CIDX Special Event Stations and QSL information!

Icom IC-756 Pro Transceiver DialMany thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Sheldon Harvey, who shares the following announcement from the CIDX:


CIDX has two amateur radio club stations that are activated from time to time on the ham bands, usually to mark special events, club anniversaries, etc.

VE2AQP is our eastern Canada amateur club station callsign, located at CIDX eastern Canadian headquarters in Saint-Lambert, Quebec

VE6SWL is our western Canada amateur club station callsign, located at CIDX western Canadian headquarters in Sherwood Park, Alberta

CIDX is planning to activate the stations in July to mark the 60th anniversary of the Canadian International DX Club.

VE2AQP will be active from Montreal, Quebec, operated by CIDX World of Utilities editor Gilles Letourneau, VE2ZZI, on July 17th from 1800 UTC to 2200 UTC around 14240 kHz USB, plus or minus, depending on activity and the conditions on the band,

VE6SWL will be active from Lamont, Alberta, operated by CIDX Vice-President & Verie Interesting editor Mickey Delmage, VE6IDX, also July 17th from 1800 UTC to 2200 UTC around 14265 kHz USB, plus or minus, depending on activity and the conditions on the band.

VE2AQP will be active again on July 31st at 2200 UTC to August 1 at 0200 UTC on 40 meters around 7150 kHz LSB, plus or minus, depending on activity and the conditions on the band.

CIDX will be issuing special e-QSLs for contacts with either or both CIDX club stations. SWLs are also welcome to submit reports should you log either or both stations. For those receiving e-QSLs who are not CIDX members, a free sample copy of “Messenger” together with club information will accompany the e-QSL.

CIDX will activate the two CIDX amateur club stations at various times throughout the balance of 2022 to mark CIDX’s 60th anniversary. Notices of future operations will be posted on the CIDX Facebook group and the CIDX IO Group.

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What is it about SWLing that keeps you coming back? A reader participation post.

By Jock Elliott, KB2GOM

After trying to copy Shortwave Australia on 4835 this AM, the curiosity bug has bitten me. What, I wonder, is it about SWLing that keeps my fellow readers of coming back?

For me, it’s three things. First, I think Treasure Island ruined me as a kid. Ever since I read it, shiver me timbers matey, the search for The Hidden Thing – whether treasure in the ground or a signal on the airwaves – has been a lifelong fascination for me.

Second, I enjoy trying to tease a faint signal out of the ether. That’s why I got a kick out of trying to hear the Armed Forces Crossband Test.

Finally, I enjoy the physical act of operating a radio, turning the dial, adjusting the controls, tuning the preselector, and so forth.

So now, it’s your turn – what keeps you coming back and tuning the airwaves?

Please comment!

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Listening to Shortwave Australia this morning

I’m traveling at present and staying in a hotel where, let’s just say, QRM is heavy.

I decided to cruise the KiwiSDR network and found myself on the VK2GGC KiwiSDR in Hunter Valley NSW, Australia. As I was band-scanning, I stumbled upon Shortwave Australia on 4,835 kHz around 9:40 UTC.

It was great hearing this low power shortwave broadcaster on the air again!  Check out the recording below with ID:

Click here to download audio.

WebSDRs are such a wonderful resource when you truly need to escape QRM. It’s fun to travel the globe and tune through the bands like a local. Again, it’s great to hear Shortwave Australia again–I’m curious if anyone has logged them as DX from home.

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Upcoming High Power Broadcast of VORW Radio International to Europe & Beyond


Hello shortwave listeners! I wanted to make this little post as a reminder for an upcoming broadcast of mine – transmitted with high power for listeners in Europe and beyond!

Friday 1600 UTC (7 PM EEST/MSK) – 9670 kHz – Moosbrunn 100 kW – Europe, Russia, The Middle East, Central & East Asia

You can hear this airing every Friday, the program is 1 Hour in length and features miscellaneous discussion (sometimes about current events, other times about random subjects on my mind) at the start of the program and is then balanced out with good listener requested music. I hope for it to be an enjoyable light entertainment program with good music and discussion.

For this airing only, I verify reception reports with a special e-QSL! Listener reception feedback is much appreciated at [email protected]

Happy listening!

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Photos from the 2022 Milton Ontario Hamfest

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Mike (VE3MKX), who writes:

The following pictures are from a Hamfest which was held yearly at the Milton Fairgrounds in Milton Ontario, Canada. (Located 20 minutes west of Toronto).

The Burlington Amateur Radio Club organizes the event and confirms that they had 108 vendor spaces sold and over 475 general admin passed through the gates.

A great day of meeting friends, lots of deals and smiling faces!

Thank you so much for sharing this, Mike! I haven’t been to a hamfest yet this year, so it’s great to catch a glimpse of what looks like a very successful one! 

Readers: This is a large gallery of 132 photos courtesy of Kevin (VA3RCA) and Mike (VE3MKX). If you would like to view the entire image gallery click on the link to see more.  Continue reading

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Ken reverse-engineers the Apollo spacecraft’s FM radio

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Paul, who shares the following post from Ken Shirriffs’ Blog:

Reverse-engineering the Apollo spacecraft’s FM radio

How did NASA communicate with the Apollo astronauts, hundreds of thousands of miles from Earth? The premodulation processor1 (below) was the heart of the communication system onboard the Apollo spacecraft. Its multiple functions included an FM radio for communication to the astronauts, implemented by the Voice Detector, the module second from the top. In this blog post, I reverse-engineer the circuitry for that module and explain how it worked.

The Apollo communication system was complex and full of redundancy. Most communication took place over a high-frequency radio link that supported audio, telemetry, scientific data, and television images.2 NASA’s massive 85-foot dish antennas transmitted signals to the spacecraft at 2106.4 megahertz, an S-band frequency, giving the system the name “Unified S-Band”. These radio signals were encoded using phase modulation;3 onboard the spacecraft, a complex box called the transponder received the S-band signal and demodulated it.4

The voice and data signals from Earth were combined through a second layer of modulation: voice was frequency-modulated (FM) onto a 30-kilohertz subcarrier while data was on a 70-kilohertz subcarrier, so the two signals wouldn’t conflict.5 One of the tasks of the premodulation processor was to extract the voice and data signals from the transponder’s output. These voice signals went to yet another box, the Audio Center Equipment, so the astronauts could hear the messages from the ground. The data signals were decoded by the Up-Data Link, allowing NASA to send commands to the Apollo Guidance Computer, control onboard relays, or set the spacecraft’s clock.

Many systems worked together for communication, but I’m focusing on a single module: the voice detector inside the premodulation processor that performed the FM demodulation. [Continue reading the full article…]

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