lithium battery
  • External Wire Antenna
  • 1 x User Manual


The R-108 has very good ergonomics for its size – even with rather large fingers the controls are easy to operate. There are a few multi-purpose buttons but these do not get in the way of typical operation, as most of them are designed to be used in the secondary function while the radio is off, such as setting the FM starting frequency for different parts of the world, or setting the MW bandwidth setting or clock function.

Tuning Dial, USB-C Connector, and Volume wheel

Tuning knob changes between Fast, Slow, and Stop with a press.

One feature I particularly like is the multifunction tuning knob. Rotating the knob does as one would expect in changing frequencies, and pushing the knob in switches between fast and slow tuning depending on the band. But a third option is “Stop”, which locks on to the frequency such that turning the knob will not change the current frequency. For a portable radio one is likely to be holding in the hands often, I find this a nice feature.

Direct keyboard entry is always a useful feature, one which I use quite regularly. With the R-108 you simply press the Frequency button and enter in the frequency based on the band – LW, MW, etc. There is no need to press a separate “enter” key when finished, as the frequency setting is complete with the last digit press.

The radio features a robust 19-inch telescoping antenna, and while any antenna is able to be bent or broken if enough force is applied, this antenna should easily last the life of the radio if handled reasonably. The screen is bright and easy to read, and the radio features a flip out stand on the back and a replaceable battery.

Bright Screen and External Antenna Jack

Bright Screen and External Antenna Jack

There is also an external antenna jack for the included wire antenna, and one could certainly build a longer wire antenna or adapt an existing external antenna with the appropriate plug. I only tested the included wire antenna and did not find that it overloaded the front-end of the radio, but the performance of the wire antenna was less than desirable (see Cons below). However, your mileage may vary, as they say, whether due to location or by using a different external antenna.

One of the more obvious design intentions for this radio is an appeal to a world-wide audience, as evidenced both by the variable FM frequency range options and the inclusion of the LW band. Depending on your location, the time of year, and listening conditions, this can be a nice addition. I cannot speak to the effectiveness of this radio’s implementation of the band in that there are few longwave signals I have been able to receive on my desktop radios, even with external long-wire antennas at my current location.

Bandwidth tuning is variable for SW/LW/MW/AIR with options of 6, 4, 3, 2 and 1 kHz.

In testing the radio’s reception, I have compared it with the CCRANE SKYWAVE and it’s larger sibling, the XHDATA D-808, with some interesting results. On shortwave bands and FM I have found the three radios to be basically comparable in reception. Now, this deserves a bit of a deeper dive into performance. I say basically comparable because there are some differences in the SW reception.

The SIHUADON R-108 and the CCRANE are very similar, but the XHDATA D-808, even though it has a larger antenna (7-inches longer), did not receive signals as well as the R-108. There are likely two reasons for this. First, the most likely overall is a bit of a difference in design sensitivity. But what was more noticeable, and the secondary reason for the difference in reception, was the interference factor. The D-808 was simply more susceptible to electrical interference. There were several birdies present on portions of the SW bands which were not present on either of the two smaller radios.

This also brings up another interesting find: the audio out of the R-108 was noticeably better than the CCRANE or the D-808, even with the D-808’s larger speaker. This was a nice surprise as listening to MW and SW was much more pleasant to the ear. When connected to headphones the stereo audio quality was pretty much the same between the three units as one would expect.

This R-108, branded under “RADIWOW R-108”, was reviewed by Thomas a while back and exhibited some birdies on the MW band. This seems to have been corrected in my copy of the radio, but would be worth checking into to make sure if purchasing a new unit.

As a side note, the radio was also included in the excellent 2021 Ultralight Radio Shootout by Gary DeBock.

Replaceable Battery and Kick Stand

Replaceable Battery and Kick Stand

The radio has an ATS function which works quite well. The basic operation is like most radios with this feature in terms of scanning, but using the stored stations is not always easy with some radios, involving multiple button presses, “pages” or menu settings.

In the case of the R-108, once stations have been scanned on a particular band using the long press of the ATS key, selecting them becomes quite simple. For example, with the FM band selected, a press of the VM/VF key switches you from standard frequency tuning to your presets. This is indicated both by a change in the display to show the current preset selected, as well as a double beep, convenient for those who might be visually impaired. When in Preset mode you can tune the presets manually with the tuning knob, or make use of the U/D arrows to either fine tune or manually tune through the band. A long press on either the up or down arrows starts a scan of the preset stations, pausing for 5 seconds on each stored station for that band. Stopping the scan is done by pressing once again on the up or down arrows.

Below are a list of Pros and Cons, as well as my final thoughts on the radio.


USB-C connector

Strong Antenna

External antenna jack

Bright backlit display

LW band inclusion

Superior Audio as compared to other portables of its size (and even larger)

Good battery life and convenient charging connection, replaceable battery

ATS function implemented well



Soft muting is present and the recovery time is a bit longer than most radios I have used

No WX band (For a travel radio in the U.S. this is a feature that will be missed)

External Antenna created more noise on SW signals with no boost in sensitivity for weak stations, and stronger stations were made less strong due to induced noise


As we so often say, no radio is perfect, and no radio will please everyone, or even fit everyone’s needs. I do not travel much, so a small portable radio that can be packed easily and not add a lot of weight to my luggage is not as important to me as it is to, say, our venerable leader Thomas, who travels a lot and loves a good compact radio.

I however do like to sit in my recliner and listen to AM DX, Shortwave, and the occasional classical music FM station or local AM station. I think Jock and I have a lot in common that way. For serious Amateur DX, Utility and serious DXing of almost any sort, I rely on my desktop radios and tie in my radios to my computer and external antennas. But I often like to just relax with a radio, and this is a great radio with which to do just that.

I have already mentioned the excellent audio which makes listening more enjoyable on all modes, and the ergonomics fit me quite well. The sensitivity of the radio is quite good, the range of reception band options is impressive, and the memory station tuning is a breeze.

What is most impressive in some ways is the price for which such excellent features may be found.

And speaking of price, XHDATA has offered a special coupon offer for a limited time for SWLing Blog readers:

From XHDATA: We’d like to provide you with a stackable 20% discount code.
Here are the exclusive discount codes:

R108 (Black & Gray):  20R108forSWL

Effective time: From 2025-2-6 To 2025-2-9 Pacific Standard Time

– Black:
– Gray:

I have tested the codes and they are working for Amazon America purchases. Stackable means in addition to the 10% coupon offered on the Amazon site, you can add the above code during the checkout process to get an additional 20% off, making the price with tax ~$45! This code is for SWLing Blog readers only!

(Follow the tag Radiwow R-108 for additional posts.)

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Revised: XSG Special World Radio Day Event and QSL Card

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor Michael (BD4AAQ) and Xusheng Niu (BH4BFS), who share the following revised announcement:

120 Years of XSG: World Radio Day Commemoration

Revised Notice from Shanghai Coast Radio Station (XSG)

Dear SWLers and Amateur Radio Enthusiasts,

In celebration of World Radio Day and the 120th anniversary of Shanghai Coast Radio Station (XSG), XSG will transmit special commemorative messages on its dedicated frequencies from 12 to 13 February 2025.

Established in 1905, Shanghai Coast Radio Station has proudly served maritime communications for 120 years. Operating under the callsign XSG since its inception, the station continues to uphold its legacy by maintaining Morse code telegraph services, alongside its role in the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS).

Event Schedule:

Scheduled duration: 00:00 UTC on 12 February 2025 to 24:00 UTC on 13 February 2025.

XSG Transmission Frequencies and Modes:

  • 4105 kHz CW/A1A
  • 6780 kHz CW/A1A
  • 8502 kHz CW/A1A
  • 12871.5 kHz CW/A1A

QSL Confirmation:

For QSL card requests, please send your card or reception report to: Shanghai Coast Radio Station (XSG), No. 1 Diantai Road, Zhangjiang Town, Pudong New Area, Shanghai 201206, PR China. Email:

We warmly invite SWLers and amateur radio enthusiasts worldwide to join us in celebrating this historic milestone.

Best regards,

Shanghai Coast Radio Station (XSG)
1 February 2025

Information provided by BD4AAQ (Michael Ye) and BH4BFS (Xusheng Niu)

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AM Band RF Noise Study


Photo by Brock Wegner on Unsplash

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Dennis Dura, who shares the following article from Radio World:

NRSC Releases Details of AM Band RF Noise Study (Radio World)

Noise levels remained consistent throughout different environments, even in downtown Baltimore

The National Radio Systems Committee’s AM Improvement Working Group has published a study examining the effects of RF noise on AM radio reception in cars.

Radio World readers will find the study’s scientific detail of interest. Noteworthy was how RF noise on the road often did not vary amongst the diverse environments sampled. Overcoming downtown building signal degradation was more of a concern, according to the study’s authors. Additionally, the study found field strength projections of AM signals to often not be reflective of contour predictions.

The group’s study intended to provide a better understanding of how AM radio reception is affected by RF signal strength and noise in a range of roadway environments. The authors also provided some suggestions to overcome signal loss. [Continue reading…]

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Carlos’ Illustrated Radio Listening Report and Recording of Radio 2, Argentina (February 4, 2025)

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor and noted political cartoonist, Carlos Latuff, who shares illustrated radio listening report of a recent Radio 2 broadcast.

Carlos notes:

Part of Argentina’s Radio 2 news bulletin (in Spanish), 1230 kHz AM, listened in Porto Alegre in a Sony ICR-N20 receiver:

“Gender violence in Argentina, according to a new report by the Observatory of Femicides in Argentina, Adriana Maricel Zambrano, 28 women were victims of gender violence in Argentina from January 1 to 31, 2025.

Trump received Netanyahu and stated that the Palestinians have no alternative but to leave Gaza. The President of the United States met with the Israeli Prime Minister and shared his vision of the situation in the enclave. They are there because they have no alternative…”

Click here to view on YouTube.

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