Category Archives: Boat Anchors

WAMU Metro Connection visits the Mid-Atlantic Antique Radio Club

MAARC-ClubMany thanks to SWLing Post reader, Paul, who points out this episode of WAMU’s Metro Connection where reporter Rebecca Sheir visits the Mid-Atlantic Antique Radio Club (MAARC).

You can listen the report on Metro Connection, or simply click here to download the whole podcast (MAARC is the first piece).

Click here to check out the MAARC website.

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Video: Ken operates his Hallicrafter S-120 for the first time

The Hallicrafters S-120

In response to our last post regarding Hallicrafters’ promotional 45 RPM record, Ken Carr comments:

“I got the entire promotional kit for the [Hallicrafters] S120 when I was a kid. My parents even bought the radio for me. I still have everything, including the record. How could you not want to get into SWL after listening to it?

My dad took an 8mm film of me using the new radio. I have since digitized it.”

Ken then kindly shared his video (which can also be viewed on YouTube):

Thanks for sharing, Ken! This stuff is priceless.

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Annual InfoAge Radio Electronics Auction, April 27th 2013

If you live near Wall, New Jersey and love antique radios, this is the auction for you. Proceeds benefit InfoAge, the Radio Technology Museum and National Broadcasters Hall of Fame. View the auction catalog by clicking here, full auction details below:

This beautiful BC-654-A is just one of the antique radios up for auction.

This beautiful BC-654-A is just one of the many antique radios on the auction block.

(Source: NJARC Press Release)


Saturday April 27, 2013

InfoAge Science History Learning Center and Museum
2201 Marconi Road
Wall, New Jersey 07719

Huge Radio/Electronics Auction Conducted By The
New Jersey Antique Radio Club and The Radio Technology Museum

All day sale of vintage radios, electronic test equipment, ham gear, audio equipment, marine radios, military electronics and 1000s of vacuum tubes along with related parts & documentation. Large variety of tubes in box lots, groups or singles; many interesting types. Better tubes are pretested.  300 + lots, including many large box lots. Something here for every radio/electronics collector.

Auction Begins at 10:00 AM on Saturday
Viewing is from 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM Day of Sale

Sale of artifacts and donations excess to the centers needs. Proceeds to benefit InfoAge, Radio Technology Museum and National Broadcasters Hall of Fame.

Auction is indoors with ample seating. Noted radio auctioneer Richard Estes will be wielding the auction gavel. Complete auction catalog available two weeks prior to sale. Terms are cash or good check, sorry, we cannot take credit cards. 5% buyers premium is charged.

Up-to-date Information:
Auction Contact: [email protected] or 908-757-9741

Thanks for the tip, Rich!

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Daniel shares recent QSLs

Daniel (W3DI) writes:

I have been enjoying some shortwave broadcasts recently and received some nice QSL cards. Wanted to share the cards and some station information.

 Deutsche Welle - copied broadcast on 15,275 KHz - Jan 20 , 2013 at 1930 UTC

Deutsche Welle – copied broadcast on 15,275 KHz – Jan 20 , 2013 at 1930 UTC

China Radio International - copied broadcast on 9,580 & 6,020 KHz - Dec 29 & 31 , 2012   at 0130 UTC

China Radio International – copied broadcast on 9,580 & 6,020 KHz – Dec 29 & 31 , 2012 at 0130 UTC


VOA -  Africa service - They sent not only a QSL but a beautiful 2013 calendar.

VOA – Africa service –
They sent not only a QSL but a beautiful 2013 calendar.

Daniel addeded:

Shortwave listening was my first step to becoming an amateur [radio operator]. First receiver was a Lafayette HE – 10 with a Q mulitplier I built. Now using a WinRadio 313 – things have really changed.

Shortwave listening was also my first step to becoming a ham radio operator. The Lafayette HE-10 is a beautiful little 9 tube radio. I love the split dials on the front–much like the venerable Hallicrafters S-38.

The Lafayette HE - 10 (Photo:

The Lafayette HE – 10 (Photo:


The Hallicrafters S-38 (Photo: The S-38 Guy)


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Try that with an iPhone!

With the help and guidance of my good friend Charlie, we just repaired and aligned this BC-348-Q receiver. BC-348s were built to withstand the extreme temperatures (-60F) and vibrations on board the B-17 and other bombers, where they were used extensively in World War II. I picked this beauty up at the 2012 Dayton Hamvention for $40.

Next year, this radio will be 70 years old.

This morning, I have it tuned to Radio Australia’s Saturday Night Country on 11,660 kHz shortwave. It’s “connecting” to a wireless network over 9,800 miles away and producing beautiful, warm audio.

Try that with an iPhone.

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