Tag Archives: Antarctic Midwinter Broadcast

Reminder: Help record the 2015 BBC Antarctic Midwinter Broadcast today!

800px-Antarctica.svgAs a reminder: I’m calling on all SWLing Post readers and shortwave radio listeners to make a short recording (say, 30-60 seconds) of the BBC Antarctic Midwinter Broadcast and share it here at the Post (frequencies and time below).

The recording can be audio-only, or even a video taken from any recording device or smart phone. It would be helpful to have a description and/or photo of your listening environment and location, if possible.

If you submit your recording to me, I will post it here on the SWLing Post–and insure that the BBC World Service receives the post, too.  The recordings will be arranged by geographic location.

Halley VI: The British Antarctic Survey's new base (Source: BBC)

Halley VI: The British Antarctic Survey’s new base (Source: British Antarctic Survey)

The broadcast will take place today at 21:30 UTC on the following frequencies:

  • 5,905 kHz, Dhabayya, 203 degrees
  • 5,985 kHz, Woofferton, 184 degrees
  • 9,590 kHz, Woofferton, 182 degrees

I will (hopefully) be in the SWLing Post chat room during the broadcast.  Please sign in and share your report!

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Correction: Antarctic Midwinter Broadcast transmission tests take place on Friday

SX-99-DialIn the title of my last post, I noticed that I’ve incorrectly stated that the Friday, June 19 BBC Antarctic Midwinter Broadcast tests were to take place “today.” While the post content was correct, the date in this title was not.  My apologies for the mix-up–I’ve since corrected and noted this in the original post.

To be clear, the transmission tests for Sunday’s Antarctic Midwinter Broadcast will take place on Friday, June 19 2015 from 21:30-21:45 UTC on the following frequencies:

  • 7,425 kHz, Ascension, 207 degrees
  • 5,985 kHz, Woofferton, 184 degrees
  • 9,590 kHz, Woofferton, 182 degrees
  • 5,905 kHz, Dhabayya, 203 degrees

Apologies for any confusion.

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Friday: transmission tests for Sunday’s Antarctic Midwinter Broadcast


Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Rob Wagner, who reports:

HFCC is now listing a test transmission (as the BBC usually does) before the official Antarctic broadcast. The test will be held on Friday June 19 at 2130-2145 UTC. All frequencies listed [below] will be tested INCLUDING the 7425 Ascension outlet! Tests usually consist of a simple feed to BBC WS English programming.

  • 7,425 kHz, Ascension, 207 degrees
  • 5,985 kHz, Woofferton, 184 degrees
  • 9,590 kHz, Woofferton, 182 degrees
  • 5,905 kHz, Dhabayya, 203 degrees

What’s interesting about this is that 7425 wasn’t listed in the finally three freqs chosen for the broadcast, but they are including it in the test! Sounds like they are having “an each-way bet” (as we say in Australia) – 7425 may still possibly be used as a backup for the actual broadcast on June 21.  Cheers, Rob VK3BVW

Many thanks, Rob!  These test broadcasts will give us a good idea which frequencies to focus on during the official broadcast on June 21, 2015.  I’ll be listening Friday at 2130 UTC!

[Update: Note that I originally noted the broadcast time as Thursday in the title of this post. Apologies! I’ve since made this correction. The test broadcast is Friday night (June 19, 2015).]

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2015 BBC Antarctic Midwinter Broadcast frequencies confirmed

800px-Antarctica.svgMany thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Stephen Cooper, who has confirmed the frequencies that will be used for the 2015 BBC Antarctic Midwinter Broadcast on June 21 at 21:30 UTC.

Again, this year, I’m calling on all SWLing Post readers and shortwave radio listeners to make a short recording (say, 30-60 seconds) of the show and share it here at the Post. Click here for details.

Stephen received confirmation of the following frequencies directly from the BBC World Service:

  • 5,985 kHz,
  • 9,590 kHz,
  • and 5,905 kHz

Evidently, these were the frequencies chosen from the following that were tested:

  • 7,425 kHz, Ascension, 207 degrees
  • 5,985 kHz, Woofferton, 184 degrees
  • 9,590 kHz, Woofferton, 182 degrees
  • 5,905 kHz, Dhabayya, 203 degrees

I think it’s safe to assume that the same antenna paths will be used from the tests. I had hoped an Ascension Island frequency would have made the cut as it’s typically the frequency I hear best here in eastern North America. Of course, the selections were made based on actual test reception in the various parts of Antarctica where the team is located.

Please note these frequencies and take a little time to submit your recording! We look forward to sharing and mapping them across the globe.

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Help record the 2015 BBC Antarctic Midwinter Broadcast on June 21


Every year, the BBC broadcasts a special program to the scientists and support staff in the British Antarctic Survey Team. The BBC plays music requests and sends special messages to the small team of 40+ located at various Antarctic research stations. Each year, the thirty minute show is guaranteed to be quirky, nostalgic, and certainly a DX-worthy catch!

Regular SWLing Post readers know that I’m a huge fan of the Antarctic Midwinter Broadcast (and without fail, it falls on my birthday each year!).

Hit the record button!

Halley VI: The British Antarctic Survey's new base (Source: BBC)

Halley VI: The British Antarctic Survey’s new base (Photo credit: British Antarctic Survey)

This year, I’m calling on all SWLing Post readers and shortwave radio listeners to make a short recording (say, 30-60 seconds) of the show and share it here at the Post.

The recording can be audio-only, or even a video taken from any recording device or smart phone. It would be helpful to have a description and/or photo of your listening environment and location, if possible.

If you submit your recording to me, I will post it here on the SWLing Post–and insure that the BBC World Service receives the post, too.  The recordings will be arranged by geographic location.

Are you in?

If you’re interested in participating, mark your calendars for June 21st!  I’ll post updates and frequencies about the Antarctic Midwinter Broadcast here on the SWLing Post. Please follow the tag: Antarctic Midwinter Broadcast…and get ready for some cool solstice fun!

[UPDATE: Click here for the latest broadcast frequencies.]

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