Tag Archives: North Korea

BBC World Service ‘can make a difference’ in North Korea


Many thanks to SWLing Post reader, Ulis, for the tip:

(Source: The Independent)

One of the world’s experts on North Korea has called on the BBC to “be part of the solution” in fighting human rights abuses under Kim Jong-un’s repressive regime by initiating Korean-language broadcasts by the BBC World Service.

Michael Kirby, the eminent retired Australian judge who chaired a recent Commission of Inquiry (COI) on North Korea for the United Nations Human Rights Council, told The Independent that the BBC could make a difference to the lives of people in “a country that has been largely cut off from the rest of the world”.

Speaking in a personal capacity, Mr Kirby said the BBC was in a position to make a difference in North Korea.

[…]He told The Independent: “The strict controls on sources of information in North Korea, revealed in the COI report, surely add to the arguments for an increased outreach by the civilised world to the people of North Korea. With its hard won reputation for truthful reporting, fair coverage and proper priorities, the BBC has a special potential to be part of the solution.”

[…]Funding of the World Service has passed from the Foreign & Commonwealth Office to the BBC. Previous BBC studies have identified problems in providing a Korean service, especially in relation to the difficulties of the North Korean population tuning in and defying the ban on listening to foreign broadcasts.

Foreign Secretary William Hague said recently that it was “not currently possible for the World Service to offer a meaningful, effective and cost-effective service”. But last week Foreign Office minister Hugo Swire gave renewed hope to campaigners for a Korean service when he said: “We have approached the BBC and are waiting for its detailed response.”[]

Read the full story at The Independent.

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Reuters: “Beethoven and numbers on Korean shortwave”

FlagNorthKoreaNumbers stations get some spotlight in the wake of Jang Song Thaek’s removal from power:

(Source: Reuters)

Dec 9 (Reuters) – As a scratchy rendition of Beethoven’s Piano Sonata No 8 fades into a sea of shortwave radio static, a robotic female voice starts speaking in Korean.

“Number 1913, number 1913, incoming message,” the voice says, before reading out seemingly random sets of numbers.

“68360, 75336, 80861, 94409, 03815,” it continues in an eerily authoritative tone.

The broadcast, a method of sending one-way secret messages to spies, dates back to the French Resistance in World War Two and is still in use on the Korean peninsula, where human intelligence remains the most important way of gathering information.

Blanket electronic surveillance and satellite imagery offer only limited penetration in isolated North Korea, where the use of mobile phones and the Internet is far below global standards. But reliance on antiquated methods and human sources has meant that the National Intelligence Service (NIS), South Korea’s spy agency, has a patchy record on finding out what is going on in nuclear-armed and unpredictable North Korea, with which it is still technically at war.

The agency may have scored a coup last week, however, by informing the world that Jang Song Thaek, the powerful uncle of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, had been removed from his positions.

[…]The radio messages have been used by the South for decades, say sources with knowledge of how the country’s secret agents operate.

“It’s classic – the safest way to deliver messages, it leaves no trace,” said former agent Yeom.

The messages work by sending strings of seemingly random numbers over shortwave radio signals to an agent in the field, armed only with a radio, pen and an easily concealed pad with corresponding letters on it that can be used to decrypt the messages.

“The first time I heard the South Korean numbers station now known as V24 was probably in the early 1980s,” said a radio hobbyist who only identifies himself by his call sign, ‘Token’.

Long-time listeners like Token say V24’s unique power signature and signal strength place its origin somewhere south of the Demilitarized Zone that separates North and South Korea.

An official at the NIS who deals with media requests said he could not confirm anything related to the operation of South Korean numbers stations.

But hobbyists say the secret station is being used less frequently.

“In July 2013, I received 62 messages, most of them in the first half of the month,” said Token, who monitors the signals from his location in the Mojave Desert in the United States. “However, in the first ten days of November, I only received three.

“I have never seen traffic anywhere near this low. This station could be winding down operations,” he added.[…]

Read the full article at Reuters by clicking here.

Also, on the topic of of Jang Song Thaek, check out this video from Radio Free Asia:

If you would like to hear audio from numbers stations, check out some of these posts and recordings.

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Shortwave radio: the secret item found in many North Korean homes

de321dialI’m not surprised to find that North Korean families hide shortwave radios. After all, if it’s well hidden, and listened to privately, there is no way the government can monitor what is heard on shortwave, nor trace it back to the family listening. This is what separates radio from the Internet and mobile devices:

(Source: New Focus International)

Many North Korean families keep a secret item at home, whose discovery may lead to harsh punishment. Away from prying eyes and in the privacy of their homes, North Koreans enjoy using items forbidden by the state, according to North Koreans who have recently escaped from the country.

“In every North Korean home, there is at least one secret item” says Jung Young-chul* (age 34), who left Korea in 2012. He had a short-wave radio in the house and the family would secretly listen to South Korean broadcasts. To avoid being caught, they kept the radio hidden under a container for keeping rice.

They were not the only ones with a hidden radio. Jung explains, “Once, a friend described a story that I had heard the night before while listening to a South Korean broadcast. I brought it up with him one night in drink, and he confided that his family too had a radio. We laughed about it together.”

[Continue reading]

If you want to hear North Korean propaganda on shortwave radio (via the Voice of Korea), check here for the latest schedule or even listen to this recent recording.

This post tagged in the category: Why shortwave radio?

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The BBC crosses an ethical line in North Korea

BBC Panorama presenter, John Sweeney attempts to defend himself on the BBC. (Source: YouTube/BBC)

BBC Panorama presenter, John Sweeney attempts to defend his actions on the BBC. (Source: YouTube/BBC)

If you’ve been a reader of the SWLing Post for long, you may know I am an avid supporter of free speech via radio and other media; I am also a strong advocate of journalistic ethics.  Following, I share choice words about a reporter who ignored one in the claimed pursuit of the other–and why I believe neither was ultimately served.

While I’ve written much in support of the BBC World Service, the radio arm of the BBC, I have not had the same favorable view of the television arm of the BBC.  Recently, I received a concerning email from my post-graduate alma mater, The London School of Economics, which lowered my opinion of the BBC TV producers yet further.

On Monday night the BBC television show Panorama featured an investigative report on North Korea by presenter John Sweeney; this investigation, while revealing virtually nothing the western world didn’t already know about North Korea, is receiving inordinate amount of attention–primarily negative.  Moreover, Sweeney’s report has received a great deal of criticism from the London School of Economics (LSE).  And for good reason.

In brief, as I understand it, here’s what occurred :  In 2012, an LSE student group, organized by Tomiko Sweeney, wife of BBC Panorama presenter and 1980 LSE alumnus John Sweeney.  This past March, another such event was organized; but on this eight-day student tour of North Korea, there was a striking difference. The LSE students, who of course understood the (measurable) risk inherent in touring a country like North Korea, were merely made aware in advance that there would be “a journalist” among their group.  But upon their arrival in China and immediately prior to their flight to North Korea, the student tour group found that the BBC had sent not one journalist, but rather a three-man investigative crew from Panorama falsely claiming to represent the LSE, with secret plans to film outside the dicatorships’s permissible range; among them, Sweeney himself, claiming to be an LSE PhD student.  In short, the student group was unaware of the scope of Sweeney’s orchestrated deception until it was underway.

While in North Korea, Sweeney and his crew proceded to secretly film an investigative report, breaking firm rules imposed on the tour group.  In so doing, Sweeney knowingly–and without prior consent from the students–put everyone on the tour at very great risk. If caught, Sweeney, his crew, and the deceived students could very well have been imprisoned and forced to work in labor camps indefinitely…or worse.  Such treatment of journalists is not unprecedented in North Korea.

Fortunately, the full tour group and their illegal digital footage escaped North Korea without incident.  However, now that North Korea has learned of the investigative report and the deception, North Korea has begun to threaten the LSE students on the tour.

John Sweeney lied to the North Korean authorities and to the North Korean touring organization–but more to the point, he deceived the LSE students on the tour who served as his front. The BBC sanctioned (and salaried) Sweeney’s cowardly deception. Sweeney admits to lying, and has awkwardly attempted to justify his actions by stating that the students are “adults” and therefore “aware of the risk…this isn’t Toramolinos [a Spanish vacation locale].”  It now seems quite clear that Sweeney never fully disclosed to the students the degree of risk to which he would be subjecting them, which is only now unfolding in threatening letters from North Korea to the students themselves.  These threats warned against airing Sweeney’s program, and the LSE promptly made this concern known to the BBC.  Sweeney aired the program anyway.

As for this television report for which Sweeney risked these students’ lives and futures?  The painful fact is that Sweeney’s product is neither insightful nor even particularly interesting.

Crossing the line

Regardless of reason, Sweeney capriciously and foolishly ignored a basic journalistic ethic called the harm limitation principle; according to the Society of Professional Journalists: “Ethical journalists treat sources, subjects and colleagues as human beings deserving of respect.” While it states that an ethical journalist “recognize[s] that gathering and reporting information may cause harm or discomfort,” it continues: “Pursuit of the news is not a license for arrogance.”

Of course, one expects there to be some “harm or discomfort” during the course of investigative reporting, especially investigation of a closed dictatorship that is actually insightful or relevatory. But reporters such as Sweeney and his crew are paid–and paid well, I might add–to take such risks. The LSE students he used as a cover–essentially as human shields–were not paid by the BBC for the unremarkable reporting that was to put them in harm’s way to a greater degree than they knew. The BBC and Sweeney believed that the students’ personal sacrifice and the reputation of the LSE were secondary to the content contained in their report.

If the BBC wanted an investigative report from North Korea, they should have paid professional actors and/or journalists who fully understood the risks and were amply compensated for them to pose as students. Instead, the BBC used, in every sense of the word, a group of university students. BBC Panorama seemed to view these individuals as expendable.

One can only imagine the students’ dismay at being caught in this web of deception, with the North Koreans weaving their own web such as exists in any closed dictatorship, while Sweeney and the BBC entangle them in yet another, perhaps more insidious, web of deceit.  As a result, avenues of study, careers, reputations, lives–all have been cut off or jeopardized by Sweeney’s selfish, cowardly, and truly pointless actions in conducting this investigation under these circumstances.

While watching this BBC interview of the bumbling John Sweeney in his attempts at justification, one cannot help but recall the test of an ethical journalist which Sweeney fails: “Pursuit of the news is not a license for arrogance”:

[Note that I’ve included, below, the full text of the letter from the LSE to which Sweeney refers and that I also received.]

What a waste

Not surprisingly, the BBC Panorama investigative report is, at best, mediocre.  I have seen numerous other video reports on North Korea by reporters and citizen journalists that are much more revealing of the true state of North Korea–and which practice good ethics and superior journalism besides. Even YouTube has better one-man reports from travelers.  Click here for an example on YouTube.

In contrast, too, the BBC World News’ program Our World produced in 2010 a more informative and insightful investigative report on North Korea.  Presenter Sue Lloyd Roberts captured virtually the same footage as Sweeney’s crew–with the North Korean handlers close by and without the use of cover or deception, I might add–but makes much better use of it. You can view this excellent report on YouTube, as well; it’s divided into two parts: click here for part 1 and part 2.

Then, what was Sweeney’s Panorama report adding to the body of knowledge we already have about the DPRK?  Virtually nothing.  Instead, his motivation to air his piece seems to have been one of professional gain…or, perhaps, simply ratings.  More warm bodies in front of British tellies.  Not a deeper knowledge of North Korea, certainly not journalistic integrity.

We’ve mentioned North Korea recently as they’re making headlines across the planet; their governing method is deeply flawed and their repression of their own people is simply criminal, and needs to be made known.  Yet by using LSE university students in this trip as his cover, Sweeney has insured that LSE will not be welcomed back North Korea for the foreseeable future.  Perhaps other similarly sensitive countries will follow suit.  And it’s truly a shame: LSE staff and students provide insight and potential for the creation of gradual positive change in repressed parts of the world like the DPRK.  And the LSE, which has long been  known for their diplomacy, will be hard pressed to recover the reputation that Sweeney has sullied.

If he is, in fact, an LSE alumnus, Sweeney should have considered that he was harming the reputation of a valuable educational institution well known for building political bridgesSweeney is simply not deserving of an LSE degree.  Clearly, he needs to return to the classroom for Introduction to Ethics…Although, considering his actions, it is highly doubtful that he would understand any of it.


Should investigative reporting happen in North Korea? Certainly. Will rules and laws have to be broken in order to make this happen? Of course. Should reporters use innocent people as covers and human shields in order to carry out their reporting? Absolutely not.

What do you think?  Share your views and comments below.


LSE_logoThe letter the LSE sent to all alumni:

The School wishes to alert all staff and students to a serious development which may affect them personally in future. This relates to the conduct of the BBC in respect of a Panorama programme entitled North Korea Undercover, which is due to be shown next Monday evening, 15 April.

The programme has been produced using as cover a visit to North Korea which took place from 23-30 March 2013 in the name of the Grimshaw Club, a student society at LSE. The School authorities had no advance knowledge of the trip or of its planning. The visiting party included Mr John Sweeney, Mr Alexander Niakaris and Ms Tomiko Sweeney. In advance of the trip it was not known to the rest of the party that they were three journalists working for or with the BBC. Their purpose, posing as tourists, was to film and record covertly during the visit in order to produce the Panorama programme.

LSE’s chief concerns are twofold. First, at no point prior to the trip was it made clear to the students that a BBC team of three had planned to use the trip as cover for a major documentary to be shown on Panorama. BBC staff have admitted that the group was deliberately misled as to the involvement of the BBC in the visit. The line used was that “a journalist” would join the visit. BBC staff have argued that this lack of frankness in denying the genuine members of the group the full details was done for their own benefit in the event of discovery and interrogation by North Korean authorities. It is LSE’s view that the students were not given enough information to enable informed consent, yet were given enough to put them in serious danger if the subterfuge had been uncovered prior to their departure from North Korea.

BBC staff asserted in a meeting with LSE management on 9 April 2013 that the BBC had undertaken its own risk assessment in advance of the trip, which had been approved at the highest level. LSE believes that a reasonable assessor of risk, or indeed any parent contemplating their child’s involvement in such an exercise, could only have concluded that the risks taken were unacceptable.

Our second major concern relates to information that came to light after the meeting on 9 April. This is that John Sweeney gained entry to North Korea by posing as a PhD student. The North Korean authorities allege that he described his occupation for entry control purposes as “LSE student, PhD in History” and gave his address as that of LSE – including a specific office room number which is actually used by a genuine member of LSE staff. Students report that the North Korean guides during the visit repeatedly addressed him as “Professor” and that he actively went along with that. John Sweeney graduated from LSE in 1980 with a BSc in Government. He is not an LSE student. If he has a PhD in History (or anything else), it is not from LSE. He does not work for the LSE.

We have no information about how Mr Niakaris or Ms Sweeney may have described themselves in order to gain entry to North Korea, but no description of them as current LSE students or staff can have been accurate.

While this particular trip was run in the name of a student society, the nature of LSE’s teaching and research means that aspects of North Korea are legitimate objects of study in several of our academic disciplines. Indeed, LSE academics work on aspects of many politically sensitive parts of the world, including by travel to those locations. It is vital that their integrity is taken for granted and their academic freedom preserved. The BBC’s actions may do serious damage to LSE’s reputation for academic integrity and may have seriously compromised the future ability of LSE students and staff to undertake legitimate study of North Korea, and very possibly of other countries where suspicion of independent academic work runs high. Finally, LSE is aware of grave concerns about the actions of the BBC raised by at least two students who took part in the visit and the parents of one.

In light of all of the above, the Chairman of LSE asked the BBC on 10 April to withdraw the planned programme and issue a full apology to LSE for the actions of BBC staff in using the School and its good reputation as a means of deception. This endangered the students and could endanger academics in the future.

LSE deeply regrets that, earlier this afternoon, the Director-General of the BBC has refused the Chairman’s request. LSE is fully supportive of the principle of investigative journalism in the public interest, and applauds the work of journalists in dangerous parts of the world. We cannot, however, condone the use of our name, or the use of our students, as cover for such activities.

The School stands ready to discuss with any student or member of staff who so wishes how best to address the possible difficulties which the actions of the BBC may entail for them in future.


This story is multifaceted, far more so than my summary; I encourage you to read articles from The IndependentThe Guardian and/or the BBC for more details.


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North Korean numbers station detected; possible submarine instructions?

The website Intellihub.com features an Op Ed piece regarding a recently detected numbers station supposedly originating from North Korea. The station, reported by a ham radio operator, is in single-side band and adjacent to the Voice of Korea.

Below is an excerpt from this Op Ed piece; note my comments following:

(Source: Intellihub.com)

Within hours of South Korean news sources breaking a story that several Sang-Ho class submarines had disappeared from their North Korean bases, a ham radio operator named Tim, picked up a “numbers station” broadcasting on the same frequency as “The Voice of Korea” propaganda station. [check out our recent post]  What makes this even more interesting is that at the tail end of the numbers transmission there was a long duration digital transmission as well.

So what makes this number station significant is the proximity in timing to the disappearance of the San-Ho class submarines, as well as the digital transmission.

[…]What is more significant is the digital signal at the end of the transmission.  Digital transmissions such as this one may indicate the presence of a burst transmission which contains a compressed and encrypted message bound for some covert force, somewhere.  Typically a burst transmission is used to minimize the download time at the end point to prevent discovery.  The unusual part of this potential burst transmission is being attached to a numbers station as well as the length and the power of the broadcast.  Normal burst transmissions are in the one second to two second range.  This transmission was in the 10 to 15 second range which is almost unheard of, unless the end point is a submarine.

[…]The ham operator who picked up this particular transmission was located in the Midwest of the United States, and he reported the transmission was received 4 by 5 indicating a significant power was used to send the transmission.  That level of power coupled with the length and possible submarine end point opens up a new and alarming tangent to this escalating conflict. It is important to point out that the numbers are being read in Spanish but that is typically done to confuse the original source of the transmission.  In this case the transmission was detected on a upper side band of the AM range used by the Voice of Korea so while the numbers are Spanish the transmission does appear to originate in North Korea.  That fact coupled with the missing submarines seems to provide evidence of the nature of the transmission despite being in Spanish.  Its also important to note that the numbers being in Spanish could also be used to employ a different set of codes in the operatives code books.

Short digital bursts, as they describe, are not necessarily that uncommon since the Cuban numbers station,HM01, has been doing this for years.  (Indeed, perhaps North Korea got a little help from Havana?) You can hear audio from HM01 here and here and learn how to decode RDFT (HM01’s digital mode) here.

Read the full opinion article on Intellihub.com.

Thanks to Dan for the tip!

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Propaganda from the source: Listening to the Voice of Korea on shortwave radio

FlagNorthKoreaOne of the countries dominating the headlines of global news lately is North Korea. As Kim Jong-un raises tensions and rattles his nuclear saber, the rest of the world is attempting to determine if this is a egotistical show of power for the benefit of all observers (as with previous leaders) or if there is real intention behind the rhetoric.

Just this morning Pyongyang has warned that Tokyo would be a primary strike target if war were to break out, or if their test missile is downed; they’ve even moved their missile launch pad into position.

Regardless of outcome of these provocations, I know that the bulk of the North Korean population will suffer. North Korean mainstream “news” consists of images of military parades in the immaculate capital city of Pyongyang; but the reality is that most of the population live in rural North Korea, which is subject to severe food shortages and extreme poverty.

We know North Korea is a country that carefully controls and manipulates their media internally; they also broadcast the same flavor of propaganda externally on shortwave radio via the Voice of Korea.

As shortwave radio listeners, we have the distinct advantage of being able to listen directly to the case of North Korea. We can actually hear (and analyze for ourselves) the North Korea propaganda directly from the source. Note that it’s not uncommon for the Voice of Korea to unexpectedly go off air, likely due to power shortages: this fact is much more suggestive of the of general conditions in the country than the “news” itself.

Depending on where you live in the world, your ability to hear the (relatively weak) Voice of Korea will vary.  If you live in the Asia/Pacific region, the station is very audible.

Yesterday morning at 10:00 UTC, I recorded an hour of their English broadcast to South America on 11.71 MHz. You can download an mp3 of the recording by clicking here, or simply listen via the embedded player below:

Below, you’ll find the current broadcast schedule for the Voice of Korea English service courtesy of North Korea Tech:

NorthKoreaMapVOK English (time in UTC)

  • 04:00 on 7220, 9445, 9730 kHz to Northeast Asia
  • 04: 00 on 11735, 13760, 15180 kHz to Central & South America
  • 05:00 on 13650, 15105 kHz to Southeast Asia
  • 06:00 on 7220, 9445, 9730 kHz to Northeast Asia
  • 10:00 on 11710, 15180 kHz to Central & South America
  • 10:00 on 11735, 13650 kHz to Southeast Asia
  • 13:00 on 13760, 15245 kHz to Western Europe
  • 13:00 on 9435, 11710 kHz to North America
  • 15:00 on 13760, 15245 kHz to Western Europe
  • 15:00 on 9435, 11710 kHz to North America
  • 16:00 on 9890, 11645 kHz to Near & Middle East; North Africa
  • 18:00 on 13760, 15245 kHz to Western Europe
  • 19:00 on 7210, 11910 kHz to South Africa
  • 19:00 on 9875, 11635 kHz to Near & Middle East; North Africa
  • 21:00 on 13760, 15245 kHz to Western Europe

For a full schedule of the Voice of Korea, please visit this page on North Korea Tech.

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Reader Chris shares travel recordings: Voice of Mongolia, Korea

Map pointing to Truk Lagoon (Source: truk-lagoon.com)

Map pointing to Truk Lagoon (Source: truk-lagoon.com)

SWLing Post reader, Chris Johnson, recently sent me a message confessing his love of travel combined with shortwave radio listening. When he told me about his enviable plans to travel to the tiny islands of Truk Lagoon in the Federated States of Micronesia–and to record some of the broadcasts he heard–I asked if he would allow me to share his recordings on the Post. Fortunately for us, he agreed!

Below are two of his recordings, the first from the Voice of Mongolia, the second from the Voice of Korea. Both happen to be very difficult stations to catch here in eastern North America. His comments follow each recording:

Voice of Mongolia Shortwave Broadcast to Asia and Europe. Using a Sony ICF-SW7600G with a whip antenna. Recorded on 29 January 2013 at 1030z on 12085 khz from the Blue Lagoon Resort, Truk Lagoon, Federated States of Micronesia. The broadcast interval signal begins at 1:35

Voice of Korea; Recorded on a Sony ICF-SW7600G using a whip antenna. 7 February 2013 on 15100 khz at 0500z Location; Puka Beach, Boracay Island, Philippines. The program was scheduled for 60 minutes but due to the frequent power outages in the DPRK, the program ceased at approximately 52 minutes.

Thanks, Chris!

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