Tag Archives: Shortwave Radio Recordings

RNZI: Peter Fry says goodbye to Saturday Nights

full_peter-fry-014Peter Fry, host of Radio New Zealand National’s music request program, Saturday Night, said goodbye last night after fifteen years on the air. Many SWLing Post readers have written about their love of the program, having heard Fry’s voice over the shortwaves through Radio New Zealand International’s relay.

This morning, I received the following message from SWLing Post reader, Frank:

“I caught [Fry’s final Saturday Night broadcast] on my [Tecsun PL-660] while on watch last night.

For the last 2 months I have been ‘on passage’ from Antofagasta, Chile to Auckland on my wee boat and last night, having left Bora Bora 5 days ago bound Tonga, we were sailing through the ‘southern Cooks’.

Listened to his last program while sailing into the setting moon on a balmy tropical night right down to the last ‘goodbyeeee’.
To me its what SWLing is all about.”

He continues:

“Beats listening to the footy on RA. Beats DXing in Tristan da Cunha as well….”

I must admit, I agree, Frank.  I would certainly love to be in your place: on the open water, listening to distant stations…Thanks for sharing, and safe travels to you and your crew.

And fans of the show, fear not. Though we will miss Peter, and are grateful for his years on the show. Saturday Night will continue with a new host, and I’m willing to bet that it’ll still be a treat to hear.

If you missed hearing Saturday Night, yesterday, check out the audio files below, which cover the entire final broadcast:

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Shortwave Radio Recordings: Radio Romania International


For your listening pleasure: Radio Romania International‘s English language service.

I recorded this broadcast with the WinRadio Excalibur on July 2, 2014, starting at 00:00 UTC on 9,700 kHz.

This broadcast originates from RRI‘s Tiganesti transmitter site.

Click here to download the recording as an MP3, or simply listen via the embedded player below:

Click here to view other posts mentioning Radio Romania International.

If you love shortwave radio recordings, please visit our Shortwave Radio Audio Archive which contains hundreds of archived recordings. You can subscribe to the SRAA on iTunes.

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Pirate Radio Recordings: Wolverine Radio

SSTV-28Apr2014-080706For your listening pleasure: 1 hour and 7 minutes of pirate radio station, Wolverine Radio–recorded April 27, 2014 starting around 1:10 UTC.

Wolverine was broadcasting on 6,945 kHz in the upper side band. Typical of Wolverine, lots of music variety which spans the decades and no commentary other than station ID throughout.

I decoded Wolverine’s SSTV QSL (see right) with Chris Smolinski’s SSTV app for iPhone.  As you’ll hear, overall signal strength and audio fidelity were excellent.

Click here to download the recording as an MP3 or simply listen via the embedded player below:

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Chris field records NHK while traveling in Peru


SWLing Post reader, Chris, has just shared a recording of NHK World he made while traveling in Peru on Monday (April 21st, 2014).

Yes, that’s his photo above taken in the picturesque coastal town of Máncora. Can you tell I’m envious? 

Chris recorded this broadcast starting at 10:00 UTC on 9,625 kHz with a Sony ICF-SW7600G and using a Sangean ANT-60 antenna. The actual recording was made with Chris’ Sony ICD SX712 digital recorder and he uploaded it using a Dell Windows 8.1 (8 inch) tablet.

That, Chris, is a nice field recording combo!

Click here to download his recording as an MP3, or simply listen via the embedded player below. This recording will also be available on the Shortwave Radio Audio Archive.

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Nothing on shortwave? I still disagree.


One of the most popular posts on the SWLing Post is one published nearly two years ago: “Is there anything to listen to on shortwave?

In that article, I posted recordings made on the 31 meter band of eight different broadcasters, all of which I found within a 250 kHz chunk of bandwidth on a Friday afternoon.

On February 8th (this past Saturday), I recorded a 160 kHz chunk of spectrum on the 31 meter band with my WinRadio Excalibur, starting around 1:00 UTC and lasting for about 9 hours.  I made this spectrum recording in attempt to capture the Voice of Korea on one of their three scheduled frequencies.

While VOK wasn’t audible enough to make a good recording, I did log the following stations all within this thin slice of radio spectrum (click on links for recordings):

I’m guessing that I only logged 50% of what I heard as this list was put together from a quick scan through the recording. In fact, I’m systematically making recordings of each of these broadcasts, from the spectrum file, and adding them to the Shortwave Radio Audio Archive. I may actually discover more stations in the process.

My point is, if you think there’s nothing to listen to on shortwave, you’re simply not listening!

Now back to my radio…

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Pirate Radio Recordings: Wolverine Radio

SSTV-19Jan2014-WolverineRadioFor your listening pleasure: 1 hour and 17 minutes of pirate radio station, Wolverine Radio–recorded Sunday, January 19, 2014 starting around 1:40 UTC.

Wolverine was broadcasting on 6,94o kHz in the upper side band. Typical of Wolverine, lots of music variety which spans the decades and no commentary other than station ID throughout.

While reception was waning when I decoded Wolverine’s SSTV QSL (see right), signal strength and audio fidelity were excellent as always.

Click here to download the recording as an MP3 or simply listen via the embedded player below:

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Shortwave Radio Recordings: Radio Romania International


For your listening enjoyment:  Radio Romania International‘s English language service.

This RRI broadcast was recorded on January 4, 2013 starting a little before 01:00 UTC on 7,325 kHz. It begins with a few seconds of RRI’s interval signal.

Be sure to also check out the Shortwave Radio Audio Archive for a two hour recording of RRI’s Romanian language service, which was broadcast simultaneously on 7,340 kHz.

Click here to download the recording as an MP3, or simply listen via the embedded player below:

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