Yearly Archives: 2016

Reminder: Paul’s music show “The Classics Experience”

Paul Walker at KIYU Alaska.

Paul Walker at KIYU Alaska.

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Paul Walker, who sends this reminder about his music show on WBCQ, WRMI, and Channel 292 this Friday and Saturday:

“The Classics Experience”, 2 hours of oldies and a smattering of country airs this week.

Tune into WRMI 11580khz, 8pm to 10pm eastern Friday/0100 to 0300utc Saturday [CORRECTION: 0100 to 0300 UTC Friday, 8-10 pm EST Thursday]. 

I’ll be on WBCQ 5130khz AND 9330khz (YES, A SIMULCAST!) Friday 10:05pm to 12:005AM (0300 to 0500utc)

I’ll also be on Channel 292, 6070khz Friday from 2205 utc Friday to 0005 UTC Saturday ( 10pm to 12midnight UK time)

No political or religious rants and no personal opinion.. just music and stuff like that.

QSL Address:

Paul Walker
PO Box 353
Galena, AK 99741

with $2 US appreciated to cover costs of postage, envelopes and stamps. If I get enough response, I will likely get some REAL qsl cards printed rather then just send out letters (The place i get stuff printed at has a minimum of 25 or 50 cards, I forget which

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Ofcom charts of UK spectrum allocations

UK-Ofcom-MapMany thanks to SWLing Post reader, Colin, who writes:

This chart may be familiar to some, for others like me who has just found it, this will be a very useful one-stop information page for UK spectrum allocations for scanning the bands.

Thanks, Colin! Ofcom has done a fantastic job making this data accessible. Individual maps for each chunk of spectrum can be downloaded as well.

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Photo tour of RAE transmitter site

RAE Antenna farm (Source: RAE)

RAE Antenna farm (Source: RAE)

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Andrea Borgnino, who shares a link to this photo gallery of Radiofusión Argentina al Exterior’s historic transmitter site.


Note that the photos on the RAE site are rather large and may take patience to download depending on your Internet speed. On the plus side, the images are high resolution!


Click here to view the full photo gallery at RAE.

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Can you help Chris ID this station?

SX-99-DialSWLing Post contributor, Chris Smolinski, would like your help to ID a Spanish language station. Chris notes:

“I record the 6800-7000 kHz band every night with my SDR, looking for pirates, but sometimes I also stumble on other interesting transmissions. The other night (UTC March 8) I picked up a curious station on 6974.5 kHz AM, starting at 0119 UTC, off at 0137. It was a mix of music and possible IDs by an OM in Spanish. There is what sounds like a four character call sign as part of the ID, and mentions of what could be the Dominican Republic. My guess right now is this was some sort of a relay of a domestic MW or FM station.

I have two recordings here, perhaps someone can pick out the callsign or other parts of the ID? Not the best audio quality, but you know how that goes:”

Audio Clip 1

Audio Clip 2

Please comment!

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James adds an LM386 amplifier kit to his Heathkit GR-150

Heathkit Explorer Jr. Completed w. screwdriverMany thanks to SWLing Post contributor, James Surprenant (AB1DQ), who shares this update to his review of the Heathkit Explorer Jr. TRF AM radio receiver kit:

With regard to the Heathkit TRF AM receiver kit, I did indeed build my LM386 amplifier.

I was planning on home-brewing it from scratch as the chip is pretty much all you need and there are various proven schematics for the circuit, but in the end I went with a small kit from Nightfire Electronics for $10 plus $5 shipping that I found on

It was a bit cheaper to buy it in kit form, of course, and then there was the convenience of having all the parts in one place.

Here is a photo of the kit as advertised on Amazon


And here is my build with the Heathkit…

Heathkit + LM 386

I modified the kit to add a 3.5mm input jack, replacing the RCA jack that came with the kit, to make it easier to plug into the Heathkit radio.

I deliberated whether to install the audio amp into the Heathkit cabinet drilling out a couple of holes for the pot shafts. It all would have fit and I could have easily mounted the 3″ 8 ohm speaker to the back panel of the Heathkit radio. In the end, I decided to keep the radio original and mounted the amplifier board on a small piece of wood I found at a hobby store and decided to leave it all exposed. It works well, all things considered.

(Click here to view video on Facebook.)

It worked well and per my original review on SWLing Post, I feel Heathkit should have included such a little amp in the kit – it makes a big difference.

Many thanks for the update, James! That little LM386 amp kit seems like an affordable addition for any receiver lacking an amplifier or adequate audio amplification.

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Bonito’s new catalog in English

Many thanks to Dennis Walter, who writes with this update from Bonito:


The new Bonito Hamradio / SWL Catalog 2016 in English has been released. We will distribute it on our Shows at Montichiari, Dayton Hamvention, Florence Hamfest, Friedrichshafen Hamradio, UK Hamfest etc.

The Catalog is already available as PDF download here:

Have fun and keep listening


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Ashok is impressed with the GP5/SSB


Many thanks to SWLing Post reader (and contest winner) Ashok Shankar Das, who writes:

The GP5/SSB receiver I got as prize from your SWLIing Post Virtual Radio Challenge is great. My friends envy the cute Monster 🙂

Well with this radio I am monitoring 40m and 20m HAM bands regularly. Since January till date I have received several stations. Most interesting stations till date are VK6HCF/portable, RW9JZ and EA3JE (from India).

Here’s a screen shot of the log book if you like to see. 🙂

Screenshot from 2016-02-23 23_04_33

This is excellent news, Ashok! Many thanks again to CountyComm who sponsored our Virtual Radio Challenge IV.

I hope to have another sponsored challenge posted within the next month or two. Frankly, I have multiple projects on my table, so free time has been almost non-existent the past few weeks. Indeed, I’m still catching up on a back log of correspondence I received during my travels last month! (I appreciate your patience and understanding!)

Happy listening, Ashok!

Update: Check out Ashok’s radio blog:

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