Monthly Archives: November 2014

Echo Charlie (EC) Pirate Radio


Many thanks to SWLing Post reader, “The Captain,” who recently sent a message regarding “EC Pirates”–an aspect of the pirate radio/free-bander scene I’ve never covered here on the Post. I asked him to explain a bit more about EC Pirates:

“Echo Charlie [Pirates] are a bit like amateur radio operators in that they don’t play music, they talk all around the world mostly around the 45 metre band using the calling frequency 6,670 kHz, but they do have other band plans too, usually just under the amateur radio band plans. They are pirates as they are not licensed for those bands: freebanders if you like.

Here is the band plan they follow:

86/85m 3430-3500 kHz
calling 3470 LSB

45m 6530-6700 kHz
calling 6670 LSB

29m 10400 kHz USB

21m 13900-14000 kHz
calling 13970 USB

21m South America
Calling 13555 kHz USB

16m 18010-18050 kHz
calling 18030 USB

14m 20900-20980 kHz
calling 20930 USB

EC started many years ago after World War II [when surplus] military equipment was up for sale. Guys bought the units up and used them on AM mode but slowly switched over to SSB over time. No one is really sure why its called Echo Charlie but they think its because this old equipment had EC on the casing or something like that. I’m still reading up on the history of it all.”

“The Captain” has also created an online forum for EC Pirates and various radio topics. It requires (free) registration to post and read:

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Dave recommends the CCrane “Witness Plus” AC Adapter


Many thanks to Dave Zantow who shares the following:

CCrane “Witness Plus” AC Adapter Review Now Posted :
The CCrane 5 volt USB-mini REGULATED AC power adapter (for the Witness +) is perfect for use with OTHER USB radios and has a 900ma MAX current rating.

Works with either Tecsun or Degen with the mini-USB plug (and the GRE PSR-800 too). Pin 4 is + and is truly 100% analog and extremely clean . It does NOT use switching electronics AND OR a switching regulator.

My mini-review is now posted and can be found on the “dead bottom” of the Sangean ATS-909X / Tecsun PL-660 / Tecsun PL-880 review page.

Thanks, Dave! Finding a proper regulated power supply is not easy these days.  I’m very happy to hear this C.Crane model gets your approval!

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Global 24 special broadcast to Asia on December 7

global24-smallMany thanks to Keith Perron at PCJ Media for sharing the following info:

“On December 7, 2014 from 1500 to 1558 UTC [updated – 19 Nov 2014], PCJ Radio International will broadcast a special program produced by Global Radio 24 for listeners in Asia. The frequency will be 13,720 kHz.”

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CountyComm GP5/SSB: videos and photos

Many thanks to Nick at CountyComm who recently sent me a short video he made of a prototype GP5/SSB in action:

Nick also shared a few close-ups of the GP5/SSB:


Additionally, many thanks to SWLing Post reader, Mike McShan, for sharing this video overview of the CountyComm GP5/SSB that Universal Radio recently posted:

Universal Radio hopes to ship the first batch of the CountyComm GP5/SSB by December 1, 2014.

I plan to do a review the GP5/SSB in early December as well.

Follow the tag CountyComm GP5-SSB for updates.

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Global 24’s take on the future of the shortwave radio

Many thanks to the staff of Global 24 for the following response to my post, Does Shortwave Radio Have a Future?:


To Shortwave Listeners of the World:

Shortwave radio is not dying. In fact, we think the whole story line should just go away.

We wanted to thank Thomas Witherspoon of for his excellent article on this very topic and the team of Global 24 wanted to share our perspective on this question.


The 5,000 of you that have written to Global 24 since November 1, 2014 attest to the fact that shortwave radio is not dying.

The 1,000 of you that have joined our Listeners Club and Insiders Club since November 1, 2014 attest to the fact that shortwave radio is not dying.

The 30,000 unique visitors that visited our website,, since November 1, 2014 attest to the fact that shortwave radio is not dying.

You can expect Global 24 to be outspoken whenever and where ever we hear the words that shortwave radio is dying.

Yes, many government broadcast operations have closed up shop. They are totally incorrect in their worldview and so-called “research”. The public diplomacy and foreign policies of governments around the world are in incoherent disarray. It’s not surprising that incoherent foreign policy equates to government shortwave broadcasting being cut back. The fact that the U.S. government thinks shortwave is a medium of the past – should be enough for us all to stand up and cast a doubtful stare.

Whether we are confronting Ebola, dwindling global natural resources,welcoming the Arab spring or dealing with the reality of more and more failed states – states based on borders and beliefs largely imposed by the West – we are living in a world that is more dangerous than ever.

Important World Events Need a Western Perspective on Shortwave

Yes, we live in a world where terrorists groups like ISIS send out thousands of tweets an hour recruiting people to their violent worldview. Yes, we live in a world where ISIS produces an “Annual Report” that visually looks as good as than anything the Voice of America (VoA) produces. Yes, we live in a world where the internet reach of terrorists far eclipses the audience of the VoA. Does shortwave have a place in this world? Of course it does. One kid in Syria – or anywhere in the Middle East – listening to a shortwave radio that gets a different perspective and doesn’t go radical makes it worth it to us. Shortwave is a place where moderate worldviews can be heard easily.

Anyone with TV access or web access has so many other choices for information gathering. Why yield the field in shortwave – the one place where an audience is guaranteed? The governments of many nations, especially the United States need to “go back to the basics” and go back to shortwave radio. VoA, Radio Free Europe, Radio Liberty, Radio Free Asia, Radio Marti and the Middle Eastern Broadcasters need to have their shortwave budgets exponentially increased immediately. It’s not just about hot button issues and unfree governments – it’s about inexpensive access to information for the world and simple “soft power”. Simply look at China Radio International or the Xinhua news agency and you will see a rapidly growing international presence – they are fighting the fights we have already largely walked away from.

The Developing World Still Need Shortwave

We live in a world where access to electricity is still limited to huge swaths of our brothers and sisters around the world. Does shortwave have a place of growing importance in this world? Of course, it does.

Shortwave radio requires no electrical mains, no internet access, no subscriptions – and of course, one radio can be shared and listened to by so many people. How can we live in a world where so many people don’t have clean water, electricity, basic medical care and access to information and think that social media, TV and the internet are the sole communication vehicles of the future? When kids in every country the world over have the water they need, the eyeglasses they need, the medical care they need, the electricity they need and the education they need, then maybe we can talk about engaging them on their smartphones and TVs exclusively and winning over their hearts and minds with 160 character “Tweets”.

Shortwave was, and is, a battle that must be won – not given up on.

The Rest of Us Still Need Shortwave

For the first time in many of our lives, we all should genuinely concerned about press freedom in the United States and in other “First World” nations – yet alone press freedom in countries driving world events like Russia, China, Saudi Arabia and Iran. Across our country more and more people are seeking a simpler lifestyle unburdened by expensive TV, internet and satellite connections. A lifestyle characterized by a lack of dependence – in terms of either information, resources or infrastructure. We are prepping, homesteading and preparing to live off the grid together. We are buying our guns, packing our bug out bags and drawing up emergency plans for our families. .

What We Plan to Do

Here at Global 24 – we are a modest operation but we will be bringing to the world a new view of shortwave radio. Together with our listeners, we can do what governments can not do alone: create a renaissance in shortwave listening in the form of commercial shortwave listening before manufacturers stop making radios and stores stop marketing and selling them. These are the real threats to shortwave radio.

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RadioShack DX-402 (Sangean ATS-505) $31.95 shipped via eBay



eBay seller reforger is selling “open box/used”  RadioShack model 20-629 (DX-402) portable shortwave radios for $31.95 US including shipping.

The RS DX-402 is essentially a rebranded Sangean ATS-505.

I purchased a DX-402 earlier this year and find that its AGC circuit is one of the best found in sub $100 radios. As a bonus, the DX-402 has SSB mode; at $31.95, it must be the least expensive portable with SSB currently on the market.

At time of posting, this eBay seller claims to have 7 units left and 48 units sold. I don’t expect the remaining stock to last long. Again, these are used/open box units, but all are claimed to have been tested. The seller has a total of 162003 rated transactions with a 99.8% positive rating: if interested, I believe you can buy with confidence.

Click here to view the DX-402 on eBay.

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Ultra Portable Shoot Out: Which radio do you prefer?


I’ve been traveling this week, but found the opportunity to hold another shortwave portable shoot-out. (You may recall the weak signal shoot out earlier this year.)

This time, I’m comparing three popular ultra portable radios, namely, the: CountyComm GP5/DSP (a.k.a. Tecsun PL-360), the Tecsun PL-310ETand the Tecsun PL-380.

This particular trip afforded me a bit of time to test these wonderful little portables in a relatively scenic environment, on balcony overlooking the Atlantic. And even though propagation has been somewhat dismal this week, I had so much fun recording these samples, I recorded several for comparison.

Which of the three radios do you prefer? Listen to the recordings, then vote! You’ll find a survey form at the bottom of the page that will allow you to cast your vote for your favorite with weak signals, with strong signals, and your favorite overall.

We’re using a form this time to make it easier to tally the results. If you enjoy this contest–or have any problems–simply comment below.

Stay tuned for a medium-wave shootout in coming weeks!

Note: I will close this survey at 00:00 UTC on Saturday, November 22, 2014.

Global 24 – 9395 kHz (Strong)

Radio 1

Radio 2

Radio 3

ERT Open/ Voice of Greece (Relatively strong)

Radio 1

Radio 2

Radio 3

Radio Riyadh (Weak)

Radio 1

Radio 2

Radio 3

Rádio Bandeirantes (Very weak)

Radio 1

Radio 2

Radio 3

Submit your response

Click here to use our response form to vote on your favorites, or simply use the form embedded below:

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