Category Archives: Schedules

Alex updates shortwave frequency charts for winter season

alex-chartsSWLing Post reader, Alex, has just informed me that he’s updated his printer-friendly shortwave frequency charts for the winter broadcasting season.

Note that Alex creates his charts based on listening to broadcasters rather than importing schedules from other sources.

You can download the free charts on his website:

Many thanks, Alex!

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Special Radio Netherlands broadcasts starting January 17 and 18, 2015

RadioNederlandPeter De Groot writes:

A series of special Radio Netherlands broadcasts will begin on January 17th and 18th, 2015.  Presenters will be John van den Steen, Jerry Cowan and Tim Thomasson. See frequencies and times below:

  • 0100 to 0200 UTC on 7,570 kHz
  • 0100 to 0200 UTC on 11,790 and perhaps 13700

Peter sent no more information than this, so I’m not sure where the transmissions will originate. Since RNW is no longer on the air, I’m certain these broadcasts aren’t coming from Hilversum.

Hopefully, someone will attempt to record these broadcasts in case I’m not in the broadcast footprint. Would like to add this to the SW Radio Audio Archive.

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List of Private US Shortwave Stations since 1962

SX-99-DialMany thanks to Swedish DXer and SWLing Post reader, Lennart Weirell, who writes:

“Late last year I compiled a list of private shortwave stations in USA from 1962 and a graph over the stations from 1982, when the increase of stations started after the FCC had lifted the ban to issue licenses for private radio stations in 1973. I also consulted Glenn Hauser during the process. I myself have 35 out of the 42 different calls verified.

This list was first presented in the Swedish bulletin, Shortwave Bulletin (SWB), in November last year and I thought that maybe it could be of interest for the readers of SWLing Post.”

Lennart has kindly shared a printable PDF of the private broadcaster list (click here to download). I have also pasted an image of the list below, for quick reference.


Again, many thanks, Lennart!

Check out the Shortwave Bulletin (SWB) by clicking here.

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John follows Radio Australia schedule changes


Yesterday, John Figliozzi (editor of The Worldwide Listening Guide) followed Radio Australia schedule changes as he heard them online and over the air:

“Listening in now (1415 GMT/UTC) on 12065 kHz. and via the internet, the scheduled program (up to now) “Late Night Live” is missing with alternative rock music from Triple J taking its place at this time. On the RA web page, there is a notice stating:

“Schedule update
We are in the process of updating our radio schedule. We’re introducing some new shows and some existing ones have moved to new time slots. Please stay tuned, we’ll be publishing the full new schedule soon.”

LNL is a Radio National-sourced program, so I gather this means it’s either being moved to a new time slot or (hopefully not) dropped altogether. No doubt a bit of confusion wrought by the thoroughly precipitous manner in which the ABC has had to adjust to the government budget cut that prompted that all this, a budget cut the Coalition had claimed prior to its election that it was in no way contemplating.”

Three hours later:

“At this point, it appears that Radio Australia shortwave frequencies and online is just relaying Triple J Unearthed, one of the ABC’s all digital networks, that plays new Australian music 24/7 with occasional IDs but no DJ commentary.

Then four hours later:

“A more normalized schedule appears back in place as “Pacific Beat” was heard via the RA internet stream from just past 1900 until 2100 GMT.  This is the two hour morning edition of the program which carried a very nice tribute to the “retiring” Sean Dorney, the ABC’s and RA’s Pacific correspondent, after 40 years with the organization.  There was a reminder at the end of the program for listeners to tune into the afternoon edition of the program later in the day, which if memory serves is a shortened compilation of some of the morning content.  Perhaps the earlier relay of Triple J Unearthed is just a temporary placeholder or is intended as overnight programming (Australian time)?

Listening now (2100) via shortwave.  17860 putting in a steady listenable signal peaking at S8 albeit with the usual local late afternoon QRN.  “ABC News for Radio Australia” followed by “AM”, morning news program at 2110.”

Be sure to check out John Figliozzi’s book, The Worldwide Listening Guide online–click here for my most recent review.

Thanks for sharing this, John! 

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Today: Catch and record the BBC’s broadcast to the British Antarctic Survey Team

Halley VI: The British Antarctic Survey's new base (Source: BBC)

Halley VI: The British Antarctic Survey’s new base (Source: BBC)

Every year, the BBC broadcasts a special program to the 41 scientists and support staff in the British Antarctic Survey Team.

The BBC will play music requests and send special messages to the team who winter over in this isolated post. The broadcast is guaranteed to be quirky, nostalgic and certainly DX worth catching. Click here to listen to the 2013 broadcast.

The winter program will air today, June 21, 2014 at 21:30 UTC on the following frequencies:

  • 7,350 kHz; Ascension; 207°
  • 9,890 kHz; Woofferton; 182°
  • 5,985 kHz; Dhabayya; 203°
  • 5,875 kHz; Wooferton; 184° (updated)

Readers: If you have a chance, try to record the broadcast as I’m uncertain if I’ll have a chance to catch it this year. I would like a good recording for the Shortwave Radio Audio Archive.

Many thanks!

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International Radio for Disaster Relief includes special QSL: June 5 – 6, 2014


The High Frequency Co-ordination Conference’s (HFCC) test of the International Radio for Disaster Reduction (IRDR) broadcasts are on track for June 5-6, 2014.

Many thanks to SWLing Post reader, Mehmet Burk, who has posted the updated schedule on his website, Relief Analysis.

Mehmet also shares this message from HFCC Board member, Oldrich Cip, who mentions a special QSL card that will be issued for IRDR reception reports:

“The Trial of International Radio for Disaster Relief on June 5th and 6th during the Jakarta ABU Media Summit is approaching quickly. The last updated version of the Trial programme is available in a presentation here:

Let me ask all organisations taking part in the Trial to check on the Trial programme schedule and ask for any changes or additions of the technical details that might be still needed. More details about the IRDR and about the Trial and its background are here:

The interest in the Trial created among participants indicates that it is real to set up a world-wide system of a voluntary, disaster relief shortwave radio with tools and services that are already in place. Publicity is needed to raise awareness in the world community about it – since the on-going cuts of shortwave installations might make this increasingly difficult.

Please kindly spread the word about it and encourage people to listen to the Trial programmes. Reception reports will be confirmed by special QSL cards.”

Again, check out Mehmet Burk’s IRDR updates on Relief Analysis.

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Alex updates shortwave frequency charts for summer season


SWLing Post reader, Alex, has just informed me that he’s updated his printer-friendly shortwave frequency charts for the summer broadcasting season. Alex mentions that he posted English in Europe on one A4 sheet, plus 5 A4 sheets running through the vast majority of stations that can now be heard in Europe.

Note that Alex creates his charts based on listening to broadcasters rather than importing schedules from other sources.

You can download the free charts on his website:

Many thanks, Alex!

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