Radio Northern Europe International Show #26 Announcement

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Roseanna, with Radio Northern Europe International who shares the following announcement:


Radio Northern Europe International Show #26 Announcement!

Hei alle sammen,

RNEI #26 will be our two year anniversary .. it’s crazy to think that it’s already been two years since the first episode of RNEI back in February 2020!
I’ve put together a packed show full of lesser known music and artists and worked extra hard to make this show a good one and we’ve now got a new weekly slot on 15770KHz WRMI for our European listeners!
Some of the goodies you’ll hear in RNEI 26 are:

  • Some little known artists like Svea S, LAOISE and Vök
  • TATYANA wanting to lock us down
  • Little known Samí artist Inna Marja Amindsen brings us a fantastic joik
  • Our Song of the Month chosen by Karl from
  • Our most edited dance mix ever complete with MFSK 64 data!
  • On WRMI 5850, 7780 & some 15770 broadcasts or our On-Demand shows you’ll also hear:
    • Mamma’s Mest Metal (there are some fantastic choices this show!)
    • Stephen’s Feature on the Swedish-Samí artist Sofia Jannok
    • Daz’s EasyDRF Playlist (Decoder here – WRMI only)
  • On Channel 292 & some 15770 broadcasts you’ll also hear :
    • You will hear a fantastic episode of This is an Express Music Show (There are some production delays so the 292 version might be just RNEI 26 repeated or a shorter 30 minute broadcast)
    • You’ll also have a chance to receive Daz’s EasyDRF Playlist (Decoder here) just before TIAEMS starts

RNEI Winter 2022 Target Map (v2)

ND = non directional. The colour of AZ matches the map prediction.
For our schedule on other frequencies please see

We’ve recently added 15770KHz as a testing main frequency for our European listeners and we are really looking forward to hearing your feedback about this change!

Note: 15770KHz at this time has interference on the lower side band.
For radios we recommend using USB mode or tuning between 15772 – 15774KHz to eliminate the noise. For SDRs we recommend using a notch filter or dragging the lower side of the filter in.

If you miss the show or are unable to hear it you can always catch up on demand and, if you prefer to only hear our music, we have Spotify Playlists of each show which are usually published shortly after the first broadcast of the show on WRMI!

We really hope you enjoy this show and look forward to receiving your feedback and reception reports,
Til vi møtes igjen,

Click here to read full announcement and additional details at

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Carlos buys a vintage Wahda transistor radio

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Carlos Latuff, who writes:

Hey Thomas, check this radio set I just bought.

Portable, MW only, working with 4 AA batteries. It’s working perfectly.

This piece was made in Japan, I don’t know the year, but the curious thing is the Arabic name on it.

Maybe a model directed to Middle East markets?

Who knows, your readers may come with some information about this model.

All the best,

Carlos Latuff

What a cool little transistor radio! Thanks for sharing the photos, Carlos.

Post Readers: Please comment if you’re familiar with this particular radio model–or the Wahda brand–and have any insight to share with Carlos.

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Guest Post: “Tinkering with History”

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Bob Colegrove, who shares the following guest post:

Tinkering with History

By Bob Colegrove

One of the attractive aspects of radio as a hobby is that it has so many specialties to channel our time.  Just for the sake of classification, I would group these into two categories, listening and tinkering.  I think the meaning of each category is fairly intuitive.  Probably few of us approach our interest in radio in the same way.  Most of us have dabbled in more than one listening or tinkering specialty.  Perhaps we have been drawn to one particular area of interest, or we may have bounced around from one to another over a period of time.  I know the latter has been my case.

Tinkering might start with a simple curiosity about what makes the radio play, or hum, or buzz, and progress to an obsessive, compulsive disorder in making it play, hum or buzz better.  Unfortunately, over the past 30 years or so, the use of proprietary integrated circuits, as well as robotically-installed, surface-mounted components have greatly short-circuited what the average radio tinker can do.  For example, I have noticed a lot more interest in antennas over that period, and I think the reason is simple.  The antenna is one remaining area where a committed tinker can still cobble up a length of wire and supporting structure and draw some satisfaction.  But the complexity and lack of adequate documentation have largely kept newer radio cabinets intact and soldering irons cold.  Bill Halligan knew you were going to tinker with his radios, so he told you how they were put together.  The fun began when you took your radio out of warranty.  If you did get in over your head, there was usually somebody’s cousin not far away who could help you out.  The following is a sample of how one resolute tinker managed to overcome the problem of locked-down radios in the modern age. Continue reading

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Radio Waves: BBC License Fee Frozen, Battling RFI, Warning to RTL-SDR Users in Ukraine, and WRD Special Broadcast

Radio Waves:  Stories Making Waves in the World of Radio

Because I keep my ear to the waves, as well as receive many tips from others who do the same, I find myself privy to radio-related stories that might interest SWLing Post readers.  To that end: Welcome to the SWLing Post’s Radio Waves, a collection of links to interesting stories making waves in the world of radio. Enjoy!

BBC’s funding system under fire (Marketplace)

In the United Kingdom, you need a license to drive a car, fly a plane, practice medicine and watch TV.

The “TV license” is what Brits call their system for funding their world-famous broadcaster, the BBC. Currently, it costs the equivalent of $216 a year and is compulsory. Anyone in the U.K. caught watching or recording programs broadcast on any television channel or livestreamed on an online platform without a license is likely to be prosecuted.

The BBC — the Beeb, as it’s known — derives around $5 billion a year from this source. That’s 75% of the total revenue it needs to run a vast media empire, comprising 10 national TV channels and 10 national and 40 local radio stations as well as its World Service broadcasts and a global news website.

Full disclosure: The Beeb is a content partner for Marketplace.

But the license fee is under attack. The government just announced that it’s freezing the fee at the current level for two years and not increasing it in line with inflation — a decision that could cost the corporation nearly $400 million. The government has also hinted that it would like to eventually scrap the license fee altogether. [Continue reading at Marketplace…]

RF Interference (Nuts and Volts)

It’s everywhere! It’s everywhere! Fortunately, you can take a bite out of RFI.

RF interference — is it interference to you? Is it interference by you? Possibly both! What does this interference consist of? And how can you tell what type is present? A topic that starts off with so many questions is bound to cover a lot of ground, so let’s get started. Continue reading

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WBCQ 4790 kHz Testing Update

That’s not a typo, in addition to its flagship frequency 7490 kHz, WBCQ will be running staggered propagation tests of 4790 kHz during February for a new entertainment program
block sponsored by Angela and Allan Weiner and curated by Uncle Bill Tilford.  When the
regular schedule begins in March, it will be 2 hours per night of music and other entertainment from around the world.  Several new programs under development will participate when the regular schedule begins.
The February tests will use archival episodes of From the Isle of Music, Uncle Bill’s Melting Pot,
Marion’s Attic, Behavior Night, Rock Wave, Tom Call Theater, a Bluegrass State of Mind and Jetzt Geht’s Los!, a wonderful program from Germany of Weimar-era jazz.  In March these programs will be joined by several new ones from around the world.
The first week’s tests will run from February 1-5 from 6-8pm EST (2300-0100 UTC).  Each following week will run an hour later to determine optimum transmission times.  An eQSL will
be available for reception reports sent to [email protected]
For February 6-12, tests will run from 7-9pm EST (0000-0200 EST) 

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Giuseppe’s portable multi-loop homemade shoe rack antenna

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Giuseppe Morlè, who writes:

Dear Thomas,

I’m Giuseppe Morlè iz0gzw from central Italy on the Tyrrhenian Sea, Formia.

I am sending you this umpteenth project of mine built with poor materials…it is a test bench, loops / capacitors to find the best tuning.

The frame is a shoe rack in beech wood, very light, to take anywhere or to try out at home.
On the frame, there are 4 different loops of different sizes and 3 variable capacitors with different capacities. Only one signal transfer link to the receiver for all loops.

With alligator plugs I can use the different combinations of loop / variable to find the best tune

This test rig can tune the whole HF frequency range and medium wave.

I’ve attached 3 videos where you can see from the beginning to the last test on the balcony of my house.


Note that the following videos are in Italian, but you can turn on closed captioning and in the settings of the video have it auto-translate into the language of choice:

Click here to view on YouTube.

Click here to view on YouTube.

Click here to view on YouTube.

All, as always, spending very little and employing used materials!

Thanks to you and a warm greeting to the whole SWLing Post community.

I remain available for any clarification.

Greetings to all and good experimentation!

Thank you for sharing this Giuseppe! I love your ingenuity and spirit of experimentation! What a fun project that obviously yields excellent results!

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Presentation: Crystal Radio History, Construction, and Contesting

Many thanks to SWLing Post Contributor, David Day (N1DAY), who shares the video presentation below, offering even more insight into his most recent guest post on the topic of crystal radio DXing.

David has also posted this presentation on his website and notes that he’s happy to share the presentation slides without copyright. David notes:

[…]I have purposely not copyrighted this work so that anyone is free to modify it as they see fit. The only thing I ask is that if you make changes that you do not copyright the derivative work as your own intellectual property so that others can benefit from your knowledge and build upon it as well.

That’s brilliant, David! Thank you.


Click here to view on YouTube.

Click here to check out N1DAY’s website.

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