Category Archives: Shortwave Radio

Bring your own Lederhosen (BYOL)

Hi it’s FastRadioBurst 23 from Imaginary Stations here letting you know of a couple of polka specials this coming week.

On Sunday 21st July 2024 at 0900/1300 hrs UTC on 6160 kHz and then at 2000 UTC on 6160 kHz and 3975 kHz the Imaginary Stations crew bring you a shortwave Polka Party.  So rent yourself some colourful Lederhosen for the evening and get ready for one exciting polka party.

Then via WRMI on Wednesday 24h July 2024 at 0200 UTC on 9395 kHz we’ll be bringing you  another Polka Party. This is different from the Shortwave Gold show so tune in and enjoy more polka dance classics!

We now have a Patreon page for our regular listeners here. Monthly memberships are available for exclusive audio and zines.

For more information on all our shows, please send  to [email protected] and check out our old shows at our Mixcloud page here.

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Winning with flare: An easier path to the W9IMS Checkered Flag Award

By Brian D. Smith

NASCAR comes to Indy this Sunday, which means that from now until then, you have a chance to snare the third and final QSL card in the 2024 set of amateur radio station W9IMS. Better yet, you can earn this year’s Checkered Flag Award with less effort than usual, thanks to the unforeseen effects of a mischievous sun.

Back in early May, the W9IMS crew staged their first special event of the year, commemorating the IndyCar Grand Prix at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. But a series of solar flares spoiled the party, making it difficult for many stations to connect with W9IMS.

Since the usual requirement of the Checkered Flag Award is to work or tune in all three W9IMS special events in a given year, the uncharacteristically low number of Grand Prix contacts seemed destined to result in an uncharacteristically low number of certificate recipients.

So club officers changed the rules. This year, you can qualify for the award with credits for any two of the three special events: the Grand Prix and Indy 500 in May, and the upcoming NASCAR 400 at the Brickyard.

Of course, it’s best to bag all the events and claim the trio of ’24 QSL cards along with the certificate. But for anyone who went 1-for-2 in May, the coming week is your last opportunity to add more W9IMS wallpaper to your shack. The station will be on the air through 11:59 p.m. Sunday, July 21 (Indianapolis time)/0359 UTC Monday, July 22.

W9IMS operates primarily on 20 and 40 meters, but occasionally adds 80 meters later in the week (and occasionally 2 meters on Race Day for locals and fans in the stands at the Speedway). Preferred frequencies are 14.245 and 7.245 SSB, plus or minus QRM.

A few tips on locating W9IMS:

  1. Check DX Summit ( for spots listing the current frequency or frequencies of W9IMS. You can customize your search by typing “W9IMS” in the box at upper right.
  2. Go to the W9IMS web page ( and look for the heading, “2024 Operating Schedule.” Click on the “NASCAR 400 at the Brickyard” link, which opens into a weeklong schedule of individual operators and their reserved time slots. Although operators frequently get on the air at unscheduled times, your odds of catching the station improve significantly during hours with a listed op.
  3. Prime time for weeknight operations is 6 to 10 p.m. in Indy (2200-0200 UTC). That’s also your most likely shot at finding W9IMS active on two bands. However, it’s not unusual for operators to continue till midnight or later if band conditions allow.
  4. Remember that the published schedule can be shortened by adverse circumstances, such as local thunderstorms, a lack of calling stations and, as we discovered in May, solar flares! Don’t wait till the final hour to look for W9IMS.
  5. But if you still haven’t worked W9IMS by the final weekend, don’t give up too soon. Toward the end of the special event, W9IMS ops often call for “only stations that haven’t worked us this week” and/or switch to contest-style operations, exchanging only signal reports to put more calls in the log.
  6. Keep in mind that both hams and SWLs are eligible for QSL cards and the certificate. So if your ham station isn’t able to work W9IMS by Sunday night, you can create an SWL report by copying down details of successful contacts – such as date, frequency, UTC, and the callsigns of several stations you heard W9IMS working. SWL reports count as credits too, although the certificate may feature your name instead of your call.
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Amazon’s Prime Day: Radios and accessories on sale

Today is Amazon’s Prime Day and there are a number of radios and accessories at a heavier discount than they normally would be. I’ve been browsing this morning and made a list of some of the shortwave radio products included in the sale. Please note that the following links are Amazon affiliate links that also support the SWLing Post at no extra cost to you. Thank you!

There are actually many more models of shortwave radios (click here) and ham radio accessories (click here) in the sale today. I’ll try to add other items of interest today.

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Carlos’ Shortwave Art from NHK and Radiofax via Kyodo News

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor and noted political cartoonist, Carlos Latuff, who shares his radio log art of a recent broadcast of NHK Japan.

Carlos notes:

Part of NHK news bulletin, in Japanese, about Trump assassination attempt.

Click here to view on YouTube.

Kyodo News Radiofax

[T]his is the radiofax I got today from Kyodo News, with two front pages dedicated to the assassination attempt. Click here for the original radiofax audio file.

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Special QSL Card: RTI Direct from Tamsui July/August 2024

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Gérard Koopal, who writes:

Dear Thomas,

See below for a schedule from RTI stating their direct transmissions/programs from Tamsui Taiwan in German starting this Friday [July 12].

Reports can be sent to: [email protected] or by post: Radio Taiwan International, German Service, P.O. Box 123-199, Taipei 11199, Taiwan.

They also state that there will also be programs in French from August 9 until September 1 on Saturday and Sunday on the same times and frequencies directly from Tamsui.

All reports will receive a special QSL card.

The following announcement from RTI was translated to English via Google Translate:

RTI Direct from Tamsui July/August 2024

Dear listeners,

Radio Taiwan International will once again be broadcasting German-language programs on several days this year directly from the Tamsui transmitter in Taiwan.

Broadcast dates and frequencies:
The broadcast times are given in UTC (CEST=UTC+2)

1700-1730 UTC 11995 kHz

1730-1800 UTC 9545 kHz

July 12th (Friday)

July 13th (Saturday)

July 14th (Sunday)

July 19th (Friday)

July 20th (Saturday)

July 21st (Sunday)

July 26th (Friday)

July 27th (Saturday)

July 28th (Sunday)

August 2nd (Friday)

August 3rd (Saturday)
04.08. (Sunday)

Please send reception reports by email to: [email protected]
or via the online form:
or by post to: Radio Taiwan International, German Service, P.O. Box 123-199, Taipei 11199, Taiwan

We will again confirm reception reports with a special QSL card!

further information:

We would also like to point out that in August and September (August 9th to September 1st, 2024) RTI will also broadcast French-language programs directly from the Tamsui transmitter on Friday, Saturday and Sunday on the same frequencies at the same times.

Kind regards
Your RTI editorial team
[email protected]

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Bob shares a 1968 off-air recording of Radio Australia

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Bob Purse, owner and curator of the excellent Inches Per Second audio archive and blog, who recently posted a 1968 recording of Radio Australia. This recording is in the queue to be published on the Shortwave Radio Audio Archive, but I thought I’d share it here first since I know there are so many Post readers who are fans of Radio Australia.

Bob shares the following notes with his recording on Inches Per Second:

Periodically, I have shared parts of the large collection of shortwave recordings, most of them of Australian programming, which I picked up… somewhere, at some point. I’ve shared most of it, at this point, but have a few tapes left. I held off on this because the quality is fairly poor, then near the end becomes abysmal, but I thought I should share it, since there is an audience for these recordings. The newscast heard here makes it clear (specifically, the golf results, among other stories) that at least part of this tape is from the second week of March, 1968.

Note that this recording will also be available on the SRAA on August 16, 2024. Thanks again for sharing this, Bob!

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Carlos’ Shortwave Art and recording of Rádio Mitre (July 14, 2024)

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor and noted political cartoonist, Carlos Latuff, who shares his radio log art and recording from Rádio Mitre:

Carlos notes:

“…World commotion, Donald Trump assassination attempt. It was at a campaign event in Pennsylvania. While the Republican candidate was giving his speech, several shots were heard and immediately afterwards he fell with a wound to his ear…”

Click here to view on YouTube.

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