Category Archives: Shortwave Radio

Radio Waves: Vacuum Tube Revival, KMJ Documentary, 2023 Domestic Broadcasting Survey, and Radio in Zimbabwe

Radio Waves:  Stories Making Waves in the World of Radio

Welcome to the SWLing Post’s Radio Waves, a collection of links to interesting stories making waves in the world of radio. Enjoy!

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributors Ulis Fleming, Dennis Dura, and Tracy Wood for the following tips:

One Man’s Quest to Revive the Great American Vacuum Tube (Wired)

The prized retro audio components are mostly manufactured in Russia and China. Now, a small Georgia company is rebooting US production.

ROSSVILLE, GEORGIA, ON the border with Tennessee, doesn’t look like a tech town. It’s the kind of place where homey restaurants promising succulent fried chicken and sweet tea are tucked among shuttered businesses and prosperous liquor stores. The cost of living is moderate, crime is high, politics are red, and the population has withered to 3,980.

But in the view of entrepreneur Charles Whitener, Rossville is the perfect place to stage a revival in US technology and manufacturing—albeit with a device that was cutting edge when the Ford Model A ruled the roads.

Whitener owns Western Electric, the last US manufacturer of vacuum tubes, those glass and metal bulbs that controlled current in electric circuits before the advent of the transistor made them largely obsolete. Tubes are still prized for high-end hi-fi equipment and by music gear companies such as Fender for their distinctive sound. But most of the world’s supply comes from manufacturers in Russia and China, which after the transistor era began in earnest in the 1960s helped sunset the US vacuum tube industry by driving down prices.

Whitener, a 69-year-old self-described inventor, vintage hi-fi collector, and Led Zeppelin fanatic, bought and revived AT&T’s shuttered vacuum tube business in 1995. The business has ticked along in the era of cheap overseas tubes primarily by serving the small market for vacuum tubes in premium hi-fi equipment with a model called the 300B, originally designed in 1938 to enable transoceanic phone calls. [Continue reading…]

KMJ | 100 Years in the Valley (Valley PBS on YouTube)

100 years is an incredible milestone for any business or organization! In this Valley PBS Original Documentary, we take you back in time as we explore the origins of KMJ as a conservative talk radio station as well as the long-lasting legacy and impact of their century-long run on the air and in the hearts & minds of their listeners.

Click here to view on YouTube.

2023 Edition of The Domestic Broadcasting Survey

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Dennis Dura, who notes that the 2023 Edition of The Domestic Broadcasting Surve is available for download at:

Many rely on radio broadcasts in Zimbabwe and across Africa (Northwest Arkansas Democrat Gazette via AP)

Many still rely on radio broadcasts for news, entertainment across continent

HARARE, Zimbabwe — Just the size of his hand, the radio set hung in the busy marketplace stall is essential to Mark Nyabanda.

“I can’t do without it,” said the 25-year old, taking a break from selling fertilizer in Mbare market in the capital, Harare, to listen to a radio weather report warning of possible floods.

Radio bulletins also provide him with information on disease outbreaks, political news and entertainment, he said.

“I don’t trust these new technologies,” he said, referring to social media. “They are full of falsehoods. We saw it during the coronavirus outbreak.”

In many Western countries, conventional radio has been overtaken by streaming, podcasts and on-demand content accessed via smartphones and computers.

But in many of Africa’s 54 countries, with a combined population of 1.3 billion people, traditional radio sets are widely used, highlighting the digital divide between rich countries and those still struggling to have reliable internet.

Radio sets are all over the place in Zimbabwe. Rural livestock herders dangle them from their necks while tending animals while those in the cities listen to their radio sets for news. [Continue reading…]

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Can we have some quiet please

Hi SWLing Post community Fastradioburst23 here letting you know about a transmission of  The Shortwave Music Library this Sunday 2nd April 2023 at 2200 UTC on 9395 kHz via WRMI. DJ Frederick will be searching deep into his record collection to bring you some classic pop & library music. Expect some great tunes as always.

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Off-Air Recording: Can you help Pete ID this broadcast?

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Pete Jernakoff, who writes:

Last Saturday evening, I was cruising through the SW bands and came across music and talk on 2640 kHz, a rather odd (I would think) frequency on which to find such a broadcast format.

The music was of the soft pop variety (for example “Vou de Taxi” by Angelica; “A Time For Us – Love Theme from Romeo and Juliet” by Jack Jones; “A Lua E Eu” by Cassiano), and it sounded to my ears that the on-air talent (male) was speaking (between songs) either in Portuguese or in a Brazilian dialect of said language.

I have attached an audio clip of this broadcast [see below] which begins at 0158 UTC (on 26-March-2023). The recording is a little over 13-minutes long and ends when the signal abruptly leaves the air.

Note that there is a seeming mention in the recording of the words ‘Brazil’ and ‘Brasilia’ at the 4:40 and 5:03 time points, respectively. I have no clue where this signal originated, and I’m hoping that you or one of your many readers might be able to help ID this one. As far as I’m aware, there is no station that broadcasts on this frequency at least with this kind of programming. The signal seemed too strong to be a harmonic of a station broadcasting on, say, 1320 kHz. Perhaps a pirate? A mystery to me…

Thanks for sharing this recording, Pete! 

If you can help Pete ID this mystery recording, please comment!

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The HanRongDa HRD-A320: Paul seeks feedback about this new portable radio.

Many thanks to SWling Post contributor, Paul Jamet, who writes:

Hi Thomas,

After the HRD-737 :

and the HRD-747 :

here is the HanRongDa HRD-A320

Does anyone have any information about this new receiver released by HanRongDa?

With the WB band, this receiver seems intended mainly for the North American market.

I found this web page with interesting documents rarely made public:

HanRongDa HRD-A320 High Performance Mini All Band Radio Bluetooth Receiver User Manual:

The user manual is also available:

But what about reception performance? Who has tested the new HanRongDa HRD-A320?

Have a nice day. Back soon.


Thank you for sharing this, Paul. I was not aware of the HanRongDa HRD-A320. Post readers, if you have any experience with this radio, please comment!

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We’re off to the KZOO again

Hi SWLing Post community, Fastradioburst23 here letting you know about a transmission of  KZOO, another installment of the imaginary radio stations show to be broadcast this weekend via the good folks at WRMI.

It’s on Sunday 26th March 2023 at 2200 UTC on 9395 kHz and will feature those strange and wonderful instruments that wouldn’t be encouraged in your music class. After the broadcast the studio audio will appear on the KMTS mixcloud here. 

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The International Radio Club’s Reprints collection

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor Nick Hall-Patch who shares the following announcement:

IRCA Reprints open to public

The International Radio Club’s Reprints collection of over 1100 articles about antennas, radio propagation, receivers, accessories, plus items of general interest to MW DXers, continues to grow.   We’ve published an update to the index, at [PDF] , so that everyone can get access to these latest additions.  (also accessible at “Free IRCA Reprints” button)

The latest update includes items from DX Monitor up the end of June 2022. as well as many items of interest from elsewhere, used with permission.

Added items in this update are marked “(NEW)”,  plus there are a few updated articles as well.

Please pass on this information to others as you see fit.

(if you’ve used the index before, you may need to refresh your browser page to see the latest update, dated December 2022)

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Survey results: What type of radio is your daily driver?

Last week, I published a post asking SWLing Post readers what type of radio their “daily driver” is at present. Click here to read that post.

I created a survey form and left it open for about five days. In that time, we received 639 responses! If you’d like to read the results, continue scrolling or click on continue reading below.
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