Tag Archives: WRTH

WRTH updates A16 schedule


(Source: Sean Gilbert via WRTH Facebook page)

WRTH has released an A16 broadcast schedules update PDF file. This file details frequency changes as well as other scheduling amendments. Included are the new single transmitter schedule of RNZI and the new COTB station targeted to Burundi.

[From this page], click on ‘International Updates’ and select the ‘July updates’ file.

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WRTH update to A16 schedule


(Source: Sean Gilbert via WRTH on Facebook)

We are pleased to announce that the A16 International Radio and Clandestine/Target Broadcast schedules file is now available for download from our website.
The file is offered free of charge, but we do have a donations page if you wish to show support/thank for all the hard work and dedication our very small team puts in to get these files ready.

The schedules file is in PDF form, and requires a PDF reading program/app. The file contains International Radio and Clandestine/Target Radio broadcast schedules for 201 stations (yes, there really are still that many non-domestic stations broadcasting on LW/MW and SW). Also included are an International/Clandestine Radio frequency list, Selected language broadcasts, International DRM broadcasts and an International transmitter sites table.

We hope you find this a useful accompaniment to the printed WRTH, and as a standalone schedules file.

Happy listening and good DX from the WRTH editorial team.

Download from here.

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WRTH 2016: B15 season update now available for download

WRTH-2016Many thanks to Sean Gilbert who shares the following on the WRTH Facebook page:

WRTH has released a free of charge update file for the B15 (winter) international and clandestine/target broadcast schedules. The file is in PDF format and follows the same styling as the WRTH printed edition.

To download the file, please visit either: http://www.wrth.com/_shop or http://www.wrth.com/_shop/?page_id=444.

We understand from some of our web visitors that there was an issue with our donations button not working properly – this has been rectified and you are now able to make a donation to WRTH, should you wish to. This is entirely voluntary, of course.

If you haven’t already purchased your copy of the 70th anniversary edition of WRTH (2016), now is the ideal opportunity! Head to our website for more information. Best wishes and happy listening/DXing from the WRTH Editorial team.

Click here to read our overview of the 2016 WRTH.

Purchase your copy of WRTH 2015 directly from WRTH’s publishers, or from a distributor like Universal Radio (US) and Amazon.com (US), or Radio HF (Canada). BookDepository.com, a U.K.-based seller, is also offering WRTH at a discount and with free worldwide shipping.

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The Worldwide Listening Guide: the content DXer’s handbook

WWLG-7th-EditionI’m very pleased to have just received the 7th edition of John Figliozzi’s Worldwide Listening Guide (WWLG), the latest, most updated version of the excellent guide I’ve often reviewed.

As I’ve said, you may want a copy of the WWLG in your shack, especially alongside your computer or Wi-Fi radio.

SWLing Post readers know that I’m a huge fan of the Word Radio TV Handbook (WRTH); it’s my go-to guide for radio frequencies and schedules. Well, Figliozzi’s Worldwide Listening Guide is my go-to for programming and content, not only helpful on the shortwaves, but also handy when tracking online content.

WWLG: The Content DXers Guide

Like many SWLs, I’m something of a “Content DXer:” I love chasing obscure programming––news, documentaries, music, and variety shows, anything the broadcasting world has to offer.  For this, I often turn to Wi-Fi radio.  Wi-Fi radio offers the discerning listener the ability to track down fascinating regional content from every corner of the globe––content never actually intended for an international audience.

But the fact is, there’s so much content out there, it’s hard to know where to start. This is where the WWLG comes in: Figliozzi exhaustively curates more than 4,000 programs (!), indexing their airing times, stations, days of broadcast, program types, frequencies, and web addresses. Additionally, he sorts the programs by genre:  arts, culture, history, music, sports, and more. And Figliozzi also includes a well-thought-out directory of at least forty genres.   In short, this directory has helped me not just locate, but identify, programming I would never have known about otherwise.

Frankly, I’m not sure how Figliozzi manages to curate such a vast assortment of programming.  But I’m happy that he does, and especially, that he offers it for the SWL’s benefit––!

Thus the WWLG  has become a permanent reference book in my shack, alongside my trusty WRTH. There’s a surprising amount of information packed into this slim, spiral-bound book…enough to keep even a seasoned DXer contented for years.

The 7th edition of Worldwide Listening Guide can be purchased here:

With a retail price under $25, I feel like the WWLG is an excellent bargain.

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WRTH 2016: A look inside


I received my copy of the 2016 World Radio and TV Handbook (WRTH) directly from the publisher on Christmas Eve 2105. As many SWLing Post readers know, I always look forward to receiving this staple radio reference guide each year. This is a special year for the publication, too: it’s their 70th edition!

I should note that it was a special edition of the WRTH for me as well: upon request, I contributed two receiver reviews and a feature article. It was an honor working with the WRTH publication staff and being included in the 70th edition.

WRTH’s team of noted DXers from around the world curate frequencies and broadcaster information by region; while I’m not sure how they orchestrate all of this, the end result is truly a symphony of radio information. In addition to broadcaster listings, WRTH’s radio reviews, feature articles, and annual HF report make for excellent reading.

But the WRTH isn’t just a frequency guide: the publication always devotes the first sixty or so pages to articles relating to various aspects of the radio hobby. Following, I offer a quick overview of these.

The first article always features a WRTH contributor (indeed, it’s this very network of contributors that make WRTH and its listings such a success):  this year, Dave Kenny tells us how he got interested in the hobby and what being a contributor means to him. It’s fascinating to read about how his SWLing hobby turned into a career as he worked for BBC Monitoring for many years.

The second set of articles is always my favorite: WRTH receiver reviews.


This year, WRTH reviewed the C.Crane CC Skywave (an update to one of my reviews on the Post).  They also review the new AOR AR-DV-1 (above), the Etón Satellit Grundig Edition (which impressed them favorably), the Tecsun PL-680 (again, an update of one of my Post reviews), and the Nti ML200 Megaloop.

The following article is “A Brief History of World Radio TV Handbook” which traces the publication’s history back to the Nazi occupation of Denmark in World War II. It’s a fascinating read and puts the publication into context as technology, international broadcasting and the WRTH team have evolved over the course of 70 years.

In the next article, UK MW & LW Broadcasting: the first 95 years, WRTH contributor Dave Porter (G4OYX), outlines the history and current use of MW & LW broadcasting. A fascinating history written by a former BBC senior transmitter engineer!

Next is the added feature 70 Years of Reception which looks at receiver technology and innovations that have had an impact over the course of WRTH’s long history. They highlight a few select receivers over the decades like the RCA AR-88, Eddystone 840-A, Eddstone EC-10, Barlow Wadley XCR-30, Kenwood R-1000, Drake R8 and the WinRadio Excalibur Ultra.


Following this, WRTH contributor, David Foster, features an article on Radio in Timore-Leste.  Foster has been involved in Timore-Leste for many years–his article gives excellent insight into this part of Southeast Asia. Indeed, I always look forward to David Foster’s articles in WRTH!

This year, WRTH also features an updated and revised article I wrote for them on The Future of Shortwave. Again, I’m honored to have contributed to the 70th edition of WRTH.

WRTH International Editor, Sean Gilbert, also wrote an excellent Guide to SDRs–a brilliant little summary of what SDRs are, how they work, and some common terminology used in reviews.

The final article–a tradition–is the WRTH  HF propagation report/forecast by Ulf-Peter Hoppe. Always an informative read (even if the prediction isn’t positive for DXers).

As expected, the 70th is another great edition of the World Radio TV Handbook.

As I’ve said many times, though I use online frequency databases fairly regularly, there is just no replacement for a good printed frequency guide–especially for all of my off-grid DXing.

For DXers who collect QSL cards, you’ll find that broadcaster contact information in WRTH is often more up-to-date than a broadcaster’s own website. When readers ask me for station contact information, it is the current WRTH I reference.

Not only does WRTH contain more in-depth information on broadcasters and schedules, but it makes for quick reference, and doesn’t require a computer or Internet connection–much like, well, your shortwave radio.

Purchase your copy of WRTH 2015 directly from WRTH’s publishers, or from a distributor like Universal Radio (US) and Amazon.com (US), or Radio HF (Canada).

SWLing Post contributor, Richard Langley (Canada), also noted that  BookDepository.com, a U.K.-based seller, is offering WRTH at a discount and with free worldwide shipping. Thanks for the tip, Richard!

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WRTH 2016: I’m glad I stopped by the post office


I just brought home my copy of WRTH 2016 from the post office. I didn’t expect it to arrive so soon from the UK, so I’m very much looking forward to reading through it over the next few days. It’s a special volume, too: WRTH’s 70th anniversary edition!

I’m also honored to have a feature article and two reviews in this particular edition.

You can order your copy from Amazon or Universal Radio here in the US, from Radio HF in Canada. Otherwise, consider ordering directly from WRTH online.

I’ll post an overview of WRTH 2016 in the coming days.

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WRTH 2016: now in publication

WRTH-2016I’m very happy to see this notice from Nicholas Hardyman, Publisher of the World Radio TV Handbook:

We are delighted to announce the publication today of the 70th edition of WRTH.

For full details of WRTH 2016 and to order a copy please visit our website at www.wrth.com where you can also order the B15 WRTH Bargraph Frequency Guide on CD and as a download.

WRTH 2016 is also available for pre-order, for readers in the USA, from Amazon or Universal  Radio in Ohio.

I hope you enjoy using this new edition of WRTH and the new CD.

Best regards

Nicholas Hardyman

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