Many thanks to Jon Hudson with SDRplay who shares the following announcement:
Introducing a new series of videos comparing the performance of wideband active loop amplifier/antennas for HF frequencies and below. In this introductory video, Mike Harwood shows how an RSPduo enables a real-time comparison of two antennas – in this demo, he uses a Wellbrook 1530AN and one of his own compact loop creations. You can see that he has lined up several other active loop antennas/amplifiers to try in future videos, including the Bonito Megaloop FX, the LZ1AQ amp and the Cross Country Wireless amp.
SDPlay will endorse antennas which work well and formally recommend them on its website antenna suggestions page:
This is one of many videos from SDRplay – makers of the RSP family of SDR radios. See the full list of SDRplay videos and applications documents on:
The RSP family of SDRs from SDRplay cover 1kHz to 2 GHz with no gaps and give up to 10MHz spectrum visibility.
SDRplay is a UK company. The RSP SDR receivers are made in the UK and can be purchased for worldwide delivery directly from (click on purchase and select your country to view shipping costs) or you can buy from any of our worldwide resellers listed here: Many of the resellers offer local free shipping and/or local language technical support.
The SDRplay YouTube Channel is: