Tag Archives: Shortwave Schedules

Alan Roe’s A23 season guide to music on shortwave (version 1.1)

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Alan Roe, who shares his A-23 (version 2) season guide to music on shortwave. Alan provides this amazing resource as a free PDF download:

Click here to download Music on Shortwave A-23 v2 (PDF)

Thank you for sharing your excellent guide, Alan!

This dedicated page will always have the latest version of Alan’s guide available for download.

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March 2023 Program Schedule for Texas Radio Shortwave

Many thanks to Texas Radio Shortwave contributor, Terry Colgan (N5RTC), who shares the following March 2023 schedule for Texas Radio Shortwave:

This schedule is subject to change without notice.

If you use this information, please credit Texas Radio Shortwave as the source.  Thank you.

In addition to these scheduled broadcasts, WRMI may air TRSW programs on unannounced dates, times, and frequencies. WRMI is located in Okeechobee, Florida, USA.

Target Areas: 5950 kHz = North America. 15770 kHz = Europe, North Africa, Middle East.

Program Code

Prime New one-hour program featuring Texas artists and songs about Texas.

Special New one-hour program featuring Texas artists and songs about Texas produced for a special occasion or a program used to enhance the schedule. On Stage New one-hour program featuring performances at Texas music venues, usually by Texas artists.

Retrospective    New one-hour program featuring episodes of old-time radio and old programs from Rock-it Radio, BBC, and Oldies Project.

Encore Previously-aired TRSW program.

Texas Radio Shortwave is an independent producer of music and topical shows broadcast by commercial shortwave station WRMI. Texas Radio Shortwave’s studio is in far South Texas, in Port Isabel on the Gulf of Mexico.

Texas Radio Shortwave uses a version of The Yellow Rose of Texas as its Interval Signal/Signature Song. Texas Radio Shortwave verifies correct, detailed reception reports by eQSL.

Texas Radio Shortwave’s Facebook page is http://www.facebook.com/texasradiosw.

Texas Radio Shortwave’s Listeners’ Group Facebook page is http//www.facebook.com/groups/580199276066655/. Texas Radio Shortwave’s programs are available for listening on Mixcloud at http://www.mixcloud.com/texasradiosw. Texas Radio Shortwave’s email address is texasradiosw@gmail.com.

March Monthly QSL

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New 2022 summer schedule for Radio Exterior de España

Many thanks to to SWLing Post contributor, Mad Radio DXer UK, who writes:

Hello Thomas,

I want to let you & your followers know of the shortwave summer schedule for Radio Exterior de España which they have announced on their recent transmissions.

I have a link below to a recording which I did a translation of, but I have provided a breakdown of their summer schedule…

Mon to Fri – 1500 to 2300 hrs UTC:

11685 kHz – for West Africa & South Atlantic
12030 kHz – for Middle East & Indian Ocean

Mon to Fri – 1800 to 0200 hrs UTC:

9690 kHz – for North America
11940 kHz – for South America


Same frequencies & target areas as Mon to Fri, instead transmission times are from 1400 to 2200 hrs UTC.

Just something to note of REE on shortwave. Myself & others have noticed that they sometimes transmit on frequencies not listed. I don’t know why this happens. My guess is that they sometimes have transmitter issues. I know that after the bad weather events which have affected the Madrid regions over the past year or so, some of their shortwave transmissions were absent for a while until they were restored. A couple of weeks ago, I was listening to their 12030 kHz & it suddenly went off the air. 9690 kHz was also off. The only frequency I could still receive was 11685 kHz, so maybe they are still having transmitter issues every now & again even though there have not been any recent weather related incidents affecting the Noblejas area. Maybe this might clear some doubt as to any confusion for unlisted transmissions.

Link to video…

Click here to view on YouTube.


Mad Radio DXer UK

Great info! Thank you so much for sharing this info and recording! 

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Guest Post: Simple Android Database Part 2

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Bill Hemphill, who shares the following guest post:

Simple Android Database-PART 2

by Billy Hemphill, WD9EQD

In the first part, I showed how you could easily take a spreadsheet and create a simple database for viewing on an Android phone/tablet. The examples used in that article was two spreadsheets of radio schedules – one for Shortwave and one for FM Radio Programs. See the following link to the original article: https://swling.com/blog/2021/10/guest-post-radio-schedules-in-a-simple-android-database/

There are many lists on the internet of various radio databases. If the database can be downloaded as either a CVS file or a spreadsheet, then it is possible to load it into the PortoDB app on the phone tablet. I’ll show how this can be done with two popular databases that I reference all the time.

EIBI Data Base

Most of you are probably familiar with the EIBI database of shortwave schedules. Many of the Shortwave Schedule apps on the Phones reference this database. For example, I use the Skywave Schedules on my phone. While it does allow for me to search by many parameters, I thought it might be fun to have it in a PortoDB database. Plus it would be interesting to see how PortoDB performs with a large data set. Continue reading

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Guest Post: Radio Schedules in a Simple Android Database

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Bill Hemphill, who shares the following guest post:

Radio Schedules in a Simple Android Database

by Bill Hemphill

I am a program listener. I really enjoy listening to various radio stations direct and by internet streaming. Over time, I have come up with a couple of spread sheets that lists the program, station, time, date, etc. For example, following is the spreadsheet for the shortwave radio programs/stations that I enjoy:

As the program schedules change, I update the spreadsheet. This has worked quite well for me. I usually sort on the weekday and then print out the spreadsheet as a list by time and frequency for each day.

While this method works, it does mean that I have these multiple page printouts that I have to refer to. This got me thinking that it would be great to have this on my Android phone/tablet. Then I could refer to it no matter where I was located.

At first, I tried to use Google Sheets, but found that using a spreadsheet on the phone or even a tablet to be a pain. I then tried entering it into a calendar program, but also found that very cumbersome. Continue reading

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Free Download: Domestic Broadcasting Survey 22nd Edition

Many thanks to the European DX Council who note:

Anker Petersen just published the annual Domestic Broadcasting Survey-22 (DBS-22). As usual, it is FREE OF CHARGE for any DX-er to download for his or her personal use.

Click here to check it out on the Danish Shortwave Club International website.

Click here for a direct download (PDF).

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“Direkt aus Tamsui“ 2019 broadcast schedule

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, G. Koopal, who shares the following analog and DRM broadcast schedule for “Direkt aus Tamsui“ (“Direct from Tamsui”).

Aktion “Direkt aus Tamsui“ 2019

Testsendungen am 16. August (Freitag)


Frequenz 11990 kHz (325): 17:00-17:05 UTC
Frequenz 9540 kHz(315):  18:00-18:05 UTC


Frequenz 11990 kHz:  17:15-17:20 UTC
Frequenz 9540 kHz:   18:15-18:20 UTC

Offizielle Sendetermine:

11990 kHz  1700-1800 UTC
9540 kHz   1800-1900 UTC

30. August (Freitag) / analog
31. August (Samstag) / analog
01. September (Sonntag) / DRM
06. September (Freitag) / analog
07. September (Samstag) / analog
08. September (Sonntag) / analog
13. September (Freitag) / analog (Mondfest)
14. September (Samstag) / analog
15. September (Sonntag) / DRM
20. September (Freitag) / analog
21. September (Samstag) / analog
22. September (Sonntag) / analog

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