Tag Archives: Photos

A photo tour of the 2015 Shelby Hamfest


For the first time in over a decade, my Labor Day weekend was free of travel, so I was able to make a short pilgrimage to the Shelby (North Carolina) hamfest with my good buddies, Vlado (N3CZ), Dave (K4SV) and Phil (W9IXX).

The Shelby Hamfest–referred to, locally, as “The Grand-Daddy of them All”–has long been regarded as one of the largest hamfests in the southeast US. The last time I attended–most likely in 2004–I was amazed at the number of vendors and, especially, the size of the flea market section (my favorite part of any hamfest).


We arrived just after the gates opened at 8:00, yesterday morning. While there were quite a number of vendors sprawling the Cleavland County Fairgrounds, attendance must have been down as it seemed there were more vendors than attendees.


Still, it was nice to hunt for treasures without so much competition at each table!


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This BC-348-R (above) was one of the first radios that grabbed my attention. Though I already have a BC-348-Q, I certainly wouldn’t mind having another one of these classic WWII era receivers.


This BC-348-R was very clean inside and in pretty good original cosmetic shape on the outside. To power this BC-348, I would need to add a transformer or a 28 volt Dynamotor. The seller had it priced at “$100 OBO” (or best offer). I was willing to make him an offer, but even though I kept checking back, I never found the seller at his table. Too bad.

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This BC-348-Q–priced at $125–needed a new transformer and a “tune-up,” per the seller.


It’s rare to find a GPR-90 this clean and with a matching speaker.

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The seller only wanted $40 for this Hammarlund speaker.

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There were a number of Hammarlund SP-600s scattered across the flea market. I have one and can confidently say that it’s a joy to operate–especially on the medium wave band. IMG_20150905_084228534 IMG_20150905_084913833 IMG_20150905_084716573

The seller wanted $200 for this Harris–it needed substantial repairs internally.

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This gorgeous WWII era ART-13 was the most tempting thing I found in Shelby.


It would look so good sitting next to or above my BC-348-Q.


This one had been professionally restored and was in perfect working order. I’ve seen ART-13s at other hamfests, but never as clean as this one.


The seller wanted over $500. While I know an ART-13 in this condition could command that price, I simply didn’t have the budget for it on this trip.  Fortunately, the seller is a friend-of-a-friend and if he still has this ART-13 post-fest, I might just contact him!




The Ten-Tec Argonaut 509 is a classic little QRP transceiver! Someday, I’ll pick one up.


If memory severs, the seller wanted $275 for this used Satellit 750 and $325 (or more) for the 800.  I noticed he had sold the 750 by my second pass.  IMG_20150905_090725657

This Sharper Image shortwave receiver (above) has BFO and tone controls on the back(!) of the unit. Very strange–imagine tuning in an SSB station by reaching behind the radio and tweaking the BFO knob!IMG_20150905_090544603 IMG_20150905_090516038 IMG_20150905_092653649 IMG_20150905_092054649 IMG_20150905_092025822_HDR

The seller wanted $100 for this Hallicrafters portable receiver. Knowing my weakness for anything Halligan, I forced myself to slowly back away. It wasn’t easy leaving it on the table.

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There were very few console radios at this hamfest; all of them were in poor condition which made it much easier for me to pass them by. IMG_20150905_092958884 IMG_20150905_103504866_HDR IMG_20150905_103155217_HDR

This 1960’s era Signal Corps TG-34-A Morse code reader was also tempting and one of the last items I viewed in the flea market. The seller wasn’t at the table, so I never bothered asking about the price. If it had been a WWII era reader, it would have come home with me.IMG_20150905_103229288


Elecraft had a nice indoor display and a steady number of attendees inquiring about their new K3s transceiver and, of course, the KX3.
IMG_20150905_105237940In the end, I came home from Shelby with very little: only two patch cables and a male SMA connector.

I did, however, get to spend time with my friends, re-connect with a buddy I hadn’t seen since high school, and meet a few SWLing Post readers. I certainly call that a successful hamfest!

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Moshe’s listening post at the office

SWLing Post contributor, Moshe, writes:

In the attached photos my Sangean receives Elliniki Radiophonia at 9420kHz at my working post. Note the amount of computers, screens and the fact that the radio sits on top of an HP printer.


Still audio is clear and clear reception with only telescopic antenna.


The other radio is my beloved Ben-Gal 1958 tube radio (Israeli made). It looks very much like German radios of the time.

[The Ben-Gal] is in daily use. Anyone seeing this radio loves it, especially when I turn it on!”



Many thanks for sharing these photos, Moshe! Your reception of Elliniki Radiophonia must be exceptional in Israel to overcome all of that office RFI.

The Ben-Gal must produce some rich audio; I bet it’s a champ on medium wave with that large internal ferrite bar! Beautiful set! Thanks again for sharing!

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Can you identify this shortwave broadcasting site?

Today, I had the fortune of spending a great deal of time at this impressive shortwave broadcasting site. No doubt, many of you have heard it.  Can you guess the name of the station?


(Matt and Doug: you are excluded from this guessing game)

Stay tuned, of course:  more photos (and a full tour) to come…!

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David Korchin’s photography captures ETOW radios in the hands of kids

Click here to view David Korchin's photography

Click here to view David Korchin’s photography

A truly rewarding experience I am privileged to enjoy as the director of Ears To Our World is to work directly with kids and teachers in the countries where we extend our mission.

This year, photographer/SWLer/radio amateur–and good friend–David Korchin (KC2WNW) accompanied me on an ETOW distribution trip to inner Belize City. Besides grabbing a few moments to enjoy a little SWLing, we worked with ETOW partner organization, The Belize Council for the Visually Impaired, to place radios with some of the children attending their annual summer camp.  This was the third year we’ve worked with the BCVI, and it’s been a very rewarding journey.

Can you imagine what impact a self-powered shortwave radio might have on a child who is visually-impaired, but whose family can’t readily afford batteries? If you can fill in the answer, you’ll know why I do this.

Today, David posted his photos from the trip, documenting these truly inspirational children.  The photos are nothing short of amazing. Click here to view the photos on his website: davidkorchin.com

You might recognize the radios we’re distributing; they were generously donated by Eton Corporation and are shortwave versions of their clever little wind-up workhorse, the Rover. Eton, incidentally, is celebrating their 27th anniversary today.

And, David–many, many thanks!

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Photos from the Dayton Hamvention

I’m at the Dayton Hamvention again this year. If you are also attending, please stop by booth 411 in the Ball Arena and introduce yourself.

I had a chance to search the outdoor flea market yesterday morning  and even check out a few indoor exhibitor booths in the afternoon.  Here are a few photos from yesterday:

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