Tag Archives: Mike (K8RAT)

SDRplay releases new API driver for the RSP


Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Mike (K8RAT) who writes:

SDRplay has released a new API/hardware driver for the RSP (1.97).

Here is what they say about it along with a download:


So that’s a new SDRuno version and RSP hardware driver in less than one week. SDRplay has been busy!  Thanks for the tip, Mike!

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SDRplay RSP now only $129 in the US

The SDRplay RSP software defined radio

The SDRplay RSP software defined radio

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Mike Hansgen (K8RAT), who shares the following message from SDRplay:

Monday September 12th

Thanks to the weakening of the GB Pound, the dollar exchange rate has changed significantly over the past few months. We have decided that we would like to pass on the benefit of this to our customers and so have reduced the price for which we sell the RSP to those customers who buy directly from us in US Dollars down to $129.

Thanks for the tip, Mike! That’s a fantastic price for the SDRplay RSP which, I believe, was already a good value at $149 US. Click here to purchase the RSP directly from SDRplay.

Update: HRO have also adjusted their RSP pricing to $129 US.

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Free SDRuno webinars this weekend


Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Mike (K8RAT), who writes:

According to the SDRplay blog they will be hosting a series of Webinar events centered around the RSP and SDRuno. Starting this Saturday.

From Jon Hudson on SDRplay’s Facebook page:

We will be hosting a series of Webinar events centred around the SDRplay RSP and SDRuno. These events will be streamed live, but will also be recorded and hosted on our website for those that are unable to attend.

The first event is scheduled for this Saturday (2nd July) at 16:00 UTC – we will give some background to SDRuno and explain it’s core functionality and what the future holds for its development. It will be fairly informal and interactive, we will try to answer as many questions as we can. We will try to stick to a timeframe of about 45 minutes to 1 hour maximum.

You will be able to view the broadcast here: http://connectcast.tv/SDRplay

If you would like to contribute to the text chat discussion, you will need to signup with an account here: http://connectcast.tv/signup

If this proves to be of interest and value, we’ll schedule some more with special guests to go through specific real world use cases with the RSP and SDRuno

Jon (SDRplay )

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Met Office guide to space weather forecasts


Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Mike (K8RAT), who writes:

The Met Office has this brief introduction to the subject of space weather and the methods they use to make predictions. It may be useful to beginners in the radio hobby.

This download is found on The Met Office’s forecast page:

They are not giving us any good news regarding the next couple of days on HF.

Click here to download the Met Office guide: “Space Weather: Find out more about how we forecast space weather” (PDF).

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Mike’s thrift store find: a Panasonic RF-888

Mike's Panasonic RF-888 (left) and his  GE Super Radio II (right)

Mike’s thrift store Panasonic RF-888 (left) and his GE Super Radio II (right)

SWLing Post contributor Mike (K8RAT) writes:

I happened upon a good find of a vintage radio recently when I visited my local Goodwill store in a small city in Ohio.

Among the electronic equipment on a shelf I discovered a Panasonic RF-888. I was not familiar with this radio. The large speaker along with switches and knobs for features found on the better radios impressed me.

The price on the sticker read $3.50. I paid at the counter and motored away not knowing what a bargain I had received.

The RF-888 audio is very good on FM and good on AM. Sensitivity and selectivity are very good on both bands. The tuning meter is useful.

I recommend visits to local second-hand stores. You never know what you might find.

Mike, K8RAT

Many thanks for sharing this story, Mike, as it provides a good lesson for us all: never pass by a thrift store! I’ve never had the good fortune of finding a gem like the RF-888–or a Sony ICF-2010 like Vlado–but I shall keep searching.

Panasonic RF-888s sell on eBay for $100 US and higher–at $3.50, I’d say Mike snagged a deal.

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