Category Archives: AM

Radio Waves: Amateur Radio Triumphs Post-Helene and AM Radio a Lifeline During Disaster,

Radio Waves:  Stories Making Waves in the World of Radio

Welcome to the SWLing Post’s Radio Waves, a collection of links to interesting stories making waves in the world of radio. Enjoy!

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributors Bake Timmons and Bill Robins for the following tips:

Through Hurricanes Helene and Milton, Amateur Radio Triumphs When All Else Fails (WIRED)

The morning after Hurricane Helene pummeled the eastern seaboard of the US, Thomas Witherspoon inspected the damage to his western North Carolina home. The night before, he listened to the wind whip down trees and snap power lines along the two-mile access road connecting his family to their few neighbors in Buncombe County.

Like the tens of thousands of other North Carolina residents, the power to Witherspoon’s neighborhood was completely out. It was impossible to communicate with the house down the road, let alone anyone several miles away. Unable to send text messages or make phone calls, radio became the one form of communication left in rural North Carolina. After fixing what he could on his own property, Witherspoon, a lifelong amateur radio enthusiast, began distributing handheld radios to his neighbors.

“Amateur radio is one of those things you get into because of your love of radio communications and the technical aspects of it or the community and the challenges that you can overcome,” Witherspoon says. “It’s a lot of fun, but underlying all of that is this prime directive with amateur radio that it’s always there as emergency communications when all else fails.” [Continue reading…]

How a local radio station became a lifeline after Helene roared through North Carolina (CBS News)

Asheville, North Carolina — As Florida grapples with the destruction from Hurricane Milton, the people of western North Carolina know that reality all too well. Helene roared through the mountains, leaving more than a million people in the disaster zone without water, power and spotty cell service.

But what they did have was the radio.

For days, WWNC host Mark Starling and producer Tank Spencer were a lifeline, serving as a proxy dispatch service to help coordinate wellness checks and connect the stranded with nearby resources.

“We didn’t have any connection to the outside world except our radio stations, and we were the only two here. So we kind of had a mission of like, OK, well, we’ve got to walk these people through the storm,” Starling said.

The Asheville AM radio station was inundated with phone calls, which meant dealing with the widest range of emotions imaginable. One caller was a man on the second floor of his house with his wife and grandchild, Starling said.

“Our entire basement’s flooded. Our first floor’s flooded up to about four feet and we’re upstairs. We’re safe, but my Ram truck is underwater,” the caller said.

Starling told the man to keep the station’s number handy and hoped everything would be OK.

But as Starling tearfully recalls, “Everything wasn’t fine.”

The caller, his wife and their 7-year-old grandson were all swept away, among the at least 120 people killed by Helene in North Carolina. [Continue reading…]



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From the Archives: When the fertilizer hits the fan radio kit

By Jock Elliott, KB2GOM

Murphy’s Law: If anything can go wrong, it will.

            1st corollary: Even if anything can’t go wrong, it still will.

            2nd corollary: It will go wrong in the worst possible place at the worst possible time.

            Most devastating corollary: Murphy was an optimist.

            “It’s tough to make predictions, especially about the future.” – Yogi Berra

 The Better Half thinks I am sick, and maybe she is right, but I am unrepentant: I like disaster movies and books. True stories are better than fiction, but I like both, and I am curious about how people, real or imagined, get through whatever Horrible Event faces them.

As I have written before–here, here, and here–that when bad stuff happens, radio can be a really useful tool.

It was a comment from a reader – Rob, W4ZNG – that got me thinking some more about this. He mentioned enduring three weeks without electricity on the Mississippi Gulf Coast as a result of Katrina. So we had a phone conversation about: What do you want in your radio kit bag when faced with a longer duration, more severe regional or national emergency?

Here’s some of the stuff we agreed upon.

Gathering Information

At the most basic level, you want a radio capable of receiving local AM or FM broadcasters, and it would be good to know ahead of time which local stations have local news staffs that can broadcast useful in formation in times of crisis. In addition, if you live in the US or Canada, I absolutely recommend the ability to receive NOAA weather radio. The ability to run off batteries is critical, in case the mains power is out. In addition, a generous supply of batteries, or a means to recharge batteries is in order. If you decide to go with recharging batteries, you need to think about your options now, not when the lights go out.

In Rob’s case, during Katrina, all of the local broadcasters were wiped out. There was a local low-power FM broadcaster who got permission to increase power to 1,000 watts and was broadcasting where to get food and water. There was a New Orleans AM station that was on the air, but all of its coverage was “New Orleans-centric.” After a few days, some local FM broadcaster, working together, cobbled together a station that they put on the air and began broadcasting news. Rob also began DXing AM stations at night to get additional news.

We agreed that shortwave broadcasters were not likely to be very useful in most cases, but a shortwave radio with the ability to hear ham radio single sideband networks might well be.

To scan, or not to scan, that is the question

Another potential source of information are local public agency radio transmissions in the VHF and UHF ranges that could be heard with a scanner. But – and this is a very big but – that depends a lot on whether your local government (first responders, etc.) transmissions are encrypted. You need to check a source like to see if Public Safety transmissions in your area are encrypted. If they are, you will be unable to decipher them, no matter what equipment you own. However, an inexpensive analog-only scanner may prove very useful for listening to ham transmissions VHF and UHF (2 meters and 440 primarily) as well as FRS and GMRS.

If your local Public Safety radio systems are not encrypted, the RR database will give the details of the radio systems used by those agencies, and that in turn will determine the level of sophistication of scanner that will be required to hear their transmission.

The Radio Reference database also includes a listing of national radio frequencies including a list of federal disaster frequencies such as might be used by FEMA. In addition, I have found that the folks at the Radio Reference forum are generous with their time and expertise: . If all this sounds a bit daunting, there are scanners that have built-in databases of all available frequencies and radio systems, and all you need to do is put in your zip code and select which services you want to hear. I own one, they work well, but they are expensive.

Summoning Help

Assuming that the power is out, your cell phone may or may not work (during Hurricane Katrina, some people found that they could not make voice phone calls, but text messages would go through).

If the cell phones are not working, two-way radio may be useful to summon help and gather information. Again, some research on your part is in order. Perhaps there are 2-meter or 440 ham repeaters in your area with backup power, or maybe there is a robust GMRS repeater system. If so, get your ham or GMRS license and start participating! (It was his experience during Hurricane Katrina that prompted Rob to get his ham license, and when Hurricane Zeta hit, he was glad he had it.)

FRS bubble-pack radios are good for staying in touch while getting around the immediate neighborhood.  It’s also good to have a few spares to hand to neighbors if the need arises.  Often on sale (especially after Christmas) in multi-packs for less than $10 each.

Rob notes that great strides have been made in hardening cell phone towers since Katrina.  When Hurricane Harvey clobbered Houston in 2017, the cell net stayed up.  Even so, it would be prudent not to count on it!

The Bottom Line

At a bare minimum the ability to receive your local AM and FM broadcasters is essential, and NOAA weather radio is also very useful. At the next step up, depending upon your local situation, a scanner may help you to gather information. In addition, the ability to monitor ham transmissions may also add to your information gathering abilities. Finally, having a ham license and the ability to transmit on ham frequencies may be very valuable in a widespread or long-duration emergency.

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Giuseppe’s “Delicate” Loop Antenna

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Giuseppe Morlè (IZ0GZW), who writes:

Dear Thomas,

I am Giuseppe Morlè, IZ0GZW, from Formia, located in central Italy along the Tyrrhenian Sea. I hope everything is going well for you after the hurricane and that you and your loved ones are in good health.

I’m sending you this latest loop antenna of mine, which I’ve named “Delicate” due to its small size—about 20 cm in diameter—and because it fits perfectly with the Malahit receiver inside my car.

I am currently comparing it with a larger loop antenna inside the car to see how they differ. In fact, all of my antennas—whether for VHF/UHF or CB—are installed inside the passenger compartment of my car, and I can assure you, they work very well. Even my antennas for HF listening are mounted inside the vehicle.

I also have a loaded wire antenna hidden under the car, running from one wheel to the other. It works especially well on the 20-meter band, which is my favorite band for listening.

I wanted to share with you and all of the SWLing Post readers my experiences with listening and QRP experiments.

Thanks to you and all the friends at the SWLing Post.

Best regards,
Giuseppe Morlè, IZ0GZW

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Radio Waves: Love of AM Radio, AM Moves Forward in House, Radio Obsession Turns to Drone Defense, Starlink Radio Pollution and TWR Celebrates 50 Years in Roumoules

Radio Waves:  Stories Making Waves in the World of Radio

Welcome to the SWLing Post’s Radio Waves, a collection of links to interesting stories making waves in the world of radio. Enjoy!

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributors Markku Koskinen, David Goren, Troy Riedel, and David Iurescia for the following tips:

No matter what happens in the future, I will always love AM radio (Global News)

It’s been a tough couple of years for anyone who loves AM radio.

Things began to wobble before the pandemic as new, younger media buyers — people who did not grow up with radio — started shuffling advertising dollars towards digital platforms away from traditional media. That hurt all terrestrial radio, but AM in particular because it tends to attract an older demo.

Things got worse when it became apparent that big foreign tech companies — Google, Facebook, and so on — sucked more ad dollars out of the Canadian ecosystem.

Next, manufacturers of electric vehicles claimed that they couldn’t offer AM radio in their dashboards because of the electromagnetic interference caused by EV motors. Depending on who you talk to, this claim may or may not be bogus. [Continue reading…]

AM Radio for Every Vehicle Act moves forward in House (Inside Radio)

The House Energy and Commerce Committee has advanced the AM Radio for Every Vehicle Act with a 45-2 vote. The bill, which aims to preserve AM radio access in vehicles, saw lawmakers emphasize AM radio’s critical role during emergencies, with Rep. Jeff Duncan, R-S.C., and others highlighting its importance in the Emergency Alert System. The legislation would require automakers to include AM radio or face fines, with a phased compliance timeline. The Senate version has gained broad support but awaits a final vote. [Continue reading…]

Meet the radio-obsessed civilian shaping Ukraine’s drone defense (MIT Technology Review)

Since Russia’s invasion, Serhii “Flash” Beskrestnov has become an influential, if sometimes controversial, force—sharing expert advice and intel on the ever-evolving technology that’s taken over the skies. His work may determine the future of Ukraine, and wars far beyond it.

Serhii “Flash” Beskrestnov hates going to the front line. The risks terrify him. “I’m really not happy to do it at all,” he says. But to perform his particular self-appointed role in the Russia-Ukraine war, he believes it’s critical to exchange the relative safety of his suburban home north of the capital for places where the prospect of death is much more immediate. “From Kyiv,” he says, “nobody sees the real situation.”

So about once a month, he drives hundreds of kilometers east in a homemade mobile intelligence center: a black VW van in which stacks of radio hardware connect to an array of antennas on the roof that stand like porcupine quills when in use. Two small devices on the dash monitor for nearby drones. Over several days at a time, Flash studies the skies for Russian radio transmissions and tries to learn about the problems facing troops in the fields and in the trenches.

He is, at least in an unofficial capacity, a spy. But unlike other spies, Flash does not keep his work secret. In fact, he shares the results of these missions with more than 127,000 followers—including many soldiers and government officials—on several public social media channels. Earlier this year, for instance, he described how he had recorded five different Russian reconnaissance drones in a single night—one of which was flying directly above his van. [Continue reading…]

Radio pollution from SpaceX’s new Starlink satellites poses threat to astronomy, scientists say (

Radio pollution from Starlink satellites could mar the hunt for mysterious signals from the early universe.

SpaceX’s new Starlink satellites produce 32 times more radio noise than their predecessors, causing concerns among astronomers about their interference with radio astronomy observations.

Radio astronomy uses supersensitive antennas to detect faint radio signals emitted by stars, black holes and other objects in the universe. Researchers working at the Low Frequency Array (LOFAR) in the Netherlands, one of the world’s most sensitive radio observatories, have now found that SpaceX’s growing megaconstellation of internet-beaming satellites is blinding their instruments. During a series of observations conducted in July, the researchers found that Starlink satellites crisscrossing the sky above the array appear up to 10 million times brighter than some of the most precious targets of radio astronomy research.

Jessica Dempsey, the director of the Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy, which manages LOFAR, said the satellite radio pollution interferes with measurements of distant exoplanets and nascent black holes. It might also obscure the faint radiation coming from the Epoch of Reionization, one of the least-understood periods in the history of the universe, she added. [Continue reading…]

TWR Celebrates 50th Year Broadcasting from Roumoules, France (TWR)

TWR (Trans World Radio) is commemorating a significant milestone today: the 50th anniversary of broadcasts from the Roumoules radio station. These broadcasts have enabled the gospel message to reach countless listeners across borders and barriers.

In 1960, TWR began airing from a 100-kilowatt shortwave transmitter in Monte Carlo. At that time, audio tapes had to be physically delivered to transmitter sites. On occasion, they even had to be smuggled across national borders to Monte Carlo for transmission back into the originating countries. This is considered TWR’s first transmitting site under the name Trans World Radio.

Through radio waves beamed from Monte Carlo, Christ’s message reached behind the Iron Curtain to eager listeners. Specific areas reached from Monte Carlo were Spain/Portugal, the British Isles, Scandinavia, the Middle East/North Africa, the Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, Central Europe and Southern Europe.

On July 14, 1974, Radio Monte Carlo established new transmitters in Roumoules, France, actualizing the vision of its technical director, Lucien Allavena. This new site, now managed by Monaco Media Diffusion, set the stage for future advancements.

In 1987, TWR started airing medium- and long-wave broadcasts from Roumoules, extending previous coverage by over 1.5 million square miles.

Through TWR’s partnership with Radio Monte Carlo, millions of people have been able to access biblical teaching. Radio Monte Carlo overcame any attempts at signal interference, ensuring the broadcast remained uninterrupted. [Continue reading…]

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Clear Channel Stations: Dan’s gateway into the world of DXing

Many thanks to Dan Greenall, one of our dedicated Shortwave Radio Audio Archive contributors, who shares the following guest post:

Clear channel BCB stations – My Introduction to the world of DXing

by Dan Greenall

Sometime in the mid 1960’s, I acquired a Japanese made AM only transistor radio similar to the one pictured.

I was entering my teenage years and living in southern Ontario, Canada in relative proximity to the U.S. border, and was immediately fascinated that I could receive American stations from places such as Buffalo and Rochester NY as well as Detroit MI with amazing clarity.

Before long, I discovered that signals from much further afield would begin to come through at dusk and throughout the night time hours. Although I was unaware at the time, many of these would be from so-called “clear channel” stations, those operating on frequencies with the highest level of protection from interference from other stations.

In addition, many of these stations ran a full 50 kw of power.  Signals from the Atlantic seaboard to the Midwest could often be heard at near local strength if I turned my radio to just the right angle.  At this point, I was beginning to learn about the directional properties of the built-in ferrite rod antenna.  It gave me great pleasure to be able to listen to their local ads, newscasts, or a far away sporting event from the comfort of my home.

I recall listening regularly to WOWO in Fort Wayne IN on 1190 for their play by play announcements of the Fort Wayne Komets hockey games.  Then there was a station identifying as WFAA in Dallas.  That was back when they shared 820 kHz with WBAP whose famous cowbell you can hear in one of the audio clips below.

By the end of 1969, a friend of mine had encouraged me to try shortwave, and I “borrowed” my parents Philips kitchen radio for a few months, but that is another story. I wonder how many others got “hooked” in this manner?

A few brief recordings of clear channel stations that I made in the early 1970’s are presented here. Many, but not all, of the stations heard in the last two links are from clear channel stations. Reception for these recordings was made using a Realistic DX150A or a Hallicrafters S-52 receiver hooked up to an outdoor long wire antenna.

KFI Circa 1971:

WOAI Circa 1973

KSTP Circa 1970s:

Vintage AM Radio Airchecks 1973:

Vintage AM Radio Airchecks 1973 Part 2:

As a sidebar, the National Radio Club has put out a number of books showing the daytime/nighttime directional antenna patterns of AM broadcasting stations in the USA and Canada.

I gave up my copy from 1973 a number of years ago, but you can find this one and others online. I found this very useful.

For example, it is easy to see why I was more likely to hear WBT Charlotte NC on 1110 kHz from my listening post in southern Ontario, Canada, rather than KFAB Omaha, NE.

The links below will take you to the 1973, 1975 and 2018 versions of these books.

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Join Us: Become a Contributor for the SWLing Post!

The SWLing Post has been online since 2008, and over the years, I’ve seen our readership grow into a vibrant, international community of radio enthusiasts who support each other.

From the beginning, my goal for the SWLing Post has never been to focus on me, but rather to highlight the diverse ways people enjoy radio and to share news about international broadcasting. To achieve this, I’ve invited select individuals to contribute as guest writers and provided them with accounts to post their own content.

As our community has expanded, I want to open the door even wider and invite more of you to contribute directly to the SWLing Post. This will help alleviate the bottleneck of getting timely information out, especially as I am currently in one of the busiest stages of my life.

If you’re interested in receiving a volunteer contributor account, which will allow you to create and submit posts for approval and publication by me or one of our editors, please contact me via email or leave a comment on this post.

To qualify for a contributor account, please note the following requirements:

Community Involvement: We prefer to see that you’ve been an active, long-standing member of our community by commenting on posts. If you’re new to us, we will first need to review and post your contributions before granting you an account. This is due to the high volume of spam guest post requests we receive—often dozens each week.

Comfort with WordPress: You should be comfortable creating posts in WordPress, the platform we use for the SWLing Post. Unfortunately, we do not have the resources to train individuals on WordPress, but numerous tutorials are available since it’s the most popular blogging platform in the world.

We are looking for original content that reflects the genuine spirit and kindness of our community. Our goal is to ensure that contributions are not only informative and engaging but also embody the warmth and enthusiasm that characterize our shared love for radio. As long as your content is respectful, informative, and true to the spirit of radio enjoyment, it will align with our standards and be a valuable addition to the SWLing Post.

If you’re interested, please comment on this post or email me directly, and I will get back to you via email.

Thank you!

Thomas Witherspoon (K4SWL)

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CHML: The latest mainstay AM radio station to close

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributors Richard Cuff and Markku Koskinen who share the following (sad) news:

900 CHML closes, ending nearly a century of local radio in Hamilton (Toronto Star)

Station pointed to financial losses as major reason behind closure

A mainstay of Hamilton’s airwaves for almost a century has gone off the air.

900 CHML announced on social media on Wednesday that the radio station would be closing after many years of providing the city and surrounding area with local talk-radio programming.

“This decision, though incredibly difficult, has been made after careful consideration and is necessary following years of financial loss,” read the post.

“The shift of advertising revenues to unregulated foreign platforms, combined with the difficult regulatory and competitive landscape, has forced us to make the difficult decision to close,” added the post. [Continue read at the Star…]

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