Category Archives: International Broadcasting

The Bonito Boni Whip goes from strength-to-strength: hardcore DXing in compact package

Hi there, subscribers to the Oxford Shortwave Log YouTube channel and regular readers of this excellent website will be aware that I have been using a Bonito Boni whip E-field wideband antenna for a couple of months now. You may have seen my previous post here, detailing some excellent initial DX results achieved with the Boni Whip. What makes this antenna so compelling for a DXer such as myself is simply that it’s so light and compact; I can literally take it anywhere. Currently it lives in a small flight case (see above & below) on the back seat of my car, with either my Sony ICF-SW55 or Eton Satellit, a home-brew battery pack (that literally cost pence) and some peripheral bits and pieces; spare batteries, cables etc. I think it’s probably already clear that if you consider the Boni Whip’s performance as a function of portability and price, it’s out there on its own – I’m not aware of another antenna that can match it. Of course, there are H-field antennas, such as the excellent Wellbrook active loops that will effectively reject QRM, if that’s an issue for the user, but at a significant cost delta.


Since my last posting, I have continued to use the Boni Whip regularly on my DXpeditions and upload the reception videos to my YouTube channel. I have been nothing but totally impressed with this antenna, to the point that I’ve actually been surprised by the signals I’ve caught and recorded with it. Recent catches include a number of low-power stations from Brazil, including Radio Bandeirantes – Sao Paolo, Radio Voz Missionaria – Camboriu (on the 49 and 31 metre broadcast bands) and Radio Aparecida. Some of these signals are incredibly difficult to hear in Europe at all, let alone well and yet the ultra-compact Boni-Whip running off AA batteries, coupled to the (equally brilliant) Eton Satellit managed it with aplomb. Other catches include Zambia NBC Radio 1 – Lusaka and a signal from Bangladesh Betar that sounded as if the transmitter was 5 miles down the road!

All-in-all, I’m extremely satisfied with the performance of the Bonito Boni Whip and highly recommend it to those DXers requiring a high-performance, compact antenna, for use at home in electrically quiet environments or on any DXpedition. You certainly won’t be disappointed.

Please find embedded reception videos below and text links that will take you to the Oxford Shortwave Log YouTube channel. Thanks for reading/watching/listening and I wish you all great DX.

Click here to watch on YouTube

Click here to watch on YouTube

Click here to watch on YouTube

Click here to watch on YouTube

Click here to watch on YouTube

Click here to watch on YouTube


Clint Gouveia is the author of this post and a regular contributor to the SWLing Post. Clint actively publishes videos of his shortwave radio excursions on his YouTube channel: Oxford Shortwave Log. Clint is based in Oxfordshire, England.

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RAE Argentina to the World to begin shortwave relay via WRMI

Many thanks to Adrian Korol, at RAE Argentina to the World, for sharing the following update:

During the time that requires the repair of our shortwave transmitter, we are going to maintain our HF presence both in English and Spanish, via WRMI relay station

It is fundamental for those who love the short wave sharing of this information, as well as the active participation of listeners and DXers through emails and post letters.

Your sound files in mp3 with audio captures or videos on YouTube listening RAE will be welcome at [email protected]

During the time of these experimental transmissions we will answer every reception report we receive from anywhere in the world through a special and numbered QSL card.

From the 2nd of May RAE Argentina to the World returns to the dial.

Remember: Every Friday the DX program, “Actualidad DX .com . AR” is issued

Our programs are available on the web 24 hours a day in all 8 languages, and many of them also in podcast (see iTunes)

We also work with the AudioNow platform in the United States, Canada, Mexico and Brazil.


RAE Argentina to the World
Broadcasts on the short waves

SPANISH Monday through Friday 22:00 to 23:00 hs UTC on 5950 Khz , on the 49 m band * Latin American Area
ENGLISH Tuesday through Saturday 01:00 a 02:00 UTC on 9395 Khz, on the 31 m band * USA & CANADA Area


The reception reports of your hearings sent to us by ordinary mail will be confirmed by a SPECIAL and NUMBERED QSL.

RAE Argentina to the World
P.O Box 555
1000 CABA
Buenos Aires

Facebook : conexionrae
Twitter: @conexionrae

Post readers: Let’s show RAE we’re listening–! Please send a listener report and/or a recording to the contacts above. I would certainly like one of their special numbered QSL cards!

I’m very happy to hear RAE will have a presence on shortwave via WRMI while they repair their transmitter in Argentina. Kudos to WRMI for partnering with RAE to make this happen!

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WRMI shifts from 6855 kHz to 9455 kHz

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Marty Meyers, who shares the following notice from WRMI (via Facebook):

6855 kHz off air

Due to interference with a U.S. Army frequency, WRMIhas been asked to vacate 6855 kHz. We are now off of this frequency. However, a replacement frequency of 9455 kHz has been assigned, and we expect to be on the air on 9455 kHz sometime next week. This frequency will be directed primarily to the Southwestern United States and Mexico, although it will probably be audible in other areas as well, depending on propagation conditions.

Thanks for the tip, Marty!

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4KZ: More info about Australia’s new shortwave broadcaster

Many thanks to Al Kirton, the General Manager at NQ Radio, who has kindly shared a few more details about NQ Radio and, specifically, 4KZ:

Hello Thomas

NQ Radio operates about 20 AM & FM transmitters in North Queensland, Australia. Our stations are 4KZ, 4AM, 4AY, KIK FM & KOOL FM.

In a couple of months or so we will be establishing a 4KZ shortwave service on 5055 kHz with 1 kilowatt.

The antenna is designed to give primary coverage from 200 km to 800 km from Innisfail. We suspect it will be heard with a low quality signal much further away.


Al Kirton
General Manager

Many thanks, Al! We’ll be listening!

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RadioWorld: Despite Fears, ABC Shuts Down Shortwave Broadcasts

(Source: RadioWorld)

The ABC has turned off its shortwave radio transmitters, leaving Australians in remote areas without easy access to lifeline radio

OTTAWA — On Jan. 31, state-owned Australian Broadcasting Corp. shut down its shortwave radio transmitters; ending both international broadcasts of Radio Australia and the ABC’s domestic service in Australia’s Northern Territory. The transmitters were located at ABC broadcasting facilities at Katherine, Tennant Creek, and Roe Creek (Alice Springs).

According to the ABC news release that announced the shutdown on Dec. 6 — less than two months before it took place — “The move is in line with the national broadcaster’s commitment to dispense with outdated technology and to expand its digital content offerings including DAB+ digital radio, online and mobile services, together with FM services for international audiences.”

[…]The majority of ABC audiences in the Northern Territory currently access ABC services via AM and FM and all ABC radio and digital radio services are available on the Viewer Access Satellite Television (VAST) satellite service.”[…]

Click here to continue reading the full article at RadioWorld.

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April 15: RNW returns for broadcast from original news van

Schagen Auto Museum

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Gerard Koopal, who shares the following:

Below an article about the return of RNW Netherlands out of a 1958 truck on april 15.
Although i suppose you can’t read German, the times and freq’s should be clear.

… zwar nur für einen Tag aber immerhin:

Am 15. April, also diesen Samstag, gibt es eine Sondersendung aus dem
Automuseum Schagen im Norden der Niederlande. Die ehemaligen Mitarbeiter
Dick Klees, Hans Hogendoorn, Pieter Damave und Ruud Poeze werden aus einem
originalen Ü-Wagen des RNW aus dem Jahr 1958 eine 7-stündige Live-Sendung fahren.

Die Sendung wird über Stream, Mittelwelle van Radio Paradijs auf 1584, 1332 und 1224 kHz und im DAB Kanal 8A in Randstad ausgestrahlt.

Ach ja: Kurzwelle gibt’s auch, von diesen bösen Menschen beim

… auf 3985 kHz zw. 11-18 CEST
… auf 6005 kHz zw. 11-15 CEST
… auf 7310 kHz zw. 11-12 und 16-17 CEST
… auf 15560 kHz zw. 14-17 CEST

Kontakt zur Crew während der Sendung per e-Mail [email protected]

Details in dutch:

Many thanks, Gerard! I found that Google Translate did a fairly good job translating the Dutch article into English–click here to read.

Keep in mind that CEST is UTC +2 hours. Broadcasts will start at 1300 UTC 9:00 UTC (thanks for the correction, Christian!).

I love the sound of this special event. I’ll certainly be listening and, hopefully, recording!

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RAE-Argentina: Update from Actualidad DX

Many thanks to Adrian Korol, at RAE, for sharing the following update from Actualidad DX:

ACTUALIDAD DX.COM.AR brings you the latest news of the radio world, the short waves, the media, the telecommunications, the DX, the ham radio and the digital context every week. A production of RAE Argentina to the world, edited by Arnaldo Slaen
This week


Greetings dear friends of Actualidad, the DXing program about DXing, broadcasting media and new technologies that airs every week through RAE-Argentina to the World, the International Short Wave Station of the Argentine Republic.

We remind you that you can send your reception reports, suggestions, criticisms and comments to our email: [email protected]

We also invite you to contact us via traditional mail, to RAE Argentina to the World, PO Box 555, Post Code 1000, BA, Argentina.
RAE Argentina al Mundo keeps on incorporating new technologies and has now a new channel: AUDIONOW, that allows our listeners to follow our programs via their phones, at the cost of an local phone call.

AUDIONOW is a system to connect stations with their audiences in far-off places, as an alternative to SW and internet. In the specific case of the US, online listening is made only where there’s Wi Fi networks near, since 4G and 3G services don’t have flat-price data plans, but they do have flat-price plans for phone calls.

This radio-over-phone instrument is already used by other international broadcasters such as BBC, VOA, Radio Francia Internacional, Deutsche Welle, and the UN radio station.

On this first stage, RAE Argentina to the World will work with Audionow in English and Spanish for listeners in the US who will be able to tune in on our full hour-long programs or on our news bulletins.

Arrangements are being made to bring this option to Mexico and Canada in North America and Brazil in South America.

There’s the intention also of including football broadcasts.

And we kick off with SW hearings.

La Oesterreichischer Rundfunk, was picked up by transmitters in Moosbrun, Austria

0500-0620 en 6155 khz con 300 kW in German for the west of Europe, from Mondays to Fridays.

0500-0615 en 6155 khz also in German for western Europe, on Saturdays and Sundays.
From the same transmitting site, religious broadcaster FEBA goes on the air, between 0800-0830 on 15260 KHZ with 100KW in Arabic.

Also from Moosbrun, Austria, Radio DARC, broadcasts only on Sundays, between 0900-1000 UTC on 6070 khz con 100 kW in German.
Only the first Sunday of every month and always from Moosbrun, Radio JOystick can be picked up between 1000 and 1100 on 7330 khz, with 100 kW for Europe in German.

Now we share some news for the A17 broadcasting period by WCB-Madagascar World Voice.

Between 0200 and 0400, on its new frequency of 6190KHZ with 100KW, aimed at SOuth America in Spanish, with a program called “The Happy Voice”.

Between 0300-0400 on 15515 KHZ with 100KW for Southeast Asia with English-language program “African Pathways Radio”.

Between 1900 and 2000 on 9820 KHZ with 100KW in Russian for Eastern Europe, with a program generated by its sister station “KNLS New Life Station”.

Now we have more news from Argentina.

The Culture Secretary of La Rioja province, Víctor Robledo, together with other officials of the provincial administration met Cristian Arrieta, the delegate from the ENACOM, Communications Board.

The provincial secretariat had requested the federal authorities for an FM broadcasting license, to set up a public radio that broadcasts culture-related news.
We move on now to an international SW broadcaster, China International Radio proposed Sputnik China to create a joint brand, according to what was informed by Dmitri Kiseliov, director general of the Rossiya Segodnya, .media group

In addition, a project called “Russia and China on the Silk Road”, organized by both groups began last October.

25 journalists from both nations will visit the main stages of the New Silk Road between the cities of Xi’an and Urumchi.

And back to Latin America to visit Ecuador.

The Ecuadorian House of Culture reported that the Telecom Watchdog Agency, Arcotel, assigned an FM broadcasting licence to them.

Arcotel granted the entity the 100.9 frequency, with enough range to cover the province of Pichincha. The new station will be called Culture FM.

Pérez underlined the importance of getting the licence, something the House of Culture had been working for years. They already run an AM station, House of Culture Radio, that’s been on the air for almost 70 years, and is one of the forerunners in the field of cultural broadcasting in the country.

According to Pérez Torres, Culture FM will aim at contributing to the cultural enhancemente of Ecuadorians, bringing them closer to Latin America and the world.

Proaño, expects the station becomes a reference in culture for the country.

Let’s continue with the Americas. Now, Panamá.

The Panamanian National Authority of Public Services held two public hearings that seek to establish the reach and benefit for the population of granting Radio Licences Class B (non-proffit broadcasting) to the State-Ran SERTV broadcasting service and the Catholic Faith Radio Promotion Foundation.

During the hearings, which are part of the process the entity carries out every two years to assign FM licences, legal representatives of both organizations presented their arguments to obtain concession of the broadcasting rights, underlining they wanted them exclusively for divulging issues that strengthen national culture, democracy and transparency in public administration.

Moving on now to Venezuela, where various stations have closed down in the region of Yaracuy, because they were allegedly in violation of the law, and hadn’t met legal requirements to remain on the air.

The CONATEL telecom watchdog agency establishes that broadcasting is suspended until they meet the legal requirements.
These are the stations that were removed from the airwaves by the Venezuelan authorities: Yara 104.3, K-ndela 90.3, Más Network 98.9, Shaddai 101.9, Mix 98.3 y Criollísima 104.9, all of them FM stations.

Rumbera Network 106.5 was mentioned as one of the potential broadcasters in problems, but the station’s management dismissed this rumour, and explained they were off the air due to a broken transmitter that was fixed already.

When CONATEL inspectors visited the area of Nirgua, they closed down La Reina 96.7 FM, Agua Viva 90.3 FM y Tentación 90.9 FM. and also Divertida 104.7 FM, Sabor 89.9 FM, Auténtica 97.1 FM y Urbana 102.9 FM.

And the final part of our program is dedicated to cinema and radio.

Radio didn’t only revolutionize the telecommunications sector. It also enabled journalism and entertainment to explore new fields.

Therefore, the world of waves and transistors has generated a world of its own that has been depicted on various films. On the occasion of marking the World Radio Day, Non Stop People has prepared a clip reviewing the main radio-related films.

A highlight of the list is Good Morning Vietnam, of 1987, starring Robin Williams. The movie is a criticism of political correctness. The role of the radio presenter is key in other features such as Talking To Death of Lonely in the Night. Then, there’s also Radio Stories and Radio Days, that shows the effect the medium had on people’s day-to-day lives.

Not close to a radio receiver or internet? Now those who live in the US can listen to RAE-Argentina to the World live calling 641.552.8099 from any telephone, with no additional cost per call.

Call 641.552.8099 and listen to news and content by RAE – Argentina to the World. Save the number on your phone.

If you have friends and family in the US who enjoy being in touch with Argentine current affairs, tell them they can call 641.552.8099 and listen to RAE – Argentina to the World from any mobile phone.

The best part is that there’s no additional cost for the call when one calls from the US.




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