Tag Archives: Paul Walker

KBS World Radio test transmissions schedule

(Source: Paul Walker)

KBS World Radio’s English Department Is Carrying Out Test Transmissions Next WeekKBS World Radio’s English Department Is Carrying Out Test Transmissions Next Week

Europe:  August 21 – 23, 1500 – 1600 UTC, 9515 kHz

Southeast Asia:  August 21 – 23, 0800 – 1030 UTC, 9770 kHz

India: August 21 – 22, 1400 – 1700 UTC, 9835 kHz

India: August 23 – 24, 1400-1700 UTC, 9785 kHz

If you live in target areas, please tune in and send us reception reports. Your reports are crucial in helping them find better frequency options.

Reception reports can be sent to [email protected] or on the web at https://world.kbs.co.kr/english/about/about_report.htm

If conditions are good next week, the transmission meant for Europe could be audible in the US

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Video: Paul’s large aperture “Volleyball Net” loop antenna

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Paul Walker, who shares the following video and notes:

Here is a 10 minute narrated, detailed video on my 25 foot long by 10 foot tall “Volleyball Net” Loop antenna using a Wellbrook ALA100LN amp control head and antenna interface.

Click here to view on YouTube.

Great job, Paul!

I like how Paul is using the antenna space he has so effectively. Though he has no antenna restrictions, his mag loop can be deployed and taken down quite easily; it’s obviously serving him well on both the HF and mediumwave bands. As he mentions, it’ s also manually steerable.

Those of you with the Wellbrook ALA100LN amplifier might try building this loop as well.

I also like how Paul is using the Tecsun ICR-100 recorder. Not only does it provide an easy way to record line-in audio from his radio, but the built-in speaker serves as an excellent monitor. It’s pretty affordable, too.

I agree with Paul about the Emtech ZM-2 ATU: it’s an exceptional little tuner that can be used for both QRP and SWL applications. I recently purchased the ZM-2 after having borrowed one from my buddy Eric (WD8RIF). Great value, in my opinion.

Thanks again, Paul!

Post readers: If you have an antenna design you’d like to share, please comment or contact me.

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Reminder: “Afternoon On The River” via WRMI Friday at 2200 UTC

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Paul Walker, who shares the following reminder:

On Friday February 24th (today) starting at 2200 UTC and going until 0100 UTC on Saturday February 25th, the local afternoon program “Afternoon On The River” From KIYU 88.1 Galena, Alaska will be broadcast via the WRMI transmitter on 15770 kHz for the east coast of North America and western Europe. We’ll also be on 6855 kHz at the same time, beamed to the SW USA!

I’ve footed the bill for this personally and am doing this just for fun. No QSL’s being offered for this broadcast.

Just listen in and enjoy. A phone number is given out from time to time during the show for requests.

Many thanks, Paul!

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“Afternoon On The River” via WRMI: February 24, 2017

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Paul Walker, who shares the following announcement:

KIYU 88.1 Galena, Alaska oldies show “Afternoon On The River” via WRMI 15,770 kHz Friday February 24th 2200-0100UT.

Many thanks, Paul! It’ll be fun tuning in!

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Paul’s (very cold) DXing post in Alaska

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Paul Walker, who writes:

In case anyone is mildly curious, this is the spot where I sit to DX.


These are my radios and antennas.

Equipment in photo above: Grundig Satellit 750, Lowe HF225, 2 225 foot long wires, a Wellbrook ALA1530LNP magnetic loop and DX Engineering HF Preamp.


And this is what’s to my back when DXing at 0945 AM local time

It was warm today, 4F above zero (-15.5C) instead of yesterday’s -18F below (-27.7C)!

Paul Walker
Galena, Alaska

That’s it, Paul! Next time I hear a DXer complaining about the weather, I’m just going to send them a link to this post! 🙂 Those are some seriously cold temps, yet I know it gets much, much colder there in the winter!

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Shortwave Radio Recordings: Radio Thailand English language service


Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Paul Walker, who shares this recording from his home in Galena, Alaska. Paul notes:

Radio Thailand (13745 kHz) English service to North America at 0000UTC on November 8th, 2016:

Click here to view on YouTube.

Not the strongest I ever hear them, but a good solid clean nearly noise and nearly fade free signal.

That’s an impressive signal, Paul, especially considering the fact that propagation conditions have been somewhat shaky as of late. Thanks for sharing!

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