Tag Archives: Radio Exterior de Espana

Andrea’s photo tour of Radio Nacional de España

Andrea-Radio-Exterior-Espana-REE-20160121_165135 Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor Andrea Borgnino who, as a follow-up to his post yesterday, is sharing the following photos of the Radio Nacional de España (RNE) Casa de la Radio in Pozuelo, Madrid, Spain. Andrea also includes some excellent interior shots of the Radio Exterior de España studios. Click on the images below to enlarge:
Andrea-Radio-Exterior-Espana-REE-20160121_165120Andrea-Radio-Exterior-Espana-REE-20160121_090039Andrea-Radio-Exterior-Espana-REE-20160121_111522Andrea-Radio-Exterior-Espana-REE-20160121_090017 Andrea-Radio-Exterior-Espana-REE-20160121_152546 Andrea-Radio-Exterior-Espana-REE-20160121_152418 Andrea-Radio-Exterior-Espana-REE-20160121_152236 Andrea-Radio-Exterior-Espana-REE-20160121_153612 Andrea-Radio-Exterior-Espana-REE-20160121_153409 Andrea-Radio-Exterior-Espana-REE-20160121_153340 Andrea-Radio-Exterior-Espana-REE-20160121_153333

Again, thanks so much for sharing these, Andrea!

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Andrea takes us inside Radio Exterior de España studios

RadioExteriorDeEspana-Studios-AndreaBorgninoAndrea Borgnino–journalist and Internet Content Manager for RAI (RadioTelevisione Italiana)–posted a couple of photos of the Radio Exterior de España studios on Twitter this morning, so I thought I’d share them here on the SWLing Post:

Very cool, Andrea! I would love to visit the REE studios some day!

It’s so amazing to still hear REE’s booming signal on the shortwaves. They’re one of the only shortwave broadcasters I know of (other than the Voice of Greece) which was taken off the air, only to return later.

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Radio Exterior de España: updated shortwave broadcast schedule


Radio Exterior de España has posted an updated broadcast schedule (in Spanish) on their website. I have translated and pasted the shortwave schedules below:

Radio Exterior de España transmits its programming from 18:00 to 22:00 hours, Coordinated Universal Time, Monday through Friday. Broadcast frequencies and coverage areas are:

  • Africa and South Atlantic, 15,450 Khz , 19 meter band.
  • South America, 17,715 Khz , 16 meter band.
  • North America, 17,855 Khz , 16 meter band.
  • Middle East and Indian, 15,490 Khz , 19 meter band.

And on Saturdays and Sundays:

  • Africa and South Atlantic, 21,620 Khz band of 13 meters (14 to 18 hours), and 15,450 kHz band of 19 meters (18 to 22 hours).
  • South America, 17,715 Khz band of 16 meters (14 to 18 hours).
  • North America, 17,855 Khz band of 16 meters (14 to 18 hours).
  • Middle East and Indian, 15,490 Khz band of 19 meters (14 to 18 hours).

(In case you’re keeping tabs: yes, REE is still on the air, though basically as a relay of RNE.)

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Radio Exterior de España will return to shortwave

RadioExteriorDeEspanaA bit hat tip to SWLing Post contributor, London Shortwave who sent a link to this article from the Spanish news site prtelevisión [click here for English translation].

According to prtelevisión and this article from La Opinión A Coruña [English translation], yesterday morning, the Board of Directors of RTVE approved a proposal to broadcast on shortwave four hours a day: from Monday to Friday (between 20:00 and 24:00 hours) and Saturday/Sunday between 16:00 and 24:00.

The following broadcasts will air:”24 Horas”, “Radiogaceta de los deportes“, “Españoles en la Mar” and “Cinco Continentes“.  In addition, REE plans to cover sporting events.

It appears that the fisheries industry is to thank for this decision to bring REE back on shortwave as ships had no viable means to listen to REE while at sea. According to these sources, shortwave broadcasts will re-start in the near future.

Readers: please comment when you hear REE back on the air.

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Radio Exterior de España petition

RadioExteriorDeEspanaSWLing Post reader, David, comments:

Please, sign the petition to save Radio Exterior de España
Thank you !!!!

Click here to sign the petition.

Many thanks, David. As I post this, I’m listening to the final mailbag show of REE’s English broadcast on 6,055 kHz. The hosts have actually mentioned this petition twice.  Apologies to everyone as I meant to post a link to the petition this past weekend.

I will miss hearing REE on the shortwaves, I’ve always enjoyed their English language broadcasts.

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Radio Exterior de España to end shortwave broadcasts on October 15, 2014

RadioExteriorDeEspanaSWLing Post reader, David, writes:

“I just wanted to let you know that REE has published a communication in its webpage, regarding the end of their SW broadcasts. The definitive cutoff will happen on October 15, 2014 at 0000 LT here in Spain, which is 2200 UTC.
REE will continue, though, and will be accessible through the Internet and also via satellite. Here in Spain they will also be available locally via the TDT/DVB-T system for regular TV broadcast (multiplexes, into which digital TV signals are combined, are also used to carry digital audio data for “radio” stations that therefore can broadcast using this system as well).

Here’s the link to the original REE article (in Spanish): http://www.rtve.es/radio/20141003/radio-exterior-espana-suprime-emision-onda-corta/1021661.shtml

And the [machine] English translation by Google: https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=es&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=ca&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.rtve.es%2Fradio%2F20141003%2Fradio-exterior-espana-suprime-emision-onda-corta%2F1021661.shtml&edit-text=&act=url

Many thanks, David, for the update!

David reports that he will attempt to record the last days of REE broadcasts. I will also make recordings and we will post all of them on the Shortwave Radio Audio Archive.  Indeed, I would ask anyone who can capture the last broadcast to please do so and share your recordings with us.

UPDATE: Note that REE announced a return of their shortwave service in December 2014. Click here to read the update. Shortly thereafter, REE posted their new broadcast schedule–click here to view.  

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REE: Interview with Javier Sanchez, Head of Spectrum Strategy

REElogo2Many thanks to SWLing Post reader, Ed, who has kindly downloaded and processed this Radio Exterior de España interview with Javier Sanchez, the Head of European Spectrum Strategy and Research and Development for REE.

The interview covers REE’s spectrum strategy and also the closure of shortwave radio services on October 1, 2014. While Mr. Sanchez is focused on delivering content via new channels (DAB and IP radio, for example), he believes it is a mistake to close all shortwave radio broadcasting as it still has both financial and content delivery advantages over newer methods.

Listen to the full interview via the embedded player below:

The part of the interview focusing on REE’s shortwave radio service begins at 13:30.

Again, many thanks for sharing this, Ed!

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