Category Archives: Travel

A photo tour of the VOA radio shack, K3VOA

Last week, I visited my friend and fellow radio enthusiast, Dr. Kim Elliott, at the Voice of America headquarters in Washington DC. Kim gave me a tour of K3VOA, the ham radio club station of the Voice of America. K3VOA has a full ham shack, QSL card gallery, an SWLing station, some vintage gear and they even run a repeater site. Kim also took me on the roof to view the K3VOA antenna farm; not only is it impressive, but so, too, is the view of the Capitol Building.

Here is a gallery of the photos I took–click on the image to enlarge:

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Review of the Elecraft KX3: world-class transceiver, superb shortwave receiver

I originally wrote this review for Monitoring Times Magazine, May 2013 issue (pages 56-57). The review that follows has been expanded and includes updates.

The Elecraft KX3 Transceiver (Click to enlarge)

The Elecraft KX3 Transceiver (Click to enlarge)

You may have noticed that in the past few years, while more and more software defined radios (SDRs) are appearing on the market, fewer and fewer traditional tabletop shortwave receivers are being introduced. Most of the receivers in production, meanwhile, are quite mature, having been in production for years. For those of us who still have an appreciation for the traditional front panel, tuning knob, and portability of an all-in-one tabletop receiver, perhaps we should look to the active ham radio transceiver market.

Introducing the Elecraft KX3

Besides being an avid SWLer (ShortWave Listener, for the newbies out there), I’m also a ham radio operator (callsign: K4SWL). But if you’re not a ham, you may not be familiar with the innovative, US-based radio designer and manufacturer, Elecraft. First of all, note that “US-based” adjective: this is an increasingly rare phenomenon in the world of radio production, and it deserves a word of praise up front. Elecraft started life as a kit manufacturer, focusing on QRP ham-band-only radio transceivers that were effective, affordable, and maintained a very high level of performance. Their K1, KX1 and K2 transceivers are legendary, and I’ve had the good fortune to own them all at some point along the way. Their K3, introduced in 2008, became a benchmark transceiver and still tops the charts in performance; it’s truly a choice DXpeditioner’s radio.

In 2011, Elecraft introduced the KX3–a portable SDR transceiver with a full-featured knob-and-button user interface that doesn’t require connection to a computer to operate. At the Dayton Hamvention, the KX3 instantly drew crowds, as it was unlike any other transceiver on the market. I was there, and like others in the crowds around the Elecraft booth, I was eager to try out this full-featured transceiver, especially upon learning that even the basic, no-options model has a general coverage receiver. A ham transceiver with “general coverage,” incidentally, means that its receiver is not limited to the ham bands only; these receivers typically receive between 100 kHz and 30 MHz (i.e., the full shortwave radio spectrum). That morning at the Hamvention, I quickly made my way to one of Elecraft’s owners, Wayne Burdick, to ask him,“Would the KX3 make for a good shortwave radio receiver?” Wayne’s prompt response: “Yes.”

That was enough for me: more than ever, I simply couldn’t wait to get within reach of a KX3. Why? I love to travel and take radio along, but I’ve always had to haul separate transceivers and receivers for my separate-but-related hobbies: 1) ham radio and 2) SWLing. Perhaps the KX3 would suit both purposes? I was hopeful. If this was true, with a KX3, I could have a full-featured QRP transceiver and a shortwave receiver in one…and a portable one at that. Ideal!

I just had to get my hands on one to find out.

(Click to enlarge)

(Click to enlarge)

A closer look

Though the KX3 was introduced in the summer of 2011, it didn’t start shipping until a few months later, and there was a backlog of orders for it. Fortunately, my good buddy, Dave Anderson (K4SV), was among the first purchasers of the KX3, and he was generous enough (and trusted me enough!) to let me borrow it.

At first glance, the KX3 resembles just the faceplate of a tabletop radio: it has a large tuning knob, wide, clear amber backlit display, and a traditional set of function buttons and multi-function knobs…but not much else. Or so it appears, as there’s no bulky chassis. Connections for microphones, DC power, headphones, IQ out, key and PC interface are located on the left side panel of the radio, while the RF connection (a female BNC) is on the right side panel. The KX3 has built-in folding feet, quite sturdy, that allow the radio to be tilted at a comfortable angle for tabletop operation.

To best evaluate the KX3, I’ll first discuss some of the features that would interest a ham radio operator, then focus on those best suited to the SWLer.

There is a hidden keypad for direct frequency entry (notice the numbers printed next to the multi-function knobs and buttons?)

There is a hidden keypad for direct frequency entry (notice the numbers printed next to the multi-function knobs and buttons?)

Everything for the Ham

If you’re a ham, you’ll love the feature set on the KX3. It must be one of the most comprehensive set on any radio I’ve ever used. At a bare-bones level, meaning without adding any options, the basic KX3 is truly an all-in-one QRP transceiver.

Of course, it will function on any mode: USB, LSB, CW, data, AM and FM. The output power is adjustable from 0 to 10 Watts. You can easily adjust the DSP filters, AF, RF, passband, and notch all from dedicated buttons and knobs. It even has a memory keyers for both CW and voice.

You say you prefer digital modes? Not only will the KX3 natively decode RTTY and PSK31 and display the scrolling text on the display, but you can also send RTTY and PSK31 without a PC. How? Simply set the appropriate data mode and use your key to tap out your message in CW. Though you will hear the CW side tone, the KX3 will transform your code into RTTY or PSK-31, and send. Hypothetically, armed with only a KX3, you could run a RTTY contest from the field with no computer. Remarkable.

The variable DSP filtering is most impressive and the KX3’s ability to block adjacent signals is benchmarked. Indeed, if you look at Sherwood Engineering’s receiver test data rankings (, which are sorted by third-order dynamic range (narrow spacing), the KX3 is second only to the Hilberling PT-8000A, an $18,000 transceiver.

With the installation of the $170 optional internal automatic antenna tuner (the KXAT3), you will be able to tune most any wire antenna on the go, with no need to carry an external ATU.

In short, for the ham, the KX3 offers a cornucopia of features, too numerous to list here; but I can at least tell you that I discover something new on this radio almost every day and continue to be amazed by the features on this transceiver, especially considering that it costs only $1000 ($900 in no-solder modular kit form).

The Elecraft KX3 is built for travel and portability--here we compare its size with the Grundig G3

The Elecraft KX3 is built for travel and portability–here we compare its size with the Grundig G3

For the SWLer

We’ve talked about the KX3 as a ham radio transceiver, but how does it stack up if your primary interest is to just sit back and listen to broadcasts? Short answer: Very, very well.

The KX3 is loaded with features that would please even the most discriminating DXer.

First, on the faceplate, the KX3 has a multi-function knob that controls both the AF and RF gains. It’s very simple to use, even though I’m not a fan of switching between the AF/RF gain controls on the same knob. AF gain is what most of us refer to as a volume control and many dedicated shortwave receivers lack an RF gain control even though it’s a vital tool for broadcast listening in noisy conditions. By default, the KX3 RF gain is set to zero; turning the RF pot counter-clockwise will decrease RF gain.

Grundig G3 (left), Elecraft KX3 (right)

Grundig G3 (left), Elecraft KX3 (right)

The KX3 also has three different preamp settings, which are useful for amplifying weak stations, as well as an attenuator for local or strong broadcasters. The KX3 has passband and notch filtering, and an auto-notch function that effectively deals with heterodynes from nearby carriers. The KX3 also has DSP noise-reduction (NR) for noisy band conditions (or to help a signal “pop” out from the noise) and noise blanking (NB) for local RFI.

Many automatic gain control (AGC) parameters are adjustable, too, so they can be tweaked for AM fading and weak-signal DXing. The fact is, the KX3 has more built-in receiver controls than the dedicated tabletop shortwave receivers I’ve owned.


Left side panel of the Elecraft KX3 (click to enlarge)

Left side panel of the Elecraft KX3 (click to enlarge)

To be clear, however, there is one negative in the architecture of the KX3 when viewed through the eyes of an SWLer. The KX3 is designed around the amateur radio operator and AM bandwidth is narrower than you will find on most dedicated tabletop shortwave receivers–indeed, a commonality on any general coverage ham transceiver. The KX3’s AM bandwidth can only be widened to 4.2 kHz–a figure that almost made me dismiss this radio’s SWLing abilities out of hand. I’m glad I didn’t let that spec stop me, though: I had read many a favorable comment from KX3 owners who used the radio to listen to the broadcast bands. Their comments on the audio were very positive, and for good reason.

What the KX3 lacks in wide bandwidth is made up for by the 32-bit floating point DSP architecture. I’m not sure how, but the KX3’s audio fidelity “sounds” much wider than 4.2 kHz. Indeed, I still have a difficult time believing that the filter is not closer to 7-8 kHz in width. When using headphones or amplified speakers, the bass response rivals some of my tube receivers. There are even adjustable 8-band equalizer settings for audio to improve this even further.

In addition, Elecraft has unique audio effects available in the audio effects menu. One I’ve found very valuable in broadcast listening is called “delay,” a stereo simulation effect that broadens the mono sound in such a way that the audio sounds even richer.

Memories, scanning and tuning

The KX3 has 100 general-purpose VFO A/B memories with optional alpha numeric labels. It also supports channel-hopping or scanning within any number of labeled memory groups. Auto scan is simple and works in both muted and (my favorite) non-muted, or continuous, modes.

The KX3 can also use the “K3 Memory” application from Elecraft’s K3 transceiver, which allows for longer labels and the instant selection of desired memories from a PC. The “K3 memory” application is a free software download on Elecraft’s website.

The tuning knob on the KX3 is substantial and of good quality. It’s only slightly smaller than the tuning knob on my Alinco DX-R8T, so it’s a substantial knob, which is helpful to big (or buttery) fingers. The drag can be easily adjusted with a supplied hex wrench. The tuning rate can be adjusted to .5 kHz increments, allowing you to quickly tune through the band. The small multi-function knob next to the main tuning knob can also be set for a 1 kHz rate.

At first glance, you might not realize that the KX3 has a direct frequency-entry keypad. Check out the photo, however [MAKE REFERENCE TO POSITION ON PAGE]. The buttons and multi-function knobs in the lower left quadrant of the KX3 double as number pad, decimal point, and an “enter” button for a keypad. I thought this a bit odd at first, but now find I use this all the time.

Installing the optional ATU is very simple and requires no special tools or soldering

Installing the optional ATU is very simple and requires no special tools or soldering

Optional ATU: Worth the Cost

As I mentioned earlier, the optional automatic antenna tuner, the KXAT3, makes a lot of sense for the ham who operates portable. If you are a licensed amateur radio operator, the ATU can be a powerful tool for matching random length, or multi-band antennas to your desired broadcast band by tuning to a nearby ham band frequency. The L and C parameters of the tuner can be manually adjusted to optimize without transmitting. The user can select one of 8 L’s or one of 8 C’s parameters in the ATU MD menu entry. When an L is selected, C is set to 0, and vice-versa. However, it is not presently possible to select combinations of L and C to achieve a closer resonance. Still, selecting an L or C value in this way will provide a useful increase in gain.

In addition, if you like medium wave (MW) DXing, the ATU comes with MW (AM broadcast band) filtering that tracks the VFO, somewhat improving image rejection between 300-1,000 kHz. I have tested the KX3 on medium wave both with and without the ATU installed and find that it certainly improves rejection.

To be clear though, sensitivity decreases as you tune below 1,500 kHz. Elecraft informed me that it was necessary because the KX3 uses PIN diodes in its T/R switch, and the signal must be high-pass filtered to avoid IP2 problems with the diodes. When you tune through the 300-1200 kHz range (or so) you will certainly notice the loss of sensitivity. Elecraft also noted that selectivity in the AM broadcast band was not a major design criteria, so in this band the 160 meter low pass filter is used. This is not ideal from a harmonic rejection standpoint, and there will be some 3rd and 5th-harmonic images from strong stations. Adding the ATU helps with this. However, adding the ATU doesn’t generally improve sensitivity in this range.

The ATU is very easy to install–almost “plug and play” (see photo).

Oh, yes–and it’s an SDR, too!

As if the KX3 didn’t do just about everything, it also has a quadrature down-sampling mixer compatible with PC-based SDR (software-defined radio) applications. This means, via a shielded stereo audio patch cable and a supplied USB control cable, you can connect the KX3 to your PC and use a freeware SDR application like HDSDR to turn your KX3 into a proper software-defined receiver.

SDR functionality is limited to receiver functionality, and depending on the bandwidth and sampling rate, will be dependent on the quality of your sound card. The true benefit is the ability to see a wide–48 kHz or more–chunk of spectrum.


Every radio has its pros and cons. When I begin a review of a radio, I take notes from the very beginning so that I don’t forget some of my initial impressions. Here is the list I formed over the time I’ve spent evaluating the KX3. Note that I created this list with the shortwave listener in mind, not necessarily the ham radio operator.

I even had some success SWLing using an inexpensive whip antenna (attached via BNC).

I even had some success SWLing using an inexpensive whip antenna (attached via BNC).


  • World class, benchmarked receiver performance powered by high-performance 32-bit floating-point DSP
  • Rich, full audio fidelity on AM despite limited bandwidth (see con)
  • AF and effective RF gain controls
  • Adjustable filters (no optional roofing filters needed for SWLing)
  • Superb sensitivity and selectivity; outperforming even my WinRadio Excalibur with weak signal DXing
  • Very low noise floor
  • Auto-notch, which helps eliminate annoying heterodynes, even in AM
  • Internal ATU option brings improved MW image rejection (see MW con) and hams have the ability to tune a random length antenna
  • Natively decode (170 Hz) 60-WPM RTTY and display it right on the KX3’s VFO B display, which is alphanumeric
  • Battery operation via 8 AA batteries
  • Lightweight
  • Dedicated headphone jack
  • For non-ham radio operators, the transceiver can be disabled and re-activated once you have a license with a simple hardware adjustment. No need to fear accidental transmission
  • For hams, or those who plan to become one, the KX3 is a QRP transceiver in the top of its class


  • AM bandwidth limited to 4.2 kHz (see pro)
  • Hand mic connector is the less standard 3.5 mm audio plug
  • Built-in speaker is small with limited volume and fidelity–only intended as a back-up when headphones or external powered speakers are unavailable
  • AA batteries fit a bit tightly in internal holder and can present a challenge to remove
  • Medium wave reception is mediocre at best, but with the optional ATU, is improved though slightly better image rejection (see ATU pro)
  • Very slight audio whine (similar to a faint heterodyne sound) heard in some zero beat AM stations; may be fixed in future firmware update
  • No AM sync detector (AMS)

Did I buy one? Confession time

I must admit, I was appreciating my buddy Dave’s KX3 very much. Maybe too much…

I have three hobbies: shortwave radio listening, ham radio, and traveling. After using the KX3 for a few hours, I knew it would be my perfect companion. Not only is it a top-notch amateur radio transceiver, its also an excellent shortwave radio receiver. It’s portable, but also makes an excellent tabletop radio. It’s an all-in-one radio, but can also double as an SDR when connected to a PC.

So, is the KX3’s broadcast audio fidelity as good as a purpose-built broadcast receiver like the legendary Drake R8B? Not quite. But I would argue that its ability to receive weak signals would give even a Drake a run for its money. I have to admit, the KX3 receiver outperforms my Alinco DX-R8T in every respect. Even though the AM bandwidth is limited to 4.2 kHz, I think the audio also sounds better than my Alinco and any of my portable radios with wider bandwidth.

The Elecraft KX3 Transceiver (Click to enlarge)

My Elecraft KX3 Transceiver (Click to enlarge)

Needless to say, I bought one. It was only fair to Dave, who needed to discover for himself what his loaned-out rig could do.

The KX3 is a game changer for me. Though I’ve always carried portable transceivers in my travels, I’ve also had to carry a separate tabletop receiver and an SDR or portable radio for my SWLing. No more. Moreover, I like the broadcast audio on the KX3 well enough to record and archive shortwave broadcasts, which I frequently do for my blog, The SWLing Post and The Shortwave Radio Audio Archive. In my shack, I’m even considering purchasing Elecraft’s 100 watt amplifier and doing away with my 100 watt tabletop transceiver.

As for support? No worries there. I’ve been an Elecraft customer for years and I can tell you that they believe in and stand behind their products. I purchased with confidence.

I encourage you to try on the KX3 as well. It may very well be all the radio you’ll ever need.

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Radio Vacation


The front cover of MT features a photo I took at Pointe-à-la-Renommée lighthouse and Marconi station in Quebec, Canada. Without a doubt, one of the most beautiful lighthouses I’ve ever seen.

Some of you may remember that I took an extended vacation last year in the maritime region of Canada.

Monitoring Times Magazine just published an article I wrote about the vacation which includes a visit to Sackville, New Brunswick, four weeks in an off-grid cabin in eastern Prince Edward Island and a trip through the Gaspe region of Quebec.

Looking back, it’s amazing how much radio time I packed into that trip.

Read the full article in the June 2013 issue of Monitoring Times magazine.

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Myke shares 2012 season of ShortWaveMusic

swm_tkuMyke, over at ShortWaveMusic, has made his entire 2012 season of ShortWaveMusic freely downloadable on SoundCloud.

This series was recorded from December 31, 2011 – January 16, 2012 throughout the West African country of Mali. The series contains some remarkable field recordings taken from both the shortwave and medium wave bands.

Note that Myke’s ShortWaveMusic series and travels are supported by Kickstarter donors. I don’t know where Myke’s travels will take him next year, but when the time comes we will post an announcement along with a link for supporters.

Now put on your headphones, close your eyes and you will be transported to Mali:

For full SoundCloud features, click here for the 2012 series on SoundCloud.

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Troy found the perfect gear bag

vespa-ebagTroy writes:

Hi Thomas,

I know, beyond SW Radios, your secondary passion is which ‘bag’ will you use to pack your radios for a trip. I have admired your photos of your Eagle Creek Pack w/ Tecsun PL-380 & Sony AN-LP1. I searched high and low for something like your Eagle Creek pack and I stumbled across this $19.99 gem: the Vespa Mini-Backpack.

It’s sold by eBags on their web site, via Amazon and also via eBay. Despite all three sites being the same vendor, eBay is the least expensive as they offer Free Shipping through that site [though looks like the price just nudged up a bit]. At $19.99 I’m amazed at what I can get into it: A 1st GEN iPad cloaked in a thick leather case with bluetooth keyboard, a PL-390 (I love the ETM for travel) and what I think is the most underrated Grundig of them all – the G6 Aviator (I have the BA Edition). Plus I still have room for my TG34 Antenna, my iSound 4 USB Wall Charger, (2) USB Cables, some spare rechargeable AA Batteries and a dual USB Car Adapter that can recharge my iPad and iPhone.

Oh yeah, the Vespa has a cell phone pouch on one of the pack’s shoulder straps. All for $19.99 delivered from eBay. I have to admit, I haven’t had it long enough to testify to its durability but it seems to be built fairly well despite its price point.

Here are the first two links – you can easily find the eBay links (it comes in a variety of colors though it appears white is out of stock):

At twenty bucks I may buy a spare.

Thanks, Troy! You know me well; I love backpacks and travel gear. You probably know eBags have a pretty strong following and good reputation amongst one baggers. I’ll have to check out this little bag. Thanks for sharing!

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Steven remembers his QSL collection

The Nomadness (Photo: Steven Roberts)

The Nomadness (Photo: Steven Roberts)

 recently sent me a message with photos of a QSL card collection he once had. You see, several years ago he started the process of living on his boat, The Nomadness, full-time. It required that he pare down his belongings to only the essentials; he made the decision to sell his QSL card collection.

Steve confesses:

“Kind of sorry I sold them now, but I have to let things go before I sail off, die, or otherwise render my tonnage irrelevant!”

Steve said that most of the card collections below are from around 1966-67; others from about 1980. Click on the images to see larger versions:




North America


South America


Broadcast Band


Christian Broadcasters





You can follow Steven’s adventures with The Nomadness on his blog:

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One bag + radio = the way to go

Though I only travel with one carry on bag, it doesn’t mean I can’t accommodates my shortwave radio/recording pack.

Having just returned from nearly three full weeks of traveling, I’m more convinced than ever that my just-one carry-on bag approach makes absolute sense. In one bag, I’m able to take everything I need, including casual and business attire, toiletries, first aid and, yes, of course, my portable shortwave radio (never leave home without it!) and my Zoom H1 recorder.

One bag freedom

Years ago, while working for a fiber optics company in Europe, I learned the trick to keeping my cool during frequent air travel was simply to avoid, at all costs, checking in baggage. Over the course of several years, I honed the contents of my travel bag down to the bare essentials, and even for longer trips in developed countries, made the (correct) assumption that any supplies I required could be found at my destination.

My circa 1999 Eagle Creek convertible laptop bag has traveled thousands of miles. It’s just big enough to accommodate everything I need for several days or even weeks travelling.

For twelve years now, I have been using one of three Eagle Creek carry-on convertible bags. Two of these plain black bags look much like the ubiquitous vertical rolling luggage you see every day in major airports, but they hide two secrets: each can be converted into a full-fledged backpack, and each meets the most stringent standards for carry-on luggage. They’re also built to take a beating, which they’re getting, and have a lifetime warranty.

The third Eagle Creek pack is basically a roomy laptop (and radio) bag (see photo on left). It has no wheels, and can be worn with a shoulder strap…or, again, converted into a simple two-strap backpack.

When traveling alone, I can easily get by with only the third and smallest of my Eagle Creek pack: the laptop bag. It has a very roomy, padded compartment for my laptop, a middle compartment where I fit my bundled clothes, first aid, and radio pack (which also holds my Kindle), and a front section with organizers for office supplies and a convenient place to stash my travel docs and passport. It’s also a very simple to make this pack virtually pickpocket-proof.

This laptop bag quickly converts into a backpack–a useful feature when it’s fully loaded and you need both arms free.


The benefit of using this particular Eagle Creek laptop bag (important: the one without wheels) is that–even if I’m being loaded in the last zone of a flight, even if the flight is fully booked, and even if the flight is on a De Havilland Dash 8-100–I always find a place for my bag on board, and never, ever, have to gate-check my bag. It will fit in a small overhead compartment, or at the very least, under the seat in front of me.

Though the compromise is that I travel light, the great benefit is that I never have lost any bags, rarely miss a connecting flight (it typically takes at least five extra minutes to claim even a gate-checked bag), and I zoom in an out of an airport. I have the luxury of sitting back and reading while I watch others panic at a gate, waiting for their appropriate “zone” to load.

From my seat, I watched US Air load wheeled carry-on luggage that they required some unfortunate passengers (who were already on the plane!) to check in.

Over the past decade, air travel has really changed. Most of the domestic flights I took throughout Europe a decade ago used to be only about two-thirds full. Here in the US, it appeared to be roughly the same. Today, however, airlines have cut back their offerings and frequently overbook flights. In fact, on a recent flight returning from Denver International Airport, the airline warned of penalty charges if passengers attempted to carry on more luggage or weight than allowed. The airline was making anyone with a wheeled bag–no matter how small–check it in.

Since I was in the eighth row seat, and I only had my Eagle Creek laptop bag on a shoulder strap, I waited until almost everyone else had boarded before I got in line. I walked straight into the 737, pulled my radio pack out of my laptop bag, stowed the laptop bag in the overhead compartment, and settled into my seat. No sweat. Meanwhile flight attendants were taking extra baggage from travelers in the back of the plane and checking in their luggage on the spot. Though their bags met overhead compartment criteria, there simply wasn’t enough room.

Confession time: So, I am something of a pack addict…!

My wife recently pointed out that, besides radios, I have too many packs. I’m convinced I do this because I’m always searching for the best, most versatile way to travel. Most of the packs I buy these days are smaller ones to compliment my Eagle Creek packs. I’m a choosy pack connoisseur, too: I often save my dollars and seek something made in the US–or in Europe, Australia or South Africa (true of pack-maker Karrimore, at one point). I don’t typically like the mass-produced stuff, which I find is not as well-made. My original three Eagle Creek packs were made in the USA, but after the company was featured on the American TV talk show Oprah, receiving the host’s endorsement, the unfortunate result is that the company’s products have since (in my opinion) been compromised and manufacturing moved overseas, likely to keep up with new demand.

Red Oxx actually designed their Air Boss bag for one-bag travelers like me. It even meets the strictest international carry-on standards.

Since a good friend just sang US company RedOxx’s praises, I’m currently drooling over the RedOxx’s Air Boss and SkyTrain. Both look like they would do the trick, but make me slightly nervous because they are a couple of inches larger than my trusty-if-“rusty” Eagle Creek laptop bag, in two dimensions. If RedOxx’s uber-affordable Extra Small Aviator Bag had a shoulder strap and could accommodate a small laptop, I would even consider trying that bag–perhaps in combo with their Gator Carry-On Bag, this would make sense (but that would make for two bags, not sure about that).

Could I fit all of my stuff in the Red Oxx extra small aviator bag? T’would be a challenge!

I suppose I could also consider the US company Tom Bihn Tri-Star, though it is probably more bag than I really need.

Note that although these bags are pricey, all come with a no-hassle, no-questions-asked, lifetime warranty–the Redd Oxx warranty, in particular, is worth a read–both companies are also noted for excellent customer service and the bags should last my lifetime.

Unless, that is, I find another that I want to test drive. Filled with of radio gear, of course. Ah, well…My wife appears to be right.

Have radio, will travel

I suppose the reason I’m entertaining this slightly off-topic travel subject is not just due to my recent travel, but because I’m now enlightened enough to realize that traveling light never means traveling without a radio. With some careful planning and packing, choosing the right bag–and travel-companion radio–the whole world is waiting for you.  And you won’t find yourself spending your travel time–and radio listening time!–watching bulky suitcases drift round on the conveyor belt at baggage claim, as you wait for yours.

Anyone else out there have a similar bag addiction?  Got one you like? Radio travelers, share your thoughts!

If you are into one-bag travel, you should check out the following excellent sites (thanks for the links, Ed):

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