Tag Archives: eBay

eBay find: The IFR Aeoroflex T-1200SRA

The Aeoroflex T-1200SRA receiver

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Mario Filippi (N2HUN), who writes:

Every once in a while an IFR (Instrument Flight Research, a.k.a. Aeroflex) T-1200SRA comes up for auction, it is a sophisticated receiver covering LF-HF-VHF-UHF with built-in spectrum analyzer.

Click here to view on eBay.

Some claim these were used by the FCC for surveillance. I can believe that as IFR is a professional manufacturer of commercial radio test equipment. I have their 500A service monitor.

Beautiful receiver, but this one is way overpriced. They usually start around a grand or so with a “Make Offer” contingency. One was sold in December for $481.

Click here to search eBay for a T-1200SRA.

Thank you for sharing this, Mario! Knowing the IFR is essentially a piece of test equipment, I’m very curious how it  might compare with a similarly-priced tabletop (broadcast) radio.

Post readers: Anyone else own a IFR T-1200SRA?

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Panasonic RF-2200: Mario spots the model RD-9820 matching coupler

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Mario Filippi (N2HUN), who writes:

This antenna coupler was the companion for the RF-2200, they come up once in a while on eBay. Just some radio memorabilia/trivia to store away in the SWL file of brain hihi.

Click here to view on eBay.

Thank you, Mario! Until last year or so, I wasn’t aware the RF-220 had a matching coupler. I’m sure radio collectors would jump on one of these in good condition. It’s a lot to pay for a simple coupler, though this seller appears to accept best offers.

The great thing about eBay is if you’re looking for something rare and are willing to pay for it, the world is your oyster.

On the other hand, there’s exactly what Mario implies: many of us find eBay to be an amazing resource for discovering rare radio items, tucking them away in the dark recesses of our radio brains, which then helps us spot them when they pop up at local hamfests, swap meets, yard sales or thrift stores!

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The Sony ICF-7600 analog receiver on eBay $49.99 shipped

Only last week a reader had asked me about a good analog shortwave receiver for her grandfather. Among a few other receivers (including the Sony ICF-SW11) I had recommended the original Sony ICF-7600 with the caveat that it’s a little long in the tooth (i.e. vintage), but would likely give him years of enjoyment if in good shape. I’ve only used this analog version of the ‘7600 once, but recall that it seemed quite sensitive.

This morning, I noticed the ‘7600 above–it comes with the original box and is being sold by a Seller with 100% positive feedback. I almost purchased it just to do a mini review, but am currently trying to downsize my collection, not add to it! (I also have a Tecsun S-8800 on the way for review.)

Click here to view on eBay.

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Stampfl products on eBay

This morning, I noticed that the Swiss radio and Morse key manufacturer, Stampfl, is selling some of their products on eBay.

In particular, they’ve listed the Junior 1 shortwave radio receiver kit (above) and the STM-11 Classic Morse Code straight key (below).

Stampfl was founded by Heinz Stampfl (HB9KOC)–I’ve been following his work the past few years, especially fascinated with his SDR designs which are (sadly) only experimental and have never been put into production.

I’m particularly fascinated with the MICRO SWRX:


I’ve written Heinz more than once encouraging him to put these on the market. Of course, it’s an easy request coming from a consumer who doesn’t have to front the production costs and inherent overhead!

Heinz, if you’re reading this, why not do a Kickstarter campaign for one of your fine SDR designs?!

The Junior 1 receiver kit

The Stampfl Junior 1 shortwave receiver kit looks like a lot of fun not only to operate, but also to build and I’m sorely tempted to purchase one!

Here’s a video of the Junior 1 in action:

Click here to view on YouTube.

Click here to download the Junior 1 manual.

The Junior 1 is listed as an auction on eBay with a starting bid of $50 with $25 Economy Shipping to the US. The BuyItNow price is $70.

I think $95 US shipped is a fair price for what looks like a fascinating little receiver kit designed by an (obviously) talented engineer.

Click here to view on eBay.

Post readers: Have any of you built the Junior 1 or purchased any of Stampfl’s Morse Code keys? Please comment!

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eBay Find: Sangean ATS-818 shortwave portable

While browsing eBay a few moments ago, I noticed this Sangean ATS-818 which has a BuyItNow price of $30.00 + $15.00 shipping. If this would have been the ATS-803A/DX-440, I would have snatched it up in an instant if only for nostalgic reasons. I know many people that cut their teeth on the ATS-818 or the RadioShack equivalent. The price seems fair, the unit is supposedly functional and the seller has stellar ratings.

If you’ve been looking for an ARTS-818, this might be a good time to pull the trigger.

Click here to view on eBay.

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eBay find: Sony ICF-SW100S

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Rick Lewis (WPE5BST), who writes:

Have been watching this radio on eBay. […] Looks like a post 97′ model SW100S and thus the ribbon cable shouldn’t be an issue.

Click here to view on eBay.

It appears the seller may only be willing to ship this within Europe. You would need to ask about international shipping prior to bidding.

I love my Sony SW100–it’s one of my go-to travel portables! I’m still most grateful to my buddy, Vlado, who fixed the ribbon cable in my unit. Click here to read more.

As Rick mentions, this Sony SW100S shouldn’t have a ribbon cable problem like the original SW100 series.

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Possible record auction price for a Panasonic RF-8000


Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Dan Robinson, who discovered this excellent condition Panasonic RF-8000 which recently sold on eBay for $5,100 US:


Dan believes this is possibly a record price for this receiver. I would tend to agree. It does look like a beautiful receiver.

Any SWLing Post readers own a Panasonif RF-8000? What do you think of it?

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