Category Archives: Videos

Rob’s Yaesu FTDX3000 video series

FTDX3000My buddy, Rob Wagner, has started a series of videos featuring the Yaesu FTDX3000 transceiver. On his blog, the Mount Evelyn DX Report, Rob describes his first video:

Some shortwave listeners may not be familiar with using single sideband for receiving stations transmitting in the Amplitude Modulation (AM) mode. I have prepared a little video designed to demonstrate reception of SWBC signals in single sideband (SSB) mode. Under certain circumstances, this can be beneficial in providing better reception and more pleasurable listening in times of heavy interference (QRM).

[…]This video is the first in a short series featuring my new Yaesu FTDX3000 transceiver. You’ll get a good idea of what this rig can do by seeing it actually in operation on the shortwave bands. There are more videos to follow…..

ECSS is indeed a powerful and often overlooked tool for mitigating QRM and adjacent signal interference. Many thanks, Rob, for showing us how easy it is to use!

Though I’ve embedded Rob’s first video, above, I would encourage you to follow his excellent blog so you don’t miss future videos.

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Richard’s search to find the best SWLing spot on campus


SWLing Post contributor, Richard Langley, has been seeking the perfect spot on the campus of the University of New Brunswick (UNB) to listen to shortwave. He recently shared the following:

Here’s a link to a brief video of my recording of last weekend’s VOA Radiogram “in the field” (a UNB parking lot):

Richard goes on to say that he’s found an even better location:

receiver_locations_smaller (1)

“That location on campus (green pin on attached image) turned out to not be noise-free on all bands. Found an even better location (red pin). Negligible power-line interference although still within Wi-Fi range of UNB’s system but no significant effects from that discovered yet. Got excellent reception of VOA’s Radiogram this past Saturday afternoon. Extremely clean waterfall in Fldigi. And virtually noise-free images [below]”

voa_radiogram (1)

Richard’s decoded message. (Click to enlarge)


VOA Radiogram decoded image

Many thanks for sharing this with us, Richard!

Those of you who live or work in areas with significant radio noise should consider scouting out a listening spot like Richard has. Also, you might be inspired by LondonShortwave who takes his radios to public parks. Regardless, moving your receiver as far away from sources of radio interference as possible will always yield better listening results.

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Jack Barsky: KGB spy who relied on numbers stations


Many thanks to SWLing Post reader, Anthony, for forwarding this CBS/60 Minutes video: an interview with former KGB spy, Jack Barsky. During the interview, Barsky mentions that he received encrypted KGB “radiograms” via a numbers station he believed to be in Cuba. He admitted that the messages could take an hour to copy, then an additional three hours to decode. This is a fascinating story–well worth watching.

Here is the intro via 60 Minutes:

“Tonight, we’re going to tell you a story you’ve probably never heard before because only a few people outside the FBI know anything about it. It’s a spy story unlike any other and if you think your life is complicated, wait till you hear about Jack Barsky’s, who led three of them simultaneously. One as a husband and father, two as a computer programmer and administrator at some top American corporations and three as a KGB agent spying on America during the last decade of the Cold War.

The FBI did finally apprehend him in Pennsylvania but it was long after the Soviet Union had crumbled. What makes Jack Barsky’s story even more remarkable is he’s never spent a night in jail, the Russians declared him dead a long time ago, he’s living a quiet life in upstate New York and has worked in important and sensitive jobs. He’s now free to tell his story…as honestly as a former spy ever can.”

Click here to view the video via CBS online, or you can simply watch via the the embedded players below:

Part 1

Part 2

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Jeff Murray presents: Love, Death & Shortwave


From my buddy, Jeff Murray (K1NSS), the Mastermind behind Dashtoons:

“Created for the North American Shortwave Association’s Winterfest 2015, this unflinching documentary recalls a time when tuning a short wave radio was something akin to enjoying a schnapps in a cool West Berlin jazz bar less than a klick from Checkpoint Charley, especially if you were eleven years old.”

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TX Factor Episode 8


Many thanks to SWLing Post reader, David (G4EDR), who writes:

“I thought you and the many readers of your SWLingPost would be interested in the latest edition (8) of TX Factor a UK produced online TV programme.

It features two employees of the BBC who are also radio amateurs and shows them in their working environment as studio managers and continuity announcers on BBC radio.

Just navigate to and select watch now for episode 8.

There are also items about Icom UK and Practical Wireless magazine.

Thanks for hosting your SWLingPost, I really enjoy it.”


Many thanks again, David! Another brilliant episode! At time of posting, the TX Factor site was down, but their YouTube channel, of course, is working fine. I’ve embedded the video below:

My buddy Eric (WD8RIF) also alerted me that this episode had been published. I love watching TX Factor–I’m so impressed with both their programming and production quality.

TX Factor Team: Keep up the good work!

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Sproutie hears the Shortwave Shindig

IMG_7321SWLing Post reader, Dave Richards (AA7EE), made a short video of his regen receiver “Sproutie” tuned to the Shortwave Shindig Friday evening.

Dave writes:

“I was quite pleased with the fidelity. Of course, the skirts on a regen are quite broad, even though the nose of the selectivity curve is fairly narrow.  The signal was a bit lower in level and noisier at the beginning of the show but by the time it got to this segment, it was a nice strong signal. Sorry – no S-meter here, so that is the best I can do!”

Dave, thanks for sharing this video! Sproutie did a brilliant job tuning in a program from across the continent. I’m also most impressed with Sproutie’s audio. Amazing!

Readers, click here to read a previous post about Dave’s home brew regen receiver, “Sproutie.” Also, be sure to bookmark Dave’s blog by clicking here.

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